1. #11041
    Dual-wielding Sylvari Warrior... what else more do you want

  2. #11042

    IGN posted a article about skill combos. Enjoy!

  3. #11043
    I'm thinking I'm gonna play a Mesmer. I don't really know much about the profession but the picture had a chick in a hot dress so I'm really intrigued! I'm gonna name her Phantom.

  4. #11044
    I need to stop reading the comments on GW2 Facebook links. Doesn't exactly give me a warm, fuzzy feeling regarding the possible GW2 community when the game launches. Honestly I hope I can end up on the same server as most of the people in this subforum.

  5. #11045
    Quote Originally Posted by nbm02ss View Post
    I need to stop reading the comments on GW2 Facebook links. Doesn't exactly give me a warm, fuzzy feeling regarding the possible GW2 community when the game launches. Honestly I hope I can end up on the same server as most of the people in this subforum.
    Yeh, you immideatly get that warm feeling of a tight community when you read those comments huh? Anet sure had a "challenge accepted" moment before they stated that they wanted to build server community.

  6. #11046
    I just came back home after 2 weeks and found out I had received a late xmas card from ArenaNet. X_x
    Did anyone else get one?

  7. #11047
    Quote Originally Posted by Niku View Post
    I'm thinking I'm gonna play a Mesmer. I don't really know much about the profession but the picture had a chick in a hot dress so I'm really intrigued! I'm gonna name her Phantom.
    In general, if you are looking for hot dress, and Norn aren't your style, any light armor class will do as long as you wear this:


  8. #11048
    The Lightbringer Malthurius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vewen View Post
    Yeh, you immideatly get that warm feeling of a tight community when you read those comments huh? Anet sure had a "challenge accepted" moment before they stated that they wanted to build server community.
    I'm sure GW2 community will be better than people think. Remember the game is being designed to support player cooperation (IE no mob tagging, content scaling, anti griefing measures, ect.) and that alone will help to promote a friendlier environment when everyone isn't competing for PvE goals.
    "Questions are for those seeking answers. Those who have answers are those who have asked questions." -Mike R. (Malthurius)

  9. #11049
    Quote Originally Posted by Niku View Post
    I'm thinking I'm gonna play a Mesmer. I don't really know much about the profession but the picture had a chick in a hot dress so I'm really intrigued! I'm gonna name her Phantom.
    Good luck getting that name before anyone else does ;D

  10. #11050
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dewote View Post
    I just came back home after 2 weeks and found out I had received a late xmas card from ArenaNet. X_x
    Did anyone else get one?

    /10 chars

  11. #11051
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post

    /10 chars
    For the love of God Mif please don't hurt them bud! No cookie related retaliation please ...they just..errr..forgot. Ul get an extra special present from them soon

  12. #11052
    Quote Originally Posted by Malthurius View Post
    I'm sure GW2 community will be better than people think. Remember the game is being designed to support player cooperation (IE no mob tagging, content scaling, anti griefing measures, ect.) and that alone will help to promote a friendlier environment when everyone isn't competing for PvE goals.
    I sure hope you're right.

  13. #11053
    I've always liked the GW community and if most people who played the game at the start try out GW2 I recon there will be a great one in GW2 aswell.

    Venturing across the gate the first time with someone else had this epic feeling. And getting groups was easy due to henchmen in their first year(s) weren't good at all. So if you wanted to beat the desert quests and southern shiverpeaks you needed a team. Ofcourse at Thunderhead Keep people wanted specific classes (NO RANGERS! :'-( ) but by that time most were in guilds who'd help out etc.

    That's the thing I'm waiting for most. I'm kind of a lone gun in all games (played with henchmen since if they fucked up it was my fault, in skyrim I hate followers, in FPS I'd kill my team as far as possible since they were a nuisance and wow was more of a I need you guys to be able to do this but otherwise you can all just FO, in MW3 99% of the times I rage is due to my team acting silly and 1% of the time is due to OP guns)
    So being able to just wander around solo and then casually doing a quest/de with loads of people with whom I can later do dungeons is just my kind of thing. I won't have the feeling that I need to play with idiots, but if I run into good people I can always talk to them, form a group, join a guild...

  14. #11054
    High Overlord Primal Zed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Meledelion View Post
    I've always liked the GW community and if most people who played the game at the start try out GW2 I recon there will be a great one in GW2 aswell.
    I'm thinking the GW2 player base will be notably larger than the GW player base was.
    Also known as Welcome on the WoW forums.

  15. #11055
    There will still be people that refuse to work with others, and they won't be happy to see another player at all (which is the cause of a poor community, along with "hardcore raiders"). It isn't just because of the game mechanics that everyone hates to see each other. For instance, when I played WoW, I liked solo questing. I'd try group quests by myself and avoid other players... this wasn't because I was afraid of them tagging my mobs; I just wanted to work alone.

  16. #11056
    The Patient Agent TunaGhost's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koshun View Post
    There will still be people that refuse to work with others, and they won't be happy to see another player at all (which is the cause of a poor community, along with "hardcore raiders"). It isn't just because of the game mechanics that everyone hates to see each other. For instance, when I played WoW, I liked solo questing. I'd try group quests by myself and avoid other players... this wasn't because I was afraid of them tagging my mobs; I just wanted to work alone.
    See I was the same way in WoW and Rift. I did everything by myself and only got help when I really couldn't do it by myself. Hopefully this game breaks that mentality however by promoting teamwork in every instance possible

  17. #11057
    Quote Originally Posted by Agent TunaGhost View Post
    See I was the same way in WoW and Rift. I did everything by myself and only got help when I really couldn't do it by myself. Hopefully this game breaks that mentality however by promoting teamwork in every instance possible
    I expect it to. I plan to go into GW2 and be as much of a social butterfly as I can! Days of hating people are behind me since I left WoW :P

  18. #11058
    People are kinda the problem more so than the games. If they had just asked to join group while killing those 10 boars it would go faster for everyone. Many times I sent out an invite to player while playing TOR as it was clear we were both on the same quest and needed the same mobs. Most preferred to compete for mobs.

    There was a heroic area on Taris where literally 10-20 people were standing at the spawn location of an elite flashing AOEs to tag the spawn. If they formed ONE GROUP they all would have been done with the quest in 2 mins.... not 20. /facepalm
    Last edited by Fencers; 2012-01-21 at 07:09 PM.

  19. #11059
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    People are kinda the problem more so than the games. If they had just asked to join group while killing those 10 boars it would go faster for everyone. Many times I sent out an invite to player while playing TOR as it was clear we were both on the same quest and needed the same mobs. Most preferred to compete for mobs... /facepalm
    And most ignore General chat when you're trying to group up for heroics...
    Quote Originally Posted by SW:TOR
    Jokerseven - Kinetic Combat Shadow - Praxeum - Canderous Ordo
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  20. #11060
    Quote Originally Posted by Koshun View Post
    I expect it to. I plan to go into GW2 and be as much of a social butterfly as I can! Days of hating people are behind me since I left WoW :P
    I'm looking forward to this too. I got burnt out in other games and mostly wanted to keep to myself - but I'm not an unsociable person, and I miss the interaction and making friends.

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