Aha, Ye i don't really like to play female characters, Charr Thief male is also coolWhat's the max level in this game ?
Ye it was just as an example, I wouldn't like to take Tenka Chii ( it's not my nameI took Tenkachii from a game, DBZ Tenka'ichi ( or something ) )
Else i'll go with something like my irl name :P
Last edited by mmoc5886693a05; 2011-08-26 at 12:33 PM.
So after a bit of random browsing I found http://secretagentcat.com/ which has a few images of customizable options. The quality isn't amazing, but they've done a good job of collecting some details (mostly Charr, it seems).
Oh, and by coincidence, the same person managed to create a colour chart for female Charr skins based on a shot of the demo. Obviously they won't look EXACTLY like this, but I think it's gonna make me struggle to choose what shade I want for mine.
Bigger version of the above image here
They can be red? O.o
black fur warrior with massive horns and a 2hander all the way <3![]()
I'm so going for either male face 1 or 7, but black.
Click http://secretagentcat.files.wordpres...charrfaces.jpg for big
I'm almost in the same boat. I quit before Cataclysm, because I'm a SW fanboi and was excited for SWtoR (actually voted for SW in the poll in this forum). The more I see SWtoR coverage, the less interested I get. Then I started reading up on GW2, and I'm absolutely pumped. The game is fluid: its combat, and the world itself. I'm so excited to see how WvWvW works, everything else has just looked stellar.
Dynamic events are, far and away, one of the best ideas I've ever seen for a MMO. Having your normal 'questing' have an appreciable impact on the gaming world, not just for you but for everyone (phasing in other games feels like a lulz now), involves you in the game from the moment you enter their world.
I'm very tempted to go with 3 or 4 for my female Charr but I know everyone is likely to pick the cute kitten face, so I'm more settled between 1 or 5.
I really like the scarred face options too, and the more brutish-looking ones, but I want people to actually recognise I'm a female Charr, since it's quite hard to tell at a first glance.
This is true, although some of the charr horn options for females are large-ish. And do horns get hidden by helms?
Awesome, just, awesome.