1. #36861
    recently returned to the game and its been a blast. always something to do and grate community

  2. #36862

    Skimmers will work underwater after the update on the 25th!

    Granted I can't remember the last time I actually did any underwater content...but that's kinda neat all the same.

  3. #36863
    The Lightbringer Advent's Avatar
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    Finished my last ascended set, now I have all three. Not much else that really grabs me anymore, since the story lost me after I killed Balthazar or w/e.

  4. #36864
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post

    Skimmers will work underwater after the update on the 25th!

    Granted I can't remember the last time I actually did any underwater content...but that's kinda neat all the same.

    Was wondering when we'd get an underwater mount, I'll take the Skimmer being made into one over needing to finish another long-winded collection...

  5. #36865
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Advent View Post
    Finished my last ascended set, now I have all three. Not much else that really grabs me anymore, since the story lost me after I killed Balthazar or w/e.
    You missed a ton of story if you stopped there because Balthazar was only half of that equation.

    There were 3 big bads in POF.

    Second thought, I think I misunderstood what you meant. I do think Jormag is ty most interesting dragon so far. Mordremoth was smart one dimensional. Jormag has a lot more depth.
    Last edited by PACOX; 2020-08-09 at 12:28 AM.

  6. #36866
    The Lightbringer Advent's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    You missed a ton of story if you stopped there because Balthazar was only half of that equation.

    There were 3 big bads in POF.

    Second thought, I think I misunderstood what you meant. I do think Jormag is ty most interesting dragon so far. Mordremoth was smart one dimensional. Jormag has a lot more depth.
    I know there is more, I'm saying the story has lost me. Meaning it isn't interesting or engaging to me anymore. I'm bored of the Dragon storyline, the gods stuff was a breath of fresh air. After that, it feels like they're regressing to dull, faceless villains I couldn't care less about.

  7. #36867
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Advent View Post
    I know there is more, I'm saying the story has lost me. Meaning it isn't interesting or engaging to me anymore. I'm bored of the Dragon storyline, the gods stuff was a breath of fresh air. After that, it feels like they're regressing to dull, faceless villains I couldn't care less about.
    Yeah I figured that so I went back and made an edit. Makes sense. Especially since they kind of retconned Jormag and keep saying don't kill dragons.

  8. #36868
    Quote Originally Posted by Queen of Hamsters View Post

    Was wondering when we'd get an underwater mount, I'll take the Skimmer being made into one over needing to finish another long-winded collection...
    Don't get too excited...you'll need to unlock underwater use via a (likely) long-winded collection : |

  9. #36869
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Don't get too excited...you'll need to unlock underwater use via a (likely) long-winded collection : |
    ... My celebration morphed into quiet despair. It wouldn't surprise me, they do sure love their collections... Hopefully won't be worse than the Gryphon though!

  10. #36870
    Quote Originally Posted by Queen of Hamsters View Post
    ... My celebration morphed into quiet despair. It wouldn't surprise me, they do sure love their collections... Hopefully won't be worse than the Gryphon though!
    I imagine this will be a more standard collection rather than a proper gryphon/dragon multi-step, time gated, gold eating affair. It makes sense as this is just adding on QoL addition for a single mount vs. earning a whole new mount entirely.

    That or I just am hoping for that so much that I'm choosing to believe it's the more likely scenario.

  11. #36871
    But, it'll probably all be underwater collections... which might get tedious quicker.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  12. #36872
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    It's weird that keep adding to underwater content without any end goal...unless they've been working on Cantha for a really really long time. All this after they basically abandoned underwater content, even removing some underwater hearts and stopped making underwater weapon skins.

    -Underwater skill balance pass
    -Underwater infusions, chests, helms
    -Aquatic fractal rework
    -Skimmer change

    4 updates to a biome otherwise abandoned.

    There's no underwater combat in POF or the living stories after it. Cantha is actually going to have a bunch of underwater stuff or Anet is really bad at budgeting dev time.

  13. #36873
    Mechagnome Ragu4's Avatar
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    I've been enjoying the game quite a bit after a LONG time away. Been hammering away at the story content and making sure to do the octovine and other large events. Currently working to get skyscale before I hit up the iceborn saga. Its like my game away from my 2 jobs (actual work and WoW Classic).

  14. #36874
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    There's no underwater combat in POF or the living stories after it. Cantha is actually going to have a bunch of underwater stuff or Anet is really bad at budgeting dev time.
    There is the dock! :-p

    But yeah, I think they're just bad at budgeting time. Maybe they WANT to make Underwater important, so they keep tweaking, but can't seem to get it to what the want, so never follow through.
    "I only feel two things Gary, nothing, and nothingness."

