1. #37901
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Soto part 3

    Wizard Vault Refresh for Tuesday patch

    Road map

    Last edited by PACOX; 2024-02-22 at 07:48 PM.

  2. #37902
    I'm keeping expectations in check after the last update, but hoping this is a bit meatier with the new weapon and legendary armor 1.0. They did update the armor for charr to give more neck covering but...yeah even on legendary armor charr will forever be saddled with bad clipping issues and jank.

    Oh well, got my AA capped so I'm ready to start getting the bits I want from the next slate of rewards. That cat chair is gonna be super common but damnit, I love it.

  3. #37903
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Long Cat is back, and this time it has spread to all the races.

    Image stolen from reddit.

  4. #37904
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Finally getting an inspect feature


    Article also talks about various QoL projects they've completed. Hints at a texture refresh thanks to DX11. Some backend tech they unlocked/came up with (say that because Anet has openly struggled with the games engine since launch).

    And first still of expansion 5, which comes out this year.

  5. #37905
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Hints at a texture refresh thanks to DX11. Some backend tech they unlocked/came up with (say that because Anet has openly struggled with the games engine since launch).
    I'm still old enough to 'memba when they were shit talking a DX11 upgrade saying it wouldn't provide many performance improvements (it did) or other benefits (it has, and is still bringing them).

    As much as I love their backend and hope they can make that work with other tech so they can continue operating games that have functionally zero downtime, I cannot fucking wait for them to abandon this fucking archaic engine. I'm tired of frequently getting 7 FPS in Amnytas because I happened to turn my camera towards teh center of the zone and not being able to have more than a handful of players on my screen at once without the game chugging and turning into a fucking slideshow.

  6. #37906
    Quote Originally Posted by Edge- View Post
    I'm still old enough to 'memba when they were shit talking a DX11 upgrade saying it wouldn't provide many performance improvements (it did) or other benefits (it has, and is still bringing them).

    As much as I love their backend and hope they can make that work with other tech so they can continue operating games that have functionally zero downtime, I cannot fucking wait for them to abandon this fucking archaic engine. I'm tired of frequently getting 7 FPS in Amnytas because I happened to turn my camera towards teh center of the zone and not being able to have more than a handful of players on my screen at once without the game chugging and turning into a fucking slideshow.
    Are they going to switch engines?

  7. #37907
    Quote Originally Posted by PenguinChan View Post
    Are they going to switch engines?
    For GW2, absolutely not.

    But last I recall they're confirmed to be working with UE5 for their other project(s).

  8. #37908

  9. #37909
    Completing the pvp seasonal reward structure gives around 100g...im doing that
    Also the last "chest" is an infinite repeatable 25gold reward...i intend to farm that.
    Why i need gold?
    To have fun giving it away to randoms

    Also, PvP fashion Wars:

  10. #37910
    I used to get the final Byzantanium chest from the ranked seasonal PvP reward track when I was doing ranked SPvP every day two or three years ago, but that was when I was working towards the PvP legendary armor set. Then I got all of the timegated mats and then added up the costs and realized I would have to spend hundreds of dollars to buy the gold I needed to buy the mats to craft the set, or spend thousands more hours playing on the same small SPvP maps farming the gold.

  11. #37911
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    I used to get the final Byzantanium chest from the ranked seasonal PvP reward track when I was doing ranked SPvP every day two or three years ago, but that was when I was working towards the PvP legendary armor set. Then I got all of the timegated mats and then added up the costs and realized I would have to spend hundreds of dollars to buy the gold I needed to buy the mats to craft the set, or spend thousands more hours playing on the same small SPvP maps farming the gold.
    Is it really that hard? i had no idea

    I just want to give away my gold to random people xD for "roleplay" reasons

  12. #37912
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Thanks View Post
    Is it really that hard? i had no idea

    I just want to give away my gold to random people xD for "roleplay" reasons
    Gold in the game is not hard to find and not a huge deal. You can get buy with about 100g, going over when you need to buy stuff in bulk. Farming high values to suddenly get your gold up to buy some material you need is pretty simple. Want to make a piece of ascended gear but need gold? Go do some expansion world bosses, sell the unid bags you get, sell amalg gemstones from meta chests, easy gold for what you need.

    Site dedicated to making gold in GW2


  13. #37913
    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Gold in the game is not hard to find and not a huge deal. You can get buy with about 100g, going over when you need to buy stuff in bulk. Farming high values to suddenly get your gold up to buy some material you need is pretty simple. Want to make a piece of ascended gear but need gold? Go do some expansion world bosses, sell the unid bags you get, sell amalg gemstones from meta chests, easy gold for what you need.

    Site dedicated to making gold in GW2

    Thank you

    If i ever decide to leave the pvp area and do some PvE i'll give it a try!
    Made 150g so far...with 83 games played O_O too many games

  14. #37914
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    New pvp mode entering beta

    Today, we are excited to share the Push game mode—a 5v5 match where the main objective is clear: push the objective to the enemy base while keeping them from pushing it to yours! While we have the prototype of a map and mechanics implemented, one of our main goals is to develop this new game mode with you. Starting September 10, we will be hosting a beta event where you’ll be able to play the Push game mode and give us your feedback, which will be crucial to its development! Our team will also be playing the new Push game mode live on Twitch tomorrow, September 6 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7).


