1. #37521
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Yup, you can get progress the legendary armor collection with the Emboldend buff/mode active.
    Dope. I might finally dip my toes in, then. Still never even had a precursor after all these years of playing (mostly in bursts with long breaks) but I do want to work on a lego at some point. I should probably go for some of the easier collection ones to take a break from EoD stuff for a bit.

    Hilariously my mechanist actually feels stronger than my guardian (either my firebrand condi or willbender zerker builds) with just a vanilla zerker build (slightly tweaked the one on metabattle) so I might see if I can use her for a bunch of chievos instead of my guardian. It's been ages since I played a class with a strong ranged option (ranger, and even then not so much) and holy hell are a lot of bosses WAY easier when you can put even just a small amount of distance between them and you.

    Also, it's terrible but I'm proud of renaming my mech "Mechal Jackson". It's gonna bust all the sickest dance moves and I'll keep it away from the asura.

  2. #37522
    Damn man, I forgot how kinda fun the collection achievements can be, especially the "bigger" ones that come with some custom dialogue/cutscenes. Feels like some actual RPG shit, yo.

    Got my haggard ass in gear to start working on a bunch of them since I'm having fun on my engineer - mechanics is stupid strong and very fast with the move speed signet, if not sorta boring, but holosmith is a ton of fun to play when I don't need to have a "strong" spec to carry my dumbass.

    Finding all the pieces for Caladbolg was fairly easy (thanks, Wiki's!) and thankfully I had enough crafting mats (and at least armorsmithing maxed out) for it. Got the 1h sword for now and it looks cool. Seriously debating dumping the Unbound Magic I have on the other forms so I can get the skins and achievement to collect them all (since fuck doing that collection quest and getting the mats 4 more times) now that I unlocked the NPC for my home instance. Guess I should farm some winterberries so build up Unbound Magic again since so I've got some reserves.

    Real though, mechanist just feels so bloody broken strong. Been trying some of the group HP's in HoT while I work through that story (why not get some old achievements and clear out the meta achievements for some of them!) and pleasantly surprised that a lot are very doable with just myself and Mechal Jackson. Granted I at least have a proper build this time and not whatever garbage build I was using on my guardian when I first went through, but even the fights and encounters during the story feel hilariously easy in comparison.

    Autoattack go brrrrrrrrrrrr.

  3. #37523
    The Lightbringer Advent's Avatar
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    Yeah collections are pretty phenomenal in my opinion. Other MMORPGs should definitely learn something from this.

  4. #37524

    August balance patch notes are up, just focusing on mesmer/warrior. Don't ask me about mesmers, but it seems like they're sorta reverting banners to how they acted before? That's what I'm gleaning from folks that play warriors, but it seems like it's less of a shit mechanic vs. what they did to it. Shorter duration banners, but the buffs stack faster so you won't need to spend your time hanging around them most of the fight which seems nice.

    And they're planning another balance patch for Aug. 23 "focused on buffing a larger set of specializations". Hoping this includes mechanist nerfs somewhere. Don't get me wrong, I like how stupid powerful mechanics is simply by holding down the autoattack button and all, but it really does need some tweaks because it's boring AF to play. It's at least nice in that it's not quite as much of a piano build vs. other engi specs, but they need to find a bit more of a middle ground with it IMO.

  5. #37525
    What collections are really great/fun/etc?

    I only ask because most of the ones I tried when I played were either grindy farms or just "9 items that you can get in 5 minutes and 1 item that costs 200g".

  6. #37526
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    What collections are really great/fun/etc?

    I only ask because most of the ones I tried when I played were either grindy farms or just "9 items that you can get in 5 minutes and 1 item that costs 200g".
    Snargle's books

    There's 3 fan weapons that I forget the name of

    Meta achieves for various maps

    Just filter achieves by rewards, there's a lot of stuff.

  7. #37527
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Snargle's books

    There's 3 fan weapons that I forget the name of

    Meta achieves for various maps

    Just filter achieves by rewards, there's a lot of stuff.
    Big ups for Snargle. Though most of the EoD collections have been pretty good so far, IMO. Only one that seems to require much gold is the turtle.

    There are others, like the Caldabog collection that comes from HoT. That one was particularly fun.

  8. #37528
    If you don't have a skyscale its long one, but another great one is getting ones that eat ascended materiel like bloodstone dust. Hera is one that comes to mine and there is a few from living story season 3 that you can get that when merged together form a big one that is needed for a legendary ring( or trinket).

  9. #37529
    Quote Originally Posted by Felthan View Post
    If you don't have a skyscale its long one, but another great one is getting ones that eat ascended materiel like bloodstone dust. Hera is one that comes to mine and there is a few from living story season 3 that you can get that when merged together form a big one that is needed for a legendary ring( or trinket).
    I do need to look into some ways to burn some ascended materials again. Bought storage increases but I'm starting to fill up my bank with auric dust and shit once more.

    Same with spirit shards and mystic forge. Basically never used it other than for the occasional daily (toss in 4 karma items, get daily achieve), but I'm sitting on like 1700 of the suckers and figure I should use them to make some gold somehow.

  10. #37530
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    Same with spirit shards and mystic forge. Basically never used it other than for the occasional daily (toss in 4 karma items, get daily achieve), but I'm sitting on like 1700 of the suckers and figure I should use them to make some gold somehow.
    Funny you mention that now, the way I made all my money with those was crafting the weapons that were the "200g items" used in the collections I mentioned earlier!

    They sold pretty fast, too. But that was a long time ago.