  15. #36875
    Over 9000! Poppincaps's Avatar
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    I've tried to get into GW2 several times but ended up falling off primarily because while the exploration was fun, there wasn't much story to keep me engaged. How would you recommend that I play? I boosted a level 80 Elementalist because I wanted to play a Tempest and then I was just gonna go around doing World Completion and the story as I got to it. Is there a better way to go about it?

  16. #36876
    Quote Originally Posted by Poppincaps View Post
    I've tried to get into GW2 several times but ended up falling off primarily because while the exploration was fun, there wasn't much story to keep me engaged. How would you recommend that I play? I boosted a level 80 Elementalist because I wanted to play a Tempest and then I was just gonna go around doing World Completion and the story as I got to it. Is there a better way to go about it?
    What didn't you find engaging about the story? Or was it just the sparseness of it? There's quiet a bit of story at 80 but the living world stuff either requires you to have logged in when they released it or for you to buy it.

    As for the pre 80 story I'll be honest that I'm not sure how much grinding was needed to get to the next storyline as I don't think I have ever fully leveled a char without either using tomes of knowledge, char boosts, or exp/crafting boosts and lvling from crafting(which can cost quite a bit of gold if your buying everything from the ah).

    You get a ton of free shit just logging in everyday. Honestly I recommend just logging in getting the tomes and stuff then maxing a toon and playing through all the story once you hit 80.

  17. #36877
    Over 9000! Poppincaps's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwerty123456 View Post
    What didn't you find engaging about the story? Or was it just the sparseness of it? There's quiet a bit of story at 80 but the living world stuff either requires you to have logged in when they released it or for you to buy it.

    As for the pre 80 story I'll be honest that I'm not sure how much grinding was needed to get to the next storyline as I don't think I have ever fully leveled a char without either using tomes of knowledge, char boosts, or exp/crafting boosts and lvling from crafting(which can cost quite a bit of gold if your buying everything from the ah).

    You get a ton of free shit just logging in everyday. Honestly I recommend just logging in getting the tomes and stuff then maxing a toon and playing through all the story once you hit 80.
    Yeah it was mainly the sparseness. I boosted a character because I didn't really like how the game played at lower levels but I was planning on doing world exploration and the story like I would if I was leveling like normal. Maybe I should just blow through the story and get to the first expansion and living world stuff?

  18. #36878
    Quote Originally Posted by Poppincaps View Post
    Yeah it was mainly the sparseness. I boosted a character because I didn't really like how the game played at lower levels but I was planning on doing world exploration and the story like I would if I was leveling like normal. Maybe I should just blow through the story and get to the first expansion and living world stuff?
    Both expansions have some pretty good Elite specializations you can unlock and Path of Fire has some great mounts that help you get around while the main thing you want from Heart of Thorns is the gliding which kinda becomes mostly useless once you get the griffon/skyscale but can save your ass in combat if you are knocked up. Id recommend getting both expansions do their story lines and only do the living world stuff you've unlocked for free. Then if you really like the game after that go and buy some of the living world stuff you missed out on.

    Also maybe do the main story first to see if you have any interest in the storyline of the game before you buy the expansions just in case you end up hating it. You won't get any amazing rewards but it will give you a feel of the story. Or if you dont mind spoilers :https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Story_Journal

  19. #36879
    The Unstoppable Force Kelimbror's Avatar
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    I've been back in for about a month, boosted a Rev for pvp but have been pleasantly surprised with it all around. Herald elite is so dank for world bosses and pvp. The amount of utility and creative play with that class is very fun. Since the festival I stopped doing the story and have been smashing dailies and stuff every day, so it's just my sad little raptor, but as soon as it's over I'll go back to the story and start getting dem aminalz.

    Gotta catch em all.

  20. #36880
    Banned Lazuli's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    It's weird that keep adding to underwater content without any end goal...unless they've been working on Cantha for a really really long time. All this after they basically abandoned underwater content, even removing some underwater hearts and stopped making underwater weapon skins.

    -Underwater skill balance pass
    -Underwater infusions, chests, helms
    -Aquatic fractal rework
    -Skimmer change

    4 updates to a biome otherwise abandoned.

    There's no underwater combat in POF or the living stories after it. Cantha is actually going to have a bunch of underwater stuff or Anet is really bad at budgeting dev time.
    That was what I immediately thought, cantha will probably have a lot of underwater, afterall bubbles could be there and probably is.
    Last edited by Lazuli; 2020-08-20 at 12:10 PM.

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