TB's gonna have some GW2 goodness for us? Super excited and hoping for Mesmer overview.
That list of what he's going to cover is pretty exciting![]()
Think I'm gonna have to take Monday off work lol...or not sleep on Monday night...umm, what the hell will 6am pacific time be here? o.0
I'm actually hoping there's not much time spent specifically on the Mesmer. The last time ArenaNet did something similar - inviting press to play in a build of the game that was not seen at any of the conventions last May - there was a lot of time spent on the (most recently announced) Engineer profession. There was a lot more that I think should have been better covered, such as how the non-standard combat system felt both solo and in the dungeon they played in, rather than the same run-down of the Engineer skills in every publication.
I enjoy reading impressions much more than just the strict facts - it's usually those articles that I can show to friends or newbies wondering why people are interested in Guild Wars 2. Unfortunately, I think that puts me in the minority among people who are already sold on Guild Wars 2, as most of those seem to be hungry for new facts than reading about someone else's opinions of the game.
Also known as Welcome on the WoW forums.
Here you go!
Stuff we are planning on covering, bearing in mind that all characters start at Lv1 in this beta and are deleted after the weekend is done.
* Class overviews including skillsets with as many different weapons as we can get.
* Skill demonstrations on a per class basis including optimum attack rotations and so forth, basically a large set of "how this works" stuff.
* Stats explanations, a primer on a class by class basis on what's good for you and what isn't.
* Quest timelapses, these are an entire quest chain condensed into a smaller video, the idea being to give you an impression of how the questing system changes the zone as well as some storyline overview.
* Character creation on a per race basis.
* PvP where possible, including double-perspective duels, IF it can be done.
* World bosses where available.
* Mechanics analysis and comparisons to other games
I asked him to take a look at WvWvW, new Trait system, the Marketplace UI, the Bank/storage UI, Mesmer, Asura and Sylvari starting areas over on the gw2 subreddit thread. That's assuming all of that is in and considering ANet is inviting the press to play their game months before launch and the public beta starting next month leads me to believe most if not all of it is in. They want a good initial impression and having features missing isn't the best way to go about that.
Well, I'm a hoarder. I love collecting stuff and I don't like to throw away armor or weapons I've used. And I normally have a vast array of anything that can be used in any form of crafting.
My bank character in wow had 6 guild bank tabs lol. I like organising thingsThe market place and crafting professions are things I want more info one definitely.
Well, people buy WoW expansions, because they sell power. A lot of it. An other reason is that if you don't buy the expansion, you will never receive more content and you can't buy subsequent expansions without it. All in all, when WoW has a new expansion your choice is to buy it, or stop playing. I'd enjoy there being a choice of not buying it, but still playing. GW has this option.
Sure, if there is such a choice, it will separate the community. But as a consumer, I think I prefer the choice.
I can't see the point of this argument. It's the exact same case if someone in the group just doesn't want to do a specific dungeon. You just either find a replacement/don't do the dungeon.
Edit//; Never mind, Omlech probably meant real money when I thought he meant in-game money.
Last edited by mmoc836451d5d6; 2012-02-16 at 06:56 AM.
It was rumored during the classic~TBC era, the average player of World of Warcraft didn't know there was an expansion until they tried to go through the Dark Portal. Getting a message saying, "You need The Burning Crusade to proceed."
Whether absolutely true or not, it reminds me of the disconnect between players like us [forum visitors, news seekers, etc] and those who just log on once or twice a week for fun.
Based on past history, I think Anet know how to roll out an expansion.