Jesus...32 slot bags would be nice! I just upgraded to 24's on my main guardian to deal with the inventory wars in the new zone, because holy hell does it throw a ton of shit at you.
I'm gonna try to use the Bjora zones to learn how to play my revenant I think, forgot that apparently you need to do the story to fully unlock them both or something so just slowly working through that. On the bright side, the story missions give some of the zone currency as a reward so that's nice! Hopefully I can power through the last part of the skyscale grind without too many problems.
As for the mushrooms...IMO that's different. That's very much a "one and done" thing, and they're just alternative means of transportation that make some of those old HoT masteries somewhat useful again. Somewhat, because mounts are still far superior in most instances.
It's that they keep expanding the masteries and integrating the powered up version into zone boss fights etc. If you show up late and don't have the right color powered up, you'll be useless during certain break bar situations no matter how much you're spamming your abilities : /