1. #36841
    Jesus...32 slot bags would be nice! I just upgraded to 24's on my main guardian to deal with the inventory wars in the new zone, because holy hell does it throw a ton of shit at you.

    I'm gonna try to use the Bjora zones to learn how to play my revenant I think, forgot that apparently you need to do the story to fully unlock them both or something so just slowly working through that. On the bright side, the story missions give some of the zone currency as a reward so that's nice! Hopefully I can power through the last part of the skyscale grind without too many problems.

    As for the mushrooms...IMO that's different. That's very much a "one and done" thing, and they're just alternative means of transportation that make some of those old HoT masteries somewhat useful again. Somewhat, because mounts are still far superior in most instances.

    It's that they keep expanding the masteries and integrating the powered up version into zone boss fights etc. If you show up late and don't have the right color powered up, you'll be useless during certain break bar situations no matter how much you're spamming your abilities : /

  2. #36842
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Jesus...32 slot bags would be nice! I just upgraded to 24's on my main guardian to deal with the inventory wars in the new zone, because holy hell does it throw a ton of shit at you.
    I think it's much easier to just gold-to-gems bag slots, it gives more slots than upgrade to 32 slot bag and price is not much bigger.
    Last edited by Rogalicus; 2020-06-10 at 06:05 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by anaxie View Post
    Looking for Raid.
    They never found one though

  3. #36843
    Quote Originally Posted by Rogalicus View Post
    I think it's much easier to just gold-to-gems bag slots, it gives more slots than upgrade to 32 slot bag and price is not much bigger.
    Probably. I'm still poor AF, usually hovering around a few hundred gold (I loathe farming gold without a single legendary) so it's out of reach for me as a super-duper casual player. These 24's are plenty fine for my guardian since I've got an extra slot or two (plus I think I've got one of the 30 slot bags from...something?), I just still wish we didn't have to play Inventory Wars so often in general but that ain't happenin.

  4. #36844
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Jesus...32 slot bags would be nice! I just upgraded to 24's on my main guardian to deal with the inventory wars in the new zone, because holy hell does it throw a ton of shit at you.

    I'm gonna try to use the Bjora zones to learn how to play my revenant I think, forgot that apparently you need to do the story to fully unlock them both or something so just slowly working through that. On the bright side, the story missions give some of the zone currency as a reward so that's nice! Hopefully I can power through the last part of the skyscale grind without too many problems.

    As for the mushrooms...IMO that's different. That's very much a "one and done" thing, and they're just alternative means of transportation that make some of those old HoT masteries somewhat useful again. Somewhat, because mounts are still far superior in most instances.

    It's that they keep expanding the masteries and integrating the powered up version into zone boss fights etc. If you show up late and don't have the right color powered up, you'll be useless during certain break bar situations no matter how much you're spamming your abilities : /
    I think(not 100% on this) that you could also park an alt in the portal room that opens up after completing the first side of the maps meta event. I don't think you get kicked out when the storm kicks up again. That would give you 3 chests daily for a 10 second log in. And depending on how many alts you got you could potentially log em near the larger chests so if you do get sick of doing the metas/raven tests you could still get quite a bit of ice each day by spending a couple seconds logging on each toon.

    Also if you have any teleport to friends you can usually get free rides to zones by using the lfg tab and skip any story stuff you don't wanna do.

    Yeah it's gunna suck for people if they keep on with the lasers mastery. Especially when they locked like 99% of the mastery points behind achievements.

  5. #36845
    UGH I'm 6 points away from completing all these masteries and I've gotten all the map and story ones plus some of the faster achievement ones like the weapon collections. Seems like I'm going to need to grind all the legions and find two other mastery point achievements to do.

  6. #36846
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty123456 View Post
    UGH I'm 6 points away from completing all these masteries and I've gotten all the map and story ones plus some of the faster achievement ones like the weapon collections. Seems like I'm going to need to grind all the legions and find two other mastery point achievements to do.
    Yeah Im the last mastery. I can go back an grind older maps or grind the current one. The grinds would be considered 'content' if only Anet knew how to market them like bigger studio such as Blizzard.

    This season isn't so bad if you consider that the rollouts are faster but the content shorter (of behind things that would be seasons/story iterations in other games). The worst flaw of GW2 has always been selling itself in a market where its the 'alternative' game. They had the same problem with GW1 but the field wasn't as crowded.

    Grinding the Legions is basically a rep grind in any other game, which people would tolerate. In GW2 for some reason, it feels like a chore even though they throw rewards at you for doing it.

  7. #36847
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Yeah Im the last mastery. I can go back an grind older maps or grind the current one. The grinds would be considered 'content' if only Anet knew how to market them like bigger studio such as Blizzard.

    This season isn't so bad if you consider that the rollouts are faster but the content shorter (of behind things that would be seasons/story iterations in other games). The worst flaw of GW2 has always been selling itself in a market where its the 'alternative' game. They had the same problem with GW1 but the field wasn't as crowded.

