You want to know what the last profession will be? this!
Arenanet will troll all you mesmer lovers saying there is no 8th class and the internet will explode with the wave of hate with a mob gathering at their offices.
You want to know what the last profession will be? this!
Arenanet will troll all you mesmer lovers saying there is no 8th class and the internet will explode with the wave of hate with a mob gathering at their offices.
I just finished cooking up a new computer chair as part of my GW2 preperations.
Cream leather + wheels = hours of comfort
Last edited by Mif; 2011-11-02 at 06:59 AM.
Guild Wars 2 preperation;
Mobile Phone fully charged for food orders.
Tell work I'm on vacation for about 3 weeks.
Read book about how to hold your pee longer.
Build a fridge in your room.
Remove all non-sense on computer.
Sleep is for the weak.
Buy weeks of supply of beer/soda/chips/and fry snacks
Get a frying pan. (Very important if you want succeed previous step)
Break-Up with Girlfriend/Boyfriend (Only necessary if girlfriend/boyfriend doesn't play OR, doesn't MIND you playing Guild Wars 3-4 weeks STRAIGHT).
if I forgot anything, share!
Sentinel PVE Basics for the two Specs that matterOriginally Posted by SW:TOR
Guild Wars 2 in 2013
If I may ask about GW1 in a GW2 thread... It's about HoM too, so I guess it's related.
Just started playing it. I like it so far(all the exploration and not WoW babby mode), made it to Yak's Bend and level 13 in Prophecies.
I don't quite understand how elite missions or any kind of endgame work though. Apparently I need to do quite a lot to fill my Hall of Monuments. What will I need except for to be level capped? Is there a lot of gear to be obtained first to do those?
Also, to get 30 points in HoM, how much of a grind I'm facing?
i havent played gw1 so i cant tell u any thing .. but i am sure there was a HOM guide somewhere in these forums look around for it , also u can try google u will get plenty
if i find tht thread will post it here
To be frank, don't worry about elite zones etc yet, you're lvl 13 don't have max armor nor heroes and you probably aren't to formiliar with the mechanics yet.
Best advice would be to just play through the game first since you're only 1/5th of the way done or so with prophecies.
Aye, I wouldn't worry about elite missions or areas yet. Finish the prophecies campaign first, you still have a ways to go.
The "grind" is all what you make it to be. What some think of as grind, others think of as enjoying the game. If you enjoy playing the game, it won't be a grind at all.
Release will be shortly after open beta. Open Beta will be in Q1 2012, so 2013 willbe IMPOSSIBLE
Possible Alpha leak, huge GW2 booth+announcement at Gstar in Korea, with new GW2 trailer. Possible blog post on cross profession combos incoming on Nov 11th
A member of the Guild Wars 2 Guru forum recently contacted me, offering a compilation of information from an unnamed alpha tester of Guild Wars 2. I have rejected the offer, but the little mesmer-related info he (or she) offered was posted in the thread there anyway. I have weighed up whether to publish the info, and found that in the vacuum we’re currently in, it couldn’t hurt anyone.
The purported alpha tester said,
"Mesmer is technically playable, but it is not close to being finished yet, and we are “greatly encouraged” to play every other class BUT mesmer."
This suits our assumptions that the last profession is the mesmer, is complex, and focused on control, which would make it difficult to balance.
ArenaNet Game Designer, Eric Flannum, has been busy on the forums, stomping out fan’s expectations for a beta date and the 8th profession reveal:
"There is not going to be any sort of beta related announcement on the 11th. There will be a blogpost going up that week but it is in no way beta related. Sorry for the confusion guys."
Followed by:
"No 8th profession reveal either guys… sorry to be the bearer of bad news. That reveal is still on track for this year but not the week of the 11th."
Meanwhile, over at French gaming site JeuxOnline, Ben Miller answered this question (translated by Google)
JeuxOnline: "And if not, what is your favorite occupation?"
Ben Miller: "For me it is one that has not yet been revealed. I’m sorry but it’s true!I try to avoid the question but it really is my favorite!"
Ben Miller also said that he’s reworking some skills, and that we’ll be getting more information on cross-profession combos very, very, very soon. At last! We can see other combos besides fire wall + projectile.
Overall, this is good news for – if the alpha leak is to be trusted, then the profession is indeed the last one. I’ve been working on a radical redesign, a WordPress theme that takes ArenaNet’s “painterly aesthetic” (how many times have you heard that now?) and gives it a modern mesmer twist. I can breathe easier knowing that the profession reveal is at least 2 weeks away.
Notice how Eric says that there will be a blog post on Nov 11th, and Ben says that we'll be "getting more information on cross-profession combos very, very, very soon". These two dates seem to coincide.
As for Gstar and a big announcment:
Click the link for pictures of the pretty impressive booth. It has been confirmed that a new GW2 trailer will launch there, and apparently a local newspaper said that Arenanet have something big in store. Gstar starts November 15th.
Last edited by Alatian; 2011-11-02 at 10:54 PM.
Norn Mesmer: GW2
Rattataki Sniper: SWTOR