    The Push beta event begins on Tuesday, September 10 at 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7) and runs until Monday, September 23 at 5:00 p.m. Pacific Time (UTC-7). Please keep in mind that since this is a beta test, there will be placeholder UI, art, and audio.

    During this beta event, the Push mode will replace ranked queue and will use the standard miniseason 2v2 rewards. You’ll be able to access the Push mode through the PvP browser and custom arena maps.

    Seems like a dual payload type objective? Both sides racing to push their own payload down a single lane. Art assets aren't finished but most of the backend is. Interesting.

  15. #37915
    It hasn't been almost a month and I already feel kinda "done" with the initial expansion. Only have a few more mastery points to earn, one of which is blocked by another bug that's been around for weeks blocking progress, but otherwise it's just a few AA rewards that I might want to earn and that's about it in terms of things left to do.

    SotO felt like it had a lot more initial stuff to do and I remember playing pretty aggressively for far longer.

    I still have a positive initial impression of the expansion overall, now that I've played through much of it I'm not sure this is a meaningful improvement over the initial release of SotO outside of the narrative/pacing (no more "Hey! Here's a neat, really interesting character with all kinds of lore implications and oops he's dead now.") Lowland Shore is still a great zone in desperate need of the Bog Queen being turned into a proper meta while Janthir Syntri continues to massively disappoint in contrast, I'm expecting more of that zone will be leveraged in later updates...or hope so.

    Overall this is...fine, I guess. It's a $25 expansion or whatever, hardly super pricy, and will come with the three subsequent updates that add the new zones and the like, so we'll see how those go.

    Big this energy from me:

    It's still my "main" MMO, and I'm still not sure I like this new approach to expansions either. But hey, I guess it's working for them so whatever.

  16. #37916
    I was looking to get back into this game this winter. I played at launch only, so this would give me quite a bit of content to do. I have to say I'm a little bit confuse about what I would have to buy. I currently have my main game license on my account, so this mean I need to get the expansions.


    There is a Ultimate bundle with 1,2 and 3rd expansion, and that has some goodies on top, but it doesn't have the "Living world season 2-5". Not sure what this is, but I assume they are story content that you have to pay for in the cash shop? Anyway, there is the Complete bundle too, this one also have expansion 1-2-3 and it has the Living world season 2-5, but it doesn't have the additional goodies.

    So lets say I care about the story and want to experience it, my best bet would be to get the Complete edition (expansion 1,2 and 3 + Living world s2-5), and buy the 4th and 5th expansion on their own cause they aren't in the bundle. This way I would.. have everything story/content related, right? For the goodies I can buy them later in the shop I assume if I want so this is not really important.

  17. #37917
    Quote Originally Posted by Aoewy View Post
    There is a Ultimate bundle with 1,2 and 3rd expansion, and that has some goodies on top, but it doesn't have the "Living world season 2-5". Not sure what this is
    Living World is the patch story and zones and is 50% of the game. You need the Complete bundle to get all content up until the two most recent mini expansions.

    So lets say I care about the story and want to experience it, my best bet would be to get the Complete edition (expansion 1,2 and 3 + Living world s2-5), and buy the 4th and 5th expansion on their own cause they aren't in the bundle. This way I would.. have everything story/content related, right?

  18. #37918
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aoewy View Post
    I was looking to get back into this game this winter. I played at launch only, so this would give me quite a bit of content to do. I have to say I'm a little bit confuse about what I would have to buy. I currently have my main game license on my account, so this mean I need to get the expansions.


    There is a Ultimate bundle with 1,2 and 3rd expansion, and that has some goodies on top, but it doesn't have the "Living world season 2-5". Not sure what this is, but I assume they are story content that you have to pay for in the cash shop? Anyway, there is the Complete bundle too, this one also have expansion 1-2-3 and it has the Living world season 2-5, but it doesn't have the additional goodies.

    So lets say I care about the story and want to experience it, my best bet would be to get the Complete edition (expansion 1,2 and 3 + Living world s2-5), and buy the 4th and 5th expansion on their own cause they aren't in the bundle. This way I would.. have everything story/content related, right? For the goodies I can buy them later in the shop I assume if I want so this is not really important.
    Heads up. that bundle will go on sale in November.

  19. #37919
    Quote Originally Posted by Val the Moofia Boss View Post
    Living World is the patch story and zones and is 50% of the game. You need the Complete bundle to get all content up until the two most recent mini expansions.

    Alright, thank for the infos.

    Quote Originally Posted by PACOX View Post
    Heads up. that bundle will go on sale in November.
    Oh really? Thank you too, I'll maybe wait than, not in a hurry playing other games, but wanted to give a real shot to this one since a long time. But November is close enough, I can wait a bit more.

  20. #37920
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aoewy View Post
    Alright, thank for the infos.

    Oh really? Thank you too, I'll maybe wait than, not in a hurry playing other games, but wanted to give a real shot to this one since a long time. But November is close enough, I can wait a bit more.
    The main GW2 store and Steam verison go on sale at the same time. So you can tell when the game is going to go on sale based on when Steam does its big sales. So the edition you're talking about will be on sale on the main GW2 store when Steam has its next sale (November/Black Friday). Another small heads up, dont buy anything on Steam unless your GW2 account is a Steam account.

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