1. #10021
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    Agreed. Lots of fun when you're a Rogue with 0 expertise that needs to backstab.

    I really wish they'd stop automatically listing GW2 subforum posts on the front page, all it's doing is attracting people that have no interest or knowledge of GW2 and just want to crap all over threads.
    its an optional thing now, there are check boxes that apparently no one clicks.
    Quote Originally Posted by SW:TOR
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  2. #10022
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blznsmri View Post
    its an optional thing now, there are check boxes that apparently no one clicks.
    Yeah, but default is all boxes checked.

  3. #10023
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    wOOt finally made it 30/50!!!!!1111 that's to everyone for helping me out with missions and tips, it's much appreciated. now to wait on GW2.

    one other thing, does anyone know if changing the look of your character ALSO changes the image of you with your armor on in the HoM? i would really like to change the look of my toon, but ONLY if it will also change the look i have when wearing my armor in the HoM as well.
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  4. #10024
    Scarab Lord Kaelwryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blznsmri View Post
    its an optional thing now, there are check boxes that apparently no one clicks.
    I clicked it. I only have lol and gw2 clicked tho lol.

  5. #10025
    Quote Originally Posted by Odeezee View Post
    wOOt finally made it 30/50!!!!!1111 that's to everyone for helping me out with missions and tips, it's much appreciated. now to wait on GW2.

    one other thing, does anyone know if changing the look of your character ALSO changes the image of you with your armor on in the HoM? i would really like to change the look of my toon, but ONLY if it will also change the look i have when wearing my armor in the HoM as well.
    Grats! How long did it take you by the way, and were you completely new to Guild Wars? I'm still on 5, but I'm 1 Stolen Sunspear Armor away from getting 2 points for 5 companion statues.

  6. #10026
    Quote Originally Posted by Odeezee View Post
    wOOt finally made it 30/50!!!!!1111 that's to everyone for helping me out with missions and tips, it's much appreciated. now to wait on GW2.
    Grats, man. I'm still sitting at 29; too lazy to grind out a point, just waiting on birthdays. LOL
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  7. #10027
    Eric Flannum:
    There is not going to be any sort of beta related announcement on the 11th. There will be a blogpost going up that week but it is in no way beta related. Sorry for the confusion guys
    No 8th profession reveal either guys... sorry to be the bearer of bad news. That reveal is still on track for this year but not the week of the 11th.

  8. #10028
    Quote Originally Posted by Devil View Post
    Looks like it'll be two weeks yet until the Mesmer reveal. My prediction: Mesmer reveal late November, beta signups early-mid December.
    Norn Mesmer: GW2
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  9. #10029
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    I really wish they'd stop automatically listing GW2 subforum posts on the front page, all it's doing is attracting people that have no interest or knowledge of GW2 and just want to crap all over threads.
    Same is happening to the SWTOR sub forum, it's getting rather ridiculous. How bad is it getting over here?

  10. #10030
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonKing View Post
    Same is happening to the SWTOR sub forum, it's getting rather ridiculous. How bad is it getting over here?
    Check the character slot thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by SW:TOR
    Jokerseven - Kinetic Combat Shadow - Praxeum - Canderous Ordo
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  11. #10031
    Quote Originally Posted by Blznsmri View Post
    Check the character slot thread.
    Ah I see what you mean. The SWTOR sub forum is getting hit with quite a few posts where people don't even like Star Wars one bit but come to the sub forum just to say that. It looks like the people you guys are dealing with are really really bad at reading, and I'm sure there's some blatant trolling mixed in with it as well, but the SWTOR forum is getting a heavy dose of blatant trolling right now most likely since it's about to launch. I fear once GW2 gets close to release this sub forum will see the same trolling that SWTOR is getting right now.

