1. #9041
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maklor View Post
    Don't think it was posted yet but the second part of TB video is online

  2. #9042
    Quote Originally Posted by Maklor View Post
    You can change it as you often as you like but profession specific inscriptions are lost if you don't remove them first.

    You just go to the place you rescued him from originally and he'll be right inside letting you change - I think they changed it at the start of this year.
    You can change his profession at the explorable area outside the Great Temple of Balthazar, too; also, it's free to do whenever you want.
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  3. #9043
    Quote Originally Posted by Maklor View Post
    Don't think it was posted yet but the second part of TB video is online

    Nice! Glad to see he's still so impressed with the game that he thinks it will be his next MMO. (clicky)

  4. #9044
    I was shown an interesting picture today from Eurogamer. Just goes to show the reach Guild Wars 2 is starting to create. Hopefully the game will be welcoming for all audiences.


  5. #9045
    I am Murloc! Xuvial's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Plagous View Post
    I was shown an interesting picture today from Eurogamer. Just goes to show the reach Guild Wars 2 is starting to create. Hopefully the game will be welcoming for all audiences.

    That's awesome!
    But it has nothing to do with the "reach" of GW2, people that age have been playing MMO's for a while now. Plenty of grandmothers and grandfathers play WoW, EQ, Lineage, etc it's nothing new :P
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  6. #9046
    Scarab Lord Kaelwryn's Avatar
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    Ok, I seriously feel like I fail at guild wars. :\

  7. #9047
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaelwryn View Post
    Ok, I seriously feel like I fail at guild wars. :\
    lol I hear that. Took me forever to figure out there were actual quest chains and that I had to do cooperative missions to see the story. Before that I was just wandering around aimlessly being very confused. I'm a little better now, but I still feel like a total noob and get owned more frequently than I'd like!

  8. #9048
    The Patient MalazanFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaelwryn View Post
    Ok, I seriously feel like I fail at guild wars. :\
    How so? I was having a lot of trouble with factions missions when I first started about a month ago, but once I got a decent hero setup missions got easier. There are still a few that screw me up every now and then but not nearly as many and I can usually beat them on the 2nd or 3rd try. I use 3 discord necros, 2 rits, gwen and a healer monk. I can give you more deets if you'd like.

    Btw, I see you're in San Antonio. I met someone in Alliance chat from SA the other day... do you happen to work on planes / helicopters / etc.?

  9. #9049
    Scarab Lord Kaelwryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MalazanFan View Post
    How so? I was having a lot of trouble with factions missions when I first started about a month ago, but once I got a decent hero setup missions got easier. There are still a few that screw me up every now and then but not nearly as many and I can usually beat them on the 2nd or 3rd try. I use 3 discord necros, 2 rits, gwen and a healer monk. I can give you more deets if you'd like.

    Btw, I see you're in San Antonio. I met someone in Alliance chat from SA the other day... do you happen to work on planes / helicopters / etc.?
    Pretty much, as I've been bitching about earlier in the thread. My hero builds are pretty shitty. I thought I was doing pretty decent but then everything just starts sucking.

    And unfortunately, no. I hardly play alliance and I'm a high school grad trying to figure out wtf to do with my life. lol

  10. #9050
    Herald of the Titans theredviola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maklor View Post
    Don't think it was posted yet but the second part of TB video is online

    O_O balls that is awesome. Each time I see Ele or Necro game play, it makes me want to play one. I've always shyed away from playing casters because of mana, casting time and interrupts, and the "squishy" nature of them. But hell, all of those factors are gone in GW2. I may be changing permanently to a caster once I get into this game.
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  11. #9051
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaelwryn View Post
    Pretty much, as I've been bitching about earlier in the thread. My hero builds are pretty shitty. I thought I was doing pretty decent but then everything just starts sucking.
    What's important about hero builds is to set them up so they compliment each other and keep the caster energy costs down as low as possible. Monks should only be using skills that use around five energy. Warriors should have a balance of adrenal skills and energy skills. Everyone needs a self heal as well and maybe a defensive sskill.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaelwryn View Post
    And unfortunately, no. I hardly play alliance and I'm a high school grad trying to figure out wtf to do with my life. lol

    I'm in the same situation, you should go to SAC it's pretty cheap and is a good school to transfer from.
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  12. #9052
    Quote Originally Posted by Merendel View Post
    Requimortem, a few of us still play it, some more than others. For me its mostly those odd hours when I'm not busy working or raiding in wow. kinda sad those are so similar these days... Anyway I've run accross the names of maybe a dozen folks from this thread, you can find em if you read back through the pages. odeezee seems to be the one on the playing binge atm, plowed through prophesies and factions over the last week or so according to his posts. I mostly play on my assasin these days, Meren Hotani, when I get around to playing at all.
    I'll end up as a Necromancer or Elementalist, same with Guild Wars 2. I remember that my very first character was an Elementalist. It was a lot of fun but really confusing. One minute I'm questing in an area that seems all fine & dandy and the next, I'm thrown into some weird battle with other players and then a crazy cataclysm happens! Everything gets dark (and I don't mean just in terms of lighting), leaving me incredibly confused. I was much younger back then though so I'm hoping things will make a lot more sense this time around.

