I can't even imagine how we'll be able to fight these things. What are we gonna do, stab at the bottom of their toes?
I can't even imagine how we'll be able to fight these things. What are we gonna do, stab at the bottom of their toes?
My prediction is that you'll find some powerful ancient artifacts and put the dragons to sleep again. Or we will learn that dragons were under some evil force influence and we restore them to be good protectors or something.
If fighting is sure to result in victory, then you must fight!
Sun Tzu said that, and I'd say he knows a little more about fighting then you do, pal! Because he invented it, and perfected it so no living man could best him in the ring of honor.
-The Soldier
"Do not only practice your art, but force yourself into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine." -- Ludwig Van Beethoven
Hah, a norn can easily kill a silly elder dragon 1v1.
I'm not so sure about "easily," but one of the Norn did manage to take a tooth out, and that's a hell of a lot farther than anyone else has ever gotten, especially considering how big it is for Norn standards...
Man, I don't dislike the Asura but...think of how many it could snap up without even chewing. They'd be like, smaller than candy to them.
Well, they're going to have to have some kind of set damage for skills, and I'm pretty sure that some of those ranges are already defined. They'll also be documented by players and we'll have a good idea of how everything works and how much damage it will do before the game even hits the shelf (but as we know all abilities are subject to changes down the road as far as balancing goes).
New blog post is up!
Snarky Little Geniuses – Angel McCoy on Writing the Asura
Do we know whether there will be queues for dungeons or if they'll be hot-joinable like PvP?
I am Grôgnárd, the one and only!
The Light and How to Swing It
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Have the devs released any information on physical/mobile authenticator?