    Grinding the Legions is basically a rep grind in any other game, which people would tolerate. In GW2 for some reason, it feels like a chore even though they throw rewards at you for doing it.
    I think the main problem is almost all the rewards you ever get is small amounts of a bunch of different types of low level shit that is mostly useless. Sure some of it can be used to create ascended mats but they are time gated so everything feels like a massive grind for almost no gain.

  8. #36848
    Yeah...the mastery grind is not something I'm looking forward to. I'm factoring in the 4 I'll eventually get from the warband emblem completion stuff in the new zone, but I'll still need to get another 6 just to max out the Simon Says masteries.

    And then see how many PoF mastery points I'll need to ear to get the Skyscale stuff after I finish grinding that out.

    I really, really, really, really don't like how masteries transitioned from something that was a standard part of progression and wasn't terribly difficult to complete during normal PoF to feeling more and more like I actually have to go do a bunch of annoying achievements I have minimal interest in if i just wanna bloody keep up with mastery progression.

  9. #36849
    POF Mastery I've got a pretty big surplus on, so I'd think you shouldn't have a big problem with that really. There's plenty of extra points laying around and gained during story stuff.

    The newer season went to it's own mastery that seems to require doing 90% of stuff, which is one of the reasons I'm not very invested in it. I also hate "NPC/ Boss kills you with one shot in cutscene" crap, and GW2's writing always tends to the "yeah, I'd never say/ agree to that" level.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  10. #36850
    Man, seriously, Drizzlewood Coast is my freakin jam. I've been lucky and logged in just before the map meta the last few times I played so rewards galore. But I really enjoy the buildup to the fight, the meta fight is pretty fun (not hard, but fun), and the boss-race at the end is enjoyable. Also realized that the boss race at the end takes keys to open all those chests, which I never knew as I was apparently loaded up with them until I ran out last night!

    Also, I never noticed, but when the artillery barrage event or whatever happens to reset the map there's some rad background noise/music. Sounds almost like low whizzing of artillery flying around and muted explosions, but the way they mixed it makes it sound very musical, with deep strings and percussion. Just happened to have volume up high enough without music playing while it was going on and it was super cool.

    Though that one boss in the northwest corner that phases every 25% and jumps to rooftops...fuck that boss, so insanely annoying -_-

  11. #36851
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    The Drizzlewood artillery barrage sounds like the Purge and its great.

  12. #36852
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Preview for the next content release is up


  13. #36853
    Looks like Drizzlewood Coast is getting expanded, like Bjora Marches was. I'm super duper happy with this, love that zone and still have a ton of grinding to do so I'll be able to work on that while I'm in the new part of the zone (apparently)!

  14. #36854
    I still didn't finish the current one, just feels boring to "help people in the area" over and over. New episode doesn't look very story-ish either.

    I wonder if they'll have voice acting or if they haven't figured out how phones work yet?
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  15. #36855
    Quote Originally Posted by Svifnymr View Post
    I still didn't finish the current one, just feels boring to "help people in the area" over and over. New episode doesn't look very story-ish either.

    I wonder if they'll have voice acting or if they haven't figured out how phones work yet?
    I mean, it's basically just another zone with activities to do. IMO it's way more repeatable than previous zones.

    And as for VO...that's not how it works at all. There are alternatives right now, and some voice actors have full/makeshift recording setups (some use their closets), but that's not universal and it's not gonna work for everyone or every situation.

  16. #36856
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    I'm kind of surprised (maybe they have and I haven't seen it) that someone within community hasn't done their own voice over. I know I would if I wanted to try to a GW2 YouTube channel off.

  17. #36857
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I mean, it's basically just another zone with activities to do. IMO it's way more repeatable than previous zones.
    I meant the story, not the zone. I dislike "hey, go do a heart before the next step of the story" type stuff.

    And as for VO...that's not how it works at all. There are alternatives right now, and some voice actors have full/makeshift recording setups (some use their closets), but that's not universal and it's not gonna work for everyone or every situation.
    That's not how it works optimally, but it can work well enough to fill in the main stuff. Some of the actors may not want to do it, of course, but recording it on a portable device and tinkering with it after is workable enough really.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  18. #36858
    New episode is out today. Sadly don't have time to jump in immediately, but I'll give it a look by the weekend.

  19. #36859
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    New/updated map meta I'd long (fastest I've seen reported was 2 hours) but the new part is fun at least the first time around. Haven't finished the story yet.

    Kind of sad that Anet does not have a dedicated raid team because this meta proves they did not stop pushing raids due to lack of creativity. I recommend hitting up the meta when there's less people so you can really take everything in but it's on par, if not better than other large scale meta events.

    Next release in September will have voice acting with with voice acting for already released content coming shortly after.

  20. #36860
    The new Wild Trihorn Raptor Skin looks kinda interesting. Its like they took a part from like 12 dinosaurs to make it.

    Looks like they are doing a contest for a GW2 gaming pc:
    Last edited by qwerty123456; 2020-08-01 at 02:58 AM.

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