1. #36141
    Quote Originally Posted by nevermore View Post
    Hm that's odd, the hero point in the south-west corner of VB used to be a veteran but now it's a champion :/

    I prefer my hero points to be soloable, thanksssssssssss
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazgrel View Post
    Yup, they swapped that one (which used to spawn a vet raptor rider dude) with the one that used to be up in the busted airship that spawned the three hylek archer shitheads. The one up in the busted airship (east-ish of Lord Faren Waypoint) is a commune now, I believe.

    A nerf, I suppose, but I prefer to call that one a transfer. Heck, making the jump to get into that airship just to reach that HP can be mildly annoying.
    Yep, I think that's the one Nevermore is talking about. Honestly it makes sense they swapped it because the airship one is likely to have people just wandering by to help (since you have to go out of your way to get to while) while the other is on the way to the next zone. Makes sense to me.

  2. #36142
    my problem with the dragon's stand meta events is not even being able to get in an organised map

  3. #36143
    Quote Originally Posted by lurkingPeanut View Post
    my problem with the dragon's stand meta events is not even being able to get in an organised map
    While I haven't gotten to that map yet (I set foot in it just to get the first wp, only to realize you get all of them by default there), I would try checking LFG tool and see if there are any groups listed trying to taxi people into organized maps.

  4. #36144
    Legendary! Rivellana's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lurkingPeanut View Post
    my problem with the dragon's stand meta events is not even being able to get in an organised map
    Quote Originally Posted by Kazgrel View Post
    While I haven't gotten to that map yet (I set foot in it just to get the first wp, only to realize you get all of them by default there), I would try checking LFG tool and see if there are any groups listed trying to taxi people into organized maps.
    It kicks everyone off the map at 25 minutes past the hour, every second hour. If you go in right after that, you should be able to find a good map. If the timer says 2 hours, it's fresh. If it says 1 hour, you should probably just farm random stuff until the next hour rolls around.

    What I do is go into the map right after I know a fresh map will be starting, and spam refresh on LFG tool until I see a party that says something like "Organized Dragon's Stand". If you have three commanders on the map, you're probably good to go. If you recognize the name of whoever is running the taxi or any of the commanders, it's probably a good one. I've been doing them so often I've been in the maps with the same people most of the time.

    If you don't get taxi'd into an organized map within the first ten minutes after fresh reset, you're probably not going to get one going for the boss. The organized maps will be full. You might be able to find one where people are farming for mastery xp.

  5. #36145
    alright so me and a group of underdogs managed to get a DS map from scratch to the final boss fight against mordremoth. And at the very very last second we were all kicked out and sent to a different map because way back in the beginning we got a message saying our map had a low pop and asked us if we wanted to leave.

    All that time, all that effort, for nothing

    pls anet

    - - - Updated - - -

    I have to give props though, Gw2 is one of the very few, if not the only MMO that manages to get an entire map of hundreds (?) of people to work together towards one goal. People are discussing tactics and encouraging each other all around. I've never experienced that in any MMO. That might be why the community is considered as 'the nicest online community'.

  6. #36146
    Legendary! Rivellana's Avatar
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    Ugh, yeah. I'm sorry, that sucks for sure. It's a bug, and I've heard of it. When the map first starts filling up the bug makes the low population volunteer thing pop up. The only thing you can do is make sure you're in a party, relog when you have that message, and hope you can ferry back to your map. Relogging will make the volunteer message go away, and you won't be kicked off.

  7. #36147
    god damn it I actually had a map going for it but Anet and their updates ruined it
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  8. #36148
    Honestly I'm already starting to get a bit bored. .-.; Finding it hard to get myself to play between work.

    Truth be told, I'm getting a little wore out on more traditional MMOs and even GW2 doesn't distance itself THAT much from them. Kind of tired of my experiences being limited to exactly what the game wants them to be, rather than being able to build my own. It frustrates me that it isn't so much a, "Let's see what kind of trouble we can get into today!" versus a, "Let's try to complete this zone before the day is out."