    Quote Originally Posted by StationaryHawk View Post
    There's a few people in this thread still playing, though the only people I can think of off the top of my head are Odeezee, Grognar, and Merendel. I started playing a few weeks ago myself on my Dervish. My IGN is Elium Donnovich.
    Good, good. I'm hoping that when Christmas rolls around I can treat myself to something nice and get Guild Wars plus the expansions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Blznsmri View Post
    I'll be playing it a lot more when I get a new computer next month (my current laptop's video card crashes about an hour into playing it right now, it's a tad beat up) but my IGN is Blazing Samurai
    Great! I'll write these down so I can look you guys up. I haven't played since the game was first released so are there any realms/servers? Or is it just everyone plays together?


    By the way, can someone run me through the basics of the game? Stats, classes, what to look out for, things I should work on, etc. I would like to prepare myself ahead of time since all the talk about Guild Wars 2 isn't helping me wait.

  13. #9053
    Quote Originally Posted by Requimortem View Post
    By the way, can someone run me through the basics of the game? Stats, classes, what to look out for, things I should work on, etc. I would like to prepare myself ahead of time since all the talk about Guild Wars 2 isn't helping me wait.
    Are you wanting basics of Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2?

  14. #9054
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requimortem View Post
    Great! I'll write these down so I can look you guys up. I haven't played since the game was first released so are there any realms/servers? Or is it just everyone plays together?
    Servers don't matter we can all switch at will (my characters are currently on a japanese one to avoid Trade and General spam...).

    Quote Originally Posted by Requimortem View Post
    By the way, can someone run me through the basics of the game? Stats, classes, what to look out for, things I should work on, etc. I would like to prepare myself ahead of time since all the talk about Guild Wars 2 isn't helping me wait.
    Basics of Guild Wars 1?
    Quote Originally Posted by SW:TOR
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  15. #9055
    Quote Originally Posted by Blznsmri View Post
    Servers don't matter we can all switch at will (my characters are currently on a japanese one to avoid Trade and General spam...).

    Basics of Guild Wars 1?
    Oh, okay. I didn't know that. As I mentioned before, I played it back in... 2005? I think that's when it was released. I didn't get a chance to play long either because I somehow managed to lose my account information. That's good to know though.

    Yeah. I don't expect Guild Wars 2 to be TOO different from the original so getting a firm grasp on this will help me out when the time comes. Or at least... that's what I'm hoping for.

  16. #9056
    Quote Originally Posted by Requimortem View Post
    Yeah. I don't expect Guild Wars 2 to be TOO different from the original so getting a firm grasp on this will help me out when the time comes. Or at least... that's what I'm hoping for.
    Actually, other than the lore, they are pretty different games.

  17. #9057
    Quote Originally Posted by Doozerjun View Post
    Actually, other than the lore, they are pretty different games.
    Well, I didn't know that but I'd still like a rundown of the basics. If for no reason other than to keep my mind off Guild Wars 2.

  18. #9058
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Requimortem View Post
    Yeah. I don't expect Guild Wars 2 to be TOO different from the original so getting a firm grasp on this will help me out when the time comes. Or at least... that's what I'm hoping for.
    Completely different actually.

    There's only one universal stat and that's Armor Value. Each individual class has 4-5 unique attributes to spend attribute points in (you get a total of 170 from leveling and 30 from quests)

    It's a hotkey MMO with a completely customizable UI. You can only have 8 skills on your skill bar at one time. Every skill uses either Energy, Adrenaline or Health.

    I can keep spouting shitty facts but they won't really matter unless I've got something specific to go on.
    Quote Originally Posted by SW:TOR
    Jokerseven - Kinetic Combat Shadow - Praxeum - Canderous Ordo
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  19. #9059
    Quote Originally Posted by Blznsmri View Post
    Completely different actually.

    There's only one universal stat and that's Armor Value. Each individual class has 4-5 unique attributes to spend attribute points in (you get a total of 170 from leveling and 30 from quests)

    It's a hotkey MMO with a completely customizable UI. You can only have 8 skills on your skill bar at one time. Every skill uses either Energy, Adrenaline or Health.

    I can keep spouting shitty facts but they won't really matter unless I've got something specific to go on.
    A good start would be to enlighten me on the Elementalist & Necromancer classes, how the PvP is and what kind of "endgame" content I'll be experiencing.

  20. #9060
    Classes are almost a nebulous concept in GW I feel. Due to how profession system works, you can mix and match a primary profession (which you choose at character creation and can't change) and your secondary profession (in which you have the ability to change). So you could have an Elementalist/Mesmer setup or a Elementalist/Ranger or something even crazier. What you have to keep in mind though is that you pick your primary profession with several things in mind, your armor, your energy (especially your energy return), and your primary attribute (which is applicable to only your primary profession).

    I'll just link the wiki for those two professions. Both are great professions though. Elementalist is probably the most versatile profession in the game in my opinion. And Necros are a staple for most team builds.

    End game is different than any other mmos pretty much. 90% of the game is played at max level. Leveling is your tutorial pretty much. At max level, you continue through your missions, gain titles, get different armor sets, work on hardmode areas, and also run through the elite areas and dungeons.

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