  11. #37531
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghost of Cow View Post
    Funny you mention that now, the way I made all my money with those was crafting the weapons that were the "200g items" used in the collections I mentioned earlier!

    They sold pretty fast, too. But that was a long time ago.
    There's apparently a djinn that spawns every few hours at the mystic forge that you can give some mats you purchase from the main NPC lady to, but I still have yet to check the forge while he's there : (

  12. #37532
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    How to convert spirit shards. It's a pain in the ass. The general concept is that you use spirit shards to buy mats needed for the recipes on the page then sell the results for a profit.

    Also the djinn is a lie.
    Last edited by PACOX; 2022-07-28 at 11:36 PM.

  13. #37533
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post

    How to convert spirit shards. It's a pain in the ass. The general concept is that you use spirit shards to buy mats needed for the recipes on the page then sell the results for a profit.

    Also the djinn is a lie.
    Well that's good, fewer trips to LA : P

    I keep forgetting that site exists, and sadly it seems that weapons are more of the profitable items to craft and my only maxed out crafting profession is armorsmith (for ascended gear for my guardian). Guess I'll have to get around to trying to remember how to use the crafting site to powerlevel my weaponsmithing so I can start earning some gold.

    I'm constantly poor (2-300G max, with lots of things I want to buy but simply don't because I like having a nice supply of gold in case there's an expensive new collection a la gryphon/skyscale) so once I figure out how to get weaponsmithing up I can hopefully start making some scratch off converting those spirit shards I'm collecting everywhere except IBS (one day I'll finish clearing out those masteries).

    Edit: Dope, at most it looks like I'm spending around a whopping 13G to max that out via GW2 crafts (had to find my API key). Yay for stockpiling materials and recently buying storage expansions to help with that. I should get around to just blasting out all my crafting professions finally and be done with it. I've been collecting so many plans/recipes I can't use over the years. All my EoD meta rewards are mostly going towards those ascended recipe's just so I can have them all. Sure I don't need them and won't really use them, and I could probably benefit from getting the other rewards to sell and whatnot...but I like collecting things!
    Last edited by Edge-; 2022-07-28 at 11:55 PM.

  14. #37534
    The collections i was talking about is These 4:

    Once you do those 4 you can make https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Gle...tience#vendor1 by putting those 4 in in the mystic forge

    Gleam of Sentience lets you buy https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sentient_Seed needed to make https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Aurora

    https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Herta is one you can do also for eating bloodstone dust. Also has a small chance to drop a infusion worth 800g+
    Last edited by Felthan; 2022-07-29 at 01:01 AM. Reason: left a link out for another item

  15. #37535
    A bit more expensive, but got to 400 weaponsmithing and discovering I can make a fair number of weapons that sell for a bit of gold with what I've got stored. Yay, I can recoup some of my losses and get to 500 while periodically making a bit of gold.

    Finally getting some research notes to boot which is nice, guess holding off on leveling up professions may end up playing out alright as I can level them all up and just scrap everything I make for research notes.

  16. #37536
    If you own any expansion you unlock the raptor at level 10 (Hooray, players no longer need to do the story out of order to unlock this necessary feature!). You still need PoF to unlock the masteries.

    Untamed pet abilities can now be set to autoattack by holding the control key and right clicking. Still doesn't fix the spec but it helps a little.

  17. #37537
    What is guildwars 2 like in the end game? Is it dungeoning and raiding like wow or more solo orientated?

  18. #37538
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pahbi View Post
    What is guildwars 2 like in the end game? Is it dungeoning and raiding like wow or more solo orientated?
    Its open. You can be someone who only does open world stuff and not run out of content.

    As far as endgame PVE instances go, there's fractals, raids, and strikes.

    If you played Mystic+ in WoW know Blizzard adapted the idea from GW2s fractals. There are mini-dungeon instances that scale in difficulty and add affixes to the encounters.

    Raids a(10 man) re what you would expect in any game with raids except GW2 doesn't have ilvls. So people who know the game very well will make the fights look easy while beginners might seens countless hours trying to learn fights.

    Strikes are 10 man single boss encounters, like FF14. They were originally designed to be intros to raids so the first set of strikes are easy. Each strike is progressively harder or more mechanic intensive. With the latest expansion strikes have completely replaced raids. They come with two difficulties, normal and CM. Normals are on par with or slightly below raid boss difficulty. CMs are raid boss difficulty. The most recent CM released gained some hype among other MMO communities due to its difficulty.

    Then you have your PVP and WvW scenes, some would call those the original endgame modes way back in the day before Anet started making more PVE oriented content.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    If you own any expansion you unlock the raptor at level 10 (Hooray, players no longer need to do the story out of order to unlock this necessary feature!). You still need PoF to unlock the masteries.

    Untamed pet abilities can now be set to autoattack by holding the control key and right clicking. Still doesn't fix the spec but it helps a little.
    It was a smart decision. A lot of people buy the expansion because they heard about GW2s amazing mounts but then find out you have to be lvl 80 and through the entire core story, an expansion, and 2 (almost 3 now) living story chapters to unlock mounts naturally.

    On Untamed, TBF Untamed is the best dps/alac option in endgame and not bad in pvp.

  19. #37539
    So if I buy the expansion I can get a mount at level 10, otherwise I have to wait till level 80?

  20. #37540
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    You always had to buy the expansion for the mount. The change is that you had do a lvl 80 story mission to get it. Now you automatically get your first mount at lvl 10.

    People who don't have the expansion also get a trial mount that lasts 5 hours or something.

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