    Maybe I'm just pissy and tired. Probably that. Going to bed.
    German science is the greatest in the world!

  9. #36149
    It's been tough for me to find any activity in a map other than Verdant Brink. I had some luck in SCAR section of Tangled Depths tonight. I think the Adventures there attract people. I've never seen anything close to an organized meta attempt there. I am not even sure if/what the end meta line is there.

    I got one good Dragon's Stand map and have found it empty otherwise. People hang in Verdant Brink and then hop to AB when the Tarir meta shows up.

    My goal is to find where to get the Ley Guard's Shield. Going for 600g on the TP right now.

  10. #36150
    Stood in the Fire Hattai's Avatar
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    Started up the game after a LONG hiatus, first time seeing Lion's Arch since it was a mostly smoking ruin. Wasn't prepared for how pretty it was.

  11. #36151
    So I went to guildwars2guru yesterday hoping to find a bigger forum discussing gw2 while avoiding the official forums (rather than just the one subforum here). Good lord is that place dead! I figured that the site would be reenergized now that HoT is out, but nope. Some of the threads on the top of the pile are weeks old. Granted, that community was pretty toxic, so it's not exactly a big loss, but it still surprises me how such a big fan site forum can be more or less dead in the water.
    Last edited by thewallofsleep; 2015-10-30 at 11:42 AM.

  12. #36152
    Quote Originally Posted by thewallofsleep View Post
    So I went to guildwars2guru yesterday hoping to find a bigger forum discussing gw2 while avoiding the official forums (rather than just the one subforum here). Good lord is that place dead! I figured that the site would be reenergized now that HoT is out, but nope. Some of the threads on the top of the pile are weeks old. Granted, that community was pretty toxic, so it's not exactly a big loss, but it still surprises me how such a big fan site forum can be more or less dead in the water.
    Official forums serve to centralize player communities. It relatively rare for a game to have so large and/or active a population that it can sustain many 3rd party websites.

    Guild Wars Guru came to prominence when official forums didn't exist for Guild Wars 2.

  13. #36153
    Quote Originally Posted by Hattai View Post
    Started up the game after a LONG hiatus, first time seeing Lion's Arch since it was a mostly smoking ruin. Wasn't prepared for how pretty it was.
    Oh yeah, same here. It got beautified.
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  14. #36154
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Halloween is slipping away and I haven't even done the clocktower yet. QQ. Where is the time going?

  15. #36155
    Quote Originally Posted by thewallofsleep View Post
    So I went to guildwars2guru yesterday hoping to find a bigger forum discussing gw2 while avoiding the official forums (rather than just the one subforum here). Good lord is that place dead! I figured that the site would be reenergized now that HoT is out, but nope. Some of the threads on the top of the pile are weeks old. Granted, that community was pretty toxic, so it's not exactly a big loss, but it still surprises me how such a big fan site forum can be more or less dead in the water.
    GW2Guru died when the official forums came out

    your best bet outside of the official forums for community is reddit

  16. #36156
    Quote Originally Posted by Kelimbror View Post
    Halloween is slipping away and I haven't even done the clocktower yet. QQ. Where is the time going?
    Considering the grind it takes to get enough candy corn to matter, not much point in doing this stuff so late. ;-; I'm namely doing laby for the luck increases(I'm at like 50% now) and for next year.

    ...Assuming this stuff will be good next year.
    Last edited by Rudol Von Stroheim; 2015-10-30 at 03:17 PM.
    German science is the greatest in the world!

  17. #36157
    this will be the 3rd time i've skipped halloween. I wish it didn't happen at the same time as the expansion.
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  18. #36158
    they should have delayed the expansion until after the holiday IMO

  19. #36159
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    they should have delayed the expansion until after the holiday IMO
    Or have halloween a week early
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  20. #36160
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    Yeah I would have preferred it just being early. At this point, they should probably extend it two weeks for us. Doing them together was an awful decision.

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