1. #6701
    I've just finished watching Totalbiscuit's Gamescom coverage of GW2, and apparently this is his new MMO of choice, following the end of his WoW coverage. Looks like we have a lot of the Youtube denizens in tow now

  2. #6702

    looks like a decent pvp choice for an engineer.. 1st set pistol-sheild for decent burst and spell reflect and 2nd rifle + movement, disengage and flamethrower in utility.

    Kinda torn between Ele and Engi..

    also lol, Puremallace banned again

  3. #6703

    I want to try something like this, but people say axes aren't good in PvP at the moment.

  4. #6704
    Herald of the Titans Varyk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hraklea View Post
    SWTOR is a terrible game with a huge fan crowd because of the movies. The game itself is very bad.
    I trust you have extensive testing of this game that's been in beta for what? 2 weeks? and in no way are simply forming a severely misguided opinion with absolutely zero merit to your claim. -_-

  5. #6705
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre Fierceshot View Post

    I want to try something like this, but people say axes aren't good in PvP at the moment.
    Not good?....!??!?!?!...I WILL MAKE THEM GOOD! *charr roar*

  6. #6706
    Quote Originally Posted by Varyk View Post
    I trust you have extensive testing of this game that's been in beta for what? 2 weeks? and in no way are simply forming a severely misguided opinion with absolutely zero merit to your claim. -_-
    Well, it's been in beta for over a year, but yea it's a wild claim.

  7. #6707
    Herald of the Titans Varyk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Viscerous View Post
    There is not a single game that you need 6GB of ram for let alone 8GB.
    Was more of a what to look for in that price range type of thing rather than "system requirements"

    ---------- Post added 2011-09-02 at 11:54 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre Fierceshot View Post
    Well, it's been in beta for over a year, but yea it's a wild claim.
    Open to the public tho?...instead of trying to be sarcastic I should have just said

    "You haven't played the game for 10 seconds and have no friggin clue what you're talking about. Stop the "your game sucks" kindergarten bullshit."

    Maybe next time : /
    Last edited by Varyk; 2011-09-02 at 11:54 PM.

  8. #6708
    the warrior 2xAxe build seems very damage oriented and not very mobile/utility in it, seems also very pve'ish since many of the damage is done affects multiple targets.

    But hey, you have the adrenaline leap thingie that you can use to jump at ppl in pvp :P
    Waiting for SWTOR (Star wars: the old republic)


    or... GW2... undecided

  9. #6709
    Quote Originally Posted by Varyk View Post
    Open to the public tho?...instead of trying to be sarcastic I should have just said

    "You haven't played the game for 10 seconds and have no friggin clue what you're talking about. Stop the "your game sucks" kindergarten bullshit."

    Maybe next time : /
    Closed beta for over a year yea.

    Quote Originally Posted by xourico View Post
    the warrior 2xAxe build seems very damage oriented and not very mobile/utility in it, seems also very pve'ish since many of the damage is done affects multiple targets.

    But hey, you have the adrenaline leap thingie that you can use to jump at ppl in pvp :P
    Well, the axe abilitys actually cripple, but they are not on the skill tool.

  10. #6710
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre Fierceshot View Post
    Closed beta for over a year yea.

    Well, the axe abilitys actually cripple, but they are not on the skill tool.
    still the 2H sword, or better the Hammer seem a bit more appealing to me due to the knockdowns and "charges" + stuns etc they provide, they seem to be more about disabling then any other weapon to me.

    Also, is the stun from the Adrenaline while using hammer a AOE stun? thats pretty damn awesome if you ask me :P

    the Hammer has 2 knockbacks, a stun + charge ability, a cripple and a attack that weakens ppl, seems cool to me for pvp.

    the 2H sword has a charge ability, a knockback, 1 immobilize and 1 immobilize + cripple + swiftness buff, also has the weaken thingie.

    both seem better option to me then the axes, for PVP ofc.

    I guess its impossible to tell for sure until we get the game ^^

    *edit* also check sword+mace, seems cool for burst damage+stun/dazes (the adrenaline ability seems very cool to set up some burst damage)

    then again, with all the control hammer or 2h sword provides, maybe the utility skills you choose make them a bit overkill :P too much control is bad I suppose :P
    Last edited by xourico; 2011-09-03 at 12:14 AM.
    Waiting for SWTOR (Star wars: the old republic)


    or... GW2... undecided

  11. #6711
    Scarab Lord Arkenaw's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barrowmore View Post
    I've just finished watching Totalbiscuit's Gamescom coverage of GW2, and apparently this is his new MMO of choice, following the end of his WoW coverage. Looks like we have a lot of the Youtube denizens in tow now
    This made me happy, I like TB, I watched every one of his cata beta videos

  12. #6712
    Quote Originally Posted by xourico View Post
    still the 2H sword, or better the Hammer seem a bit more appealing to me due to the knockdowns and "charges" + stuns etc they provide, they seem to be more about disabling then any other weapon to me.