  12. #10032
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CrimsonKing View Post
    Ah I see what you mean. The SWTOR sub forum is getting hit with quite a few posts where people don't even like Star Wars one bit but come to the sub forum just to say that. It looks like the people you guys are dealing with are really really bad at reading, and I'm sure there's some blatant trolling mixed in with it as well, but the SWTOR forum is getting a heavy dose of blatant trolling right now most likely since it's about to launch. I fear once GW2 gets close to release this sub forum will see the same trolling that SWTOR is getting right now.
    Yeah, I've noticed a lot of new names in the subforum and am constantly thinking "Who da fuck are you?" Some of it's been tame, other bits have just been bad though, mostly uninformed bad, but that's just the stepping stone...
    Quote Originally Posted by SW:TOR
    Jokerseven - Kinetic Combat Shadow - Praxeum - Canderous Ordo
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  13. #10033
    Bloodsail Admiral Odeezee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mothhive View Post
    Grats! How long did it take you by the way, and were you completely new to Guild Wars? I'm still on 5, but I'm 1 Stolen Sunspear Armor away from getting 2 points for 5 companion statues.
    thanks man. so i played the game for about 4 hours when it first came out back in '05. stopped playing and lost all the info. made a new account and bought all the campaigns like 7 months ago and had my ex-girlfriend (a GW pvp vet) power me through half of Factions then she got bored so i stopped playing it. picked it back up like 2 months ago, asked for some help here and it got ALOT easier like a month ago once i figured out how GW is played now.

    i put in a ticket to reclaim my old account and NCSoft/ANet CS was very prompt i got all my info for my original GW account the very next day. i had made 2 characters back then in '05 when i played so to my surprise i had 6 years of birthday gifts for 2 characters . i ransacked my ex's account too and she had like 7-9 minipets, alot of weapons and other stuff to sell (she is already 30/50). but besides lucking out on minipets etc, the thing that helped me the most was actually understanding all the advice people gave me from here, like how important heroes are in pve and how getting them all their elites will make your pve experience a breeze. the difference is night and day.

    i love the guild wars wiki and i also love the pvxwiki for all the different builds. my advice is to just find what is most fun to you and do those to get to 30/50. i liked the PvE with heroes so i completed all campaigns completing all bonus objectives and i completed 2 campaigns with bonus objectives in hardmode too. it was also a great way to make some money (you need 40 to 60 platimum per armor set excluding mats which you should salvage from drops, for minipets 5-15p at most and a tormented weapon ~ 60p). then i pvped ALOT, i got both Kurzick and Luxon rep to 550k each (2 titles) which also gave me 2 sets of armor to add to the HoM (2 titles). if you have any specific questions i can answer them lata. oh and you can farm your sunspear armor fairly easily.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grognard View Post
    Grats, man. I'm still sitting at 29; too lazy to grind out a point, just waiting on birthdays. LOL
    i hear you man, i just bit the bullet and got it done and it got alot easier once i got some traction a month ago. i got like 16 pts in 2 weeks compared to 14 pts in a month and a half, it was fun, haha
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  14. #10034
    Quote Originally Posted by Blznsmri View Post
    NO! Most bullshit thing I've seen blizzard do for a boss...
    Well, if the shown dragons are ants compared to the others how else would we fight them? Would look a little silly, 1000's of players attacking toenails the size of buildings.

  15. #10035
    Quote Originally Posted by Underskilled View Post
    Well, if the shown dragons are ants compared to the others how else would we fight them? Would look a little silly, 1000's of players attacking toenails the size of buildings.
    I don't there should be any way that we could fight an elder dragon straight up. There will be vehicles and environmentals weapons for a battle if it comes to that. Heck, we might not even fight one of them directly, we may just be doing other things to help defeat it. Perhaps build an Asura WMD to kill it.

  16. #10036
    Herald of the Titans Eorayn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Underskilled View Post
    I predict lots of running around on the backs of dragons the size of cities
    Deathwing-like battles? Me like it.

  17. #10037
    Quote Originally Posted by Eorayn View Post
    Deathwing-like battles? Me like it.
    i keep hoping there'll be epic battles which will make deathwing look like dolls play as there would be litteraly cities of players fighting against some boss (and its minions) so big it wouldn't even fit on the screen unless you're miles away from him.

    may Anet answer my prayers someday ^^

  18. #10038
    I have a question regarding classes. In GW1 expac (the asian themed) i really really really enjoyed the assassin, pooled all my money into her and pvp'd n pve'd constantly on her, barely touched other classes after assassin was released. Will there be a class just like the assassin, i really loved the style of gameplay they had with skills, u had to use a lead attack, offhand attacks and than dual attacks... If not ill be sad

  19. #10039
    that'd be the thief. nothing closer to faction's assassin i guess

  20. #10040
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    The wiki has a list of Thief Skills.

    Last edited by Mif; 2011-11-01 at 11:29 AM.

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