1. #5101
    Over 9000! Saverem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edgecrusherO0 View Post
    NCsoft is the publisher, ArenaNet is the developer. The game will be released in the US first (probably Europe at the same time). I don't even know if they're planning a Korean release.
    Cool. Anyway, this game is looking really awesome. My only worry is whether ArenaNet will be able to keep up with server maintenance, customer service, and adding additional content without charging a monthly fee. I know GW1 is doing it, but I'm guessing GW2 will have tons more people which will mean more servers to rent/purchase and maintain, more customer service needed, and more content to keep the players interested.

    I wouldn't mind paying a small monthly fee in order to make sure the game continues to run smoothly.
    "It's not what we don't know that gets us into trouble; it's what we know for sure that just ain't so." ~ Mark Twain
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  2. #5102
    Quote Originally Posted by Mothhive View Post
    Just watched the Total Biscuit 40 minute gameplay video and while I'm not really a fan, it made me happy that he was talking so positively about the game, getting excited about it and thinking that it is the most promising MMO he's ever played and likely to be his main MMO when it's released. With high praise like that from someone who can be so critical of games, it makes me even more excited about the game.

    It's also nice that someone who has such large following is actively promoting the game. Can see alot of people who didn't care, or were on the fence previously, starting to follow the game now.
    I agree completely. The fact that he couldn't find anything wrong with the game was really good to hear. It's got my hopes really high. He usually does find things to pick at in most games he reviews, but I'm really pleased with his opinion of it. For once, I'm actually looking forward to seeing more of his videos. I'm interested to hear what he thinks of PvP.

  3. #5103
    For anyone who doesn't want to, or doesn't have the time, to sit through his 40 minutes of gameplay, he gives a good summary here:


    He gets so excited talking about it!

  4. #5104
    Quote Originally Posted by Sengura View Post
    Cool. Anyway, this game is looking really awesome. My only worry is whether ArenaNet will be able to keep up with server maintenance, customer service, and adding additional content without charging a monthly fee. I know GW1 is doing it, but I'm guessing GW2 will have tons more people which will mean more servers to rent/purchase and maintain, more customer service needed, and more content to keep the players interested.

    I wouldn't mind paying a small monthly fee in order to make sure the game continues to run smoothly.
    They will have a cash shop (like GW1 has) at release, and from what I know they are expanding what they are selling (nothing that effects actual gameplay). So they will have more box sales and more cash shop sales to cover the costs of more players.

  5. #5105
    when I click page 278.. it takes me back to the top of 277. o.o

    edit: lol nevermind.. it was a glitch NOW there's a page 278

  6. #5106
    I think its a a normal thing the pages only do 20 post's so every 20th post makes a new page but is on the old page so it does what happened to you.

  7. #5107
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    A bit of Norm engineer. Split into 8 shorty annoying parts for some reason, but it does have very nice direct feed audio

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8

  8. #5108
    Bloodsail Admiral Scrabblet's Avatar
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    So I just heard at PAX they're not going to release any info regarding Beta/Release. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ

  9. #5109
    The Lightbringer jvbastel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scrabblet View Post
    So I just heard at PAX they're not going to release any info regarding Beta/Release. ლ(ಠ益ಠლ
    nop, the demo will also be the same. no class reveal either.

    I hope we get something new at least, but well this gamescom gave us awesome new stuff so can't complain
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  10. #5110
    High Overlord Nitsuj's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vertex705 View Post
    Charr aren't cows!
    haha yeah, I was loling at that too.... and at the fact that TB used a 1 handed axe/mace and didn't re-equip his shield.
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    Hit me up, let's play.

  11. #5111
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    PVP Q&A

  12. #5112
    I really need to stop watching all these videos, they get me so hyped for this game it irritates me that it won't be coming out until next year.

  13. #5113
    I just watched the Total Biscuit Charr demo on page 275.

    This game realy does look very good, after 5-6 years of wow i realy, realy, realy dislike the whole targeting auto attack mechanic, quests that require you to do this over and over and over again, new area same thing.

    Its very interesting where different weapons do different things and you have access to them as long as you use them, unlike some talent tree which railroads you to only one track, the game itself seems very pretty and i noticed when creating a character it had 3 different fraction choices to ally itself too, so you seem to be not stuck to one type of race per fraction.