    Also, is the stun from the Adrenaline while using hammer a AOE stun? thats pretty damn awesome if you ask me :P

    the Hammer has 2 knockbacks, a stun + charge ability, a cripple and a attack that weakens ppl, seems cool to me for pvp.

    the 2H sword has a charge ability, a knockback, 1 immobilize and 1 immobilize + cripple + swiftness buff, also has the weaken thingie.

    both seem better option to me then the axes, for PVP ofc.

    I guess its impossible to tell for sure until we get the game ^^

    *edit* also check sword+mace, seems cool for burst damage+stun/dazes (the adrenaline ability seems very cool to set up some burst damage)
    I fear everyone will run Hammer, due to it's huge amount of knockdowns, I'd rather play the less played and more "skillful" weapon set.

    2H is meant to be crap at the moment, and needs reworking so it's just a wait and see game for all sets at the moment.

  13. #6713
    I've been looking up info on the targeting system, and I'm a bit confused when it comes to projectiles.

    When a player launches a ranged attack at another player, it seems to follow a set path to where that player was when the projectile was launched. It does not lock on to the victim and always hit, because then there would be no reason for the dodging system. Players can apparently also launch projectiles when they have no target. My main question is, will I have to clear my current target in order to hit a more evasive player who keeps dodging my projectiles because they're on that set path?

  14. #6714
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre Fierceshot View Post
    I fear everyone will run Hammer, due to it's huge amount of knockdowns, I'd rather play the less played and more "skillful" weapon set.

    2H is meant to be crap at the moment, and needs reworking so it's just a wait and see game for all sets at the moment.
    true :P but we love to mess around and think about what we would do, even though we know many of the stuff will change till launch :P
    Waiting for SWTOR (Star wars: the old republic)


    or... GW2... undecided

  15. #6715
    Quote Originally Posted by Barrowmore View Post
    I've been looking up info on the targeting system, and I'm a bit confused when it comes to projectiles.

    When a player launches a ranged attack at another player, it seems to follow a set path to where that player was when the projectile was launched. It does not lock on to the victim and always hit, because then there would be no reason for the dodging system. Players can apparently also launch projectiles when they have no target. My main question is, will I have to clear my current target in order to hit a more evasive player who keeps dodging my projectiles because they're on that set path?
    They shoot the way your facing, not on a set path. So you'll just have to aim your facing kind of, when you've no target anyway.

    With a target you shoot infront of you basically.
    Last edited by mmoc233041c6ce; 2011-09-03 at 12:28 AM.

  16. #6716
    Quote Originally Posted by Barrowmore View Post
    I've been looking up info on the targeting system, and I'm a bit confused when it comes to projectiles.

    When a player launches a ranged attack at another player, it seems to follow a set path to where that player was when the projectile was launched. It does not lock on to the victim and always hit, because then there would be no reason for the dodging system. Players can apparently also launch projectiles when they have no target. My main question is, will I have to clear my current target in order to hit a more evasive player who keeps dodging my projectiles because they're on that set path?
    I've noticed from TB pvp video that some of the ranger abilities seemed to follow a set path, while other were guided and always hit except when the player dodged I think.
    its very hard to see in the video, so I can be sure, but go check the video out and pay close attention to the ranger part, look for "WTF is guild wars 2 pvp" on youtube, and maybe you can see it better then me, becuz Im quiet curious myself :P
    Waiting for SWTOR (Star wars: the old republic)


    or... GW2... undecided

  17. #6717
    Quote Originally Posted by xourico View Post
    I've noticed from TB pvp video that some of the ranger abilities seemed to follow a set path, while other were guided and always hit except when the player dodged I think.
    its very hard to see in the video, so I can be sure, but go check the video out and pay close attention to the ranger part, look for "WTF is guild wars 2 pvp" on youtube, and maybe you can see it better then me, becuz Im quiet curious myself :P
    I see exactly what you and Pyre Fierceshot mean now. When TB fires off arrows, there's no set path and he has to change his position in order to aim. When he uses the bird attack, it cannot be aimed or dodged in the same way as the arrows. The distinction is pretty clear to me now, and the scenario I thought of earlier should never really come up. The aiming and dodging systems are always paired together and aren't separated in the way I thought.

  18. #6718
    AMG YOU CAN JUMP?!?! *jumps*

  19. #6719
    Mechagnome vilhelm1992's Avatar
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    where ever you are when you've just had a long fight against another player, to screw up your day
    Quote Originally Posted by FooCritters View Post
    AMG YOU CAN JUMP?!?! *jumps*

  20. #6720
    Quote Originally Posted by Barrowmore View Post
    I see exactly what you and Pyre Fierceshot mean now. When TB fires off arrows, there's no set path and he has to change his position in order to aim. When he uses the bird attack, it cannot be aimed or dodged in the same way as the arrows. The distinction is pretty clear to me now, and the scenario I thought of earlier should never really come up. The aiming and dodging systems are always paired together and aren't separated in the way I thought.
    When you use a projectile ability on a player, it's 'locked on' until they dodge in a certain direction. Depending on their timing of the dodge, the 'lock' will break and the projectile will be dodged.

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