Dope. I might finally dip my toes in, then. Still never even had a precursor after all these years of playing (mostly in bursts with long breaks) but I do want to work on a lego at some point. I should probably go for some of the easier collection ones to take a break from EoD stuff for a bit.
Hilariously my mechanist actually feels stronger than my guardian (either my firebrand condi or willbender zerker builds) with just a vanilla zerker build (slightly tweaked the one on metabattle) so I might see if I can use her for a bunch of chievos instead of my guardian. It's been ages since I played a class with a strong ranged option (ranger, and even then not so much) and holy hell are a lot of bosses WAY easier when you can put even just a small amount of distance between them and you.
Also, it's terrible but I'm proud of renaming my mech "Mechal Jackson". It's gonna bust all the sickest dance moves and I'll keep it away from the asura.