    I've never played Guild Wars, a long while ago i made a choice between warcraft and guild wars, around 5 and a half years and burnt out with wow, this game looks good and i think i will be considering purchasing it and telling my other friends who i have met in wow about it (they are becoming tired with warcraft too!)
    I also had a look at SW:TOR and it did look promising but i watched some boss battle thing, you were on a ship, it was all target this, it looked awfuly weird, that 2 guys could lay into someone in metal armour for 2 minutes beating them with lightsabers...it turned me off, warcraft in a different universe....

    The SW:TOR looked like a step forward from my point of view as a well seasoned wow player as it had a very different enviroment going for it however it seemed to close to what i have grown bored of, this Guild Wars 2 however seems like a leap up my street, i am a big fan of actiony rpg's like the witcher 1/2 the fable series, zelda series, elderscrolls, although it is based the same way wow is in reguuards to fantasy swords and magic the game mechanics looks very fun and fresh it was something i didn't know would be put into an MMO.

    Thankyou for posting the videos

  14. #5114
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galadhrim View Post
    i noticed when creating a character it had 3 different fraction choices to ally itself too, so you seem to be not stuck to one type of race per fraction.
    It's not a faction. Everyone is on the same side in GW2, because they want people to play together.

    The choices are to kick start what's called your personal story.

    Personal story has a lot of RPG elements, and evolves the story of your character.
    You have a personal home instance (which is a full district of your racial capital, and friends can visit if grouped with you) that will change with what you do. The often used example is there will be an orphanage and a hospital on fire, and you can only save one. So say you choose to save the hospital, in your home instance the orphanage will stay burnt down, and all the kids will hate you.

  15. #5115
    Ah i see, so the different fractions would be the guilds, the starting fractions are to give your story depth.

    This home instance sounds interesting, is this home instance shared with all the other players of your race, do you get your own home? I can remember reading about SWG or LOTRO having player houses/guild halls.

  16. #5116
    Over 9000! Saverem's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    A bit of Norm engineer. Split into 8 shorty annoying parts for some reason, but it does have very nice direct feed audio

    Part 1
    Part 2
    Part 3
    Part 4
    Part 5
    Part 6
    Part 7
    Part 8
    That player is pretty bad. All he does is auto attack the 1. Does he ever even hit the 2 button?
    "It's not what we don't know that gets us into trouble; it's what we know for sure that just ain't so." ~ Mark Twain
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  17. #5117
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Galadhrim View Post
    Ah i see, so the different fractions would be the guilds, the starting fractions are to give your story depth.

    This home instance sounds interesting, is this home instance shared with all the other players of your race, do you get your own home? I can remember reading about SWG or LOTRO having player houses/guild halls.
    It's specific to you, and the location varies between race.

    Humans get a district of Divinitys Reach
    Asura get their own personal lab
    Charr get a baracks
    Norm get a lodge
    Sylvari get a tree (typical hippys)

    These are the basic biography questions so far.

    This is an old video from last years Gamescom, if you skip to 25:45 you see the start of personal story for someone who has chosen to be born a noble.
    Even though it's a bit old, it's a good video, and is worth a full watch through when you have the time.

    Edit: Updated the racial home instances, seems I haven't been keeping up :P
    Last edited by Mif; 2011-08-20 at 03:15 AM.

  18. #5118
    PvP 2h Hammer female warrior


    face smashing ftw

  19. #5119
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    It's specific to you, and the location varies between race.

    Humans get a district of Divinitys Reach
    Asura get their own personal lab
    Charr get a baracks
    Norm get a lodge
    Sylvari get a tree (typical hippys)

    These are the basic biography questions so far.

    This is an old video from last years Gamescom, if you skip to 25:45 you see the start of personal story for someone who has chosen to be born a noble.
    Even though it's a bit old, it's a good video, and is worth a full watch through when you have the time.

    Edit: Updated the racial home instances, seems I haven't been keeping up :P
    I will watch that video and take a look at the biography questions, thank you.

  20. #5120
    Quote Originally Posted by hakujinbakasama View Post
    I love people like you. I've never met one in real life that I know of, but you guys litter the web like dead bodies in the middle east.

    There are ample titles out there where you could be flexing your prowess but alas your only skill is cheap shotting another player in order to help lessen their gaming experience in order to boaster your own self worth.

    It's sad you have to go into a virtual world in order to ruin someone elses time in order to escape what ever shitty life you have.
    You mad? World PvP has nothing to do with ganking lowlvls or powerabusing other ppl who's trying to enjoy the gaming experience. Im just asking for some fun balanced world pvp where u actually require some decent skills in order to outplay your opponent. Be less dramatic u whiny fuck

    [Infracted: Don't insult people.]
    Last edited by Myrrar; 2011-08-20 at 04:47 AM.

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