You know that skill where they roll back... what is that, and how does it work? Every class has that, and does it just go backwards or does it go whereever you press your direction key?
And yeah from all the beta vids I've watched, it seems MikeB is the only one who's ever touched a keyboard before!
you can dodge by double-tapping a direction key or pressing v while moving into a direction. It makes you avoid attacks, but uses up the resource above the skill bar on the right. It'll be crucial to survival in both pve and pvp.
The way skills work in GW2 is different from WOW/SWTOR. Every skill, instead of targetting a player, will do damage to everyone in the area the skill was aimed at. so if someone swing a sword, you can avoid it by moving out of that area.
That's also true for projectiles (same as in GW1) You can dodge projectiles and even run in front of allies to soak up the damage for them.
This made for some awesome things in gw1, for example dodgeball, where everyone had a lightning bolt skill that would insta-kill an opponent unless they dodged it![]()
Last edited by jvbastel; 2012-02-22 at 08:25 AM.
Monk, I need a monk!!!
Oh I didn't realize that rollback was the acclaimed dodge. I honestly thought dodge would be more like Super Smash Brothers, where the character turns to the side
---------- Post added 2012-02-22 at 04:34 PM ----------
Okay this is one of the things I'm still confused about. I've seen people targeting other people, and I've asked on these forums if you target your enemies. I don't know how to explain it right, but... I don't get it.
You guys keep saying that skills don't target players but it hits the area where the skill was aimed. Does this mean I'm constantly aiming with my mouse like an fps (yes I know you do this for AoE attacks but not single target attacks surely)? If I target someone, and then put my mouse away from him, and then I hit a single attack target spell (let's say I'm not melee) will my spell hit the target or hit where my mouse is pointed? :S I'm confused. If that guy moves while my spell is in the air, it won't hit him/
I'm watching MikeBs video, and this surely doesn't seem to be the case, so I don't really understand what you mean bastel.
Last edited by vizzle; 2012-02-22 at 08:35 AM.
The way I think it works (and don't shoot me if I'm wrong) is, you can target foes and then your skills will automatically be aimed at them. They can still dodge them, though, and you can use the skills while out of range but they will not reach the target.
If you don't have an active target, you will cast the skill in the direction your character is looking.
I haven't played the game myself so I could be wrong.
Monk, I need a monk!!!
You can target a player for attacks or dumbfire. Just like in Vindictus or Tera.
For example- say you have a great big attack with the animation is you swing your sword out in front of you. That can be done by pressing 1 or something. It'll hit anything in the path of the swing. Additionally, you can lock on (i.e. tab target) an enemy and use the same swing to auto-face in that direction as you swing. Hitting anything in that swing path as usual.
Enemies may still dodge the attack either way. But unlike say, World of Warcraft where you can't actually cleave without having a target first- in GW2 you can swing at anytime. If you hit something, awesome.
You can not target allies except to rez them.
Just for the record...
8 pm ET = 4 hours from the time I post this?
Well actually 3 hours 48 minutes.. Not like I'm counting down or something.. Oh wait, 3 hours 47 minutes now..
Just looked at the latest yogscast and something hit me. There dont seem to be any shadows in the movie. I know, I know it's not a biggie but I'm just curious will there be / did gw1 have character shadows? Maybe thats something that makes the characters look a bit floaty to some?
Also, first time I subscribe for anything on youtube, wehey! Two GW2 channels![]()
I've seen shadows in some of the videos. They were much subtler than the black blobs glued to the toon's feet other games have, though.
Alrighty, thanks![]()
I've seen tons of footage with shadows, some people were unable to max the game out while recording hence a lower graphics quality in some videos over others.
Do you need to have played Guild Wars 1 to understand Guild Wars 2? Or do they not having anyhting to do with each other?
TB on the UI.
45 seconds in...weapon swapping....5 important it is...
Thank you TB. Finally some decent commentaryyay!
Edit: 4 and a bit minutes he touched on more aspects of the game that I wanted to know about than I've probably seen in everything else combined. Finally someone who knows and understands this game!
Last edited by Squirrelbanes; 2012-02-22 at 11:29 AM.
Well i was recently converted to be a huge supporter of this game, actually im really freaking excited about it. I have shown a lot of the videos to my wife and she loves it too. We will be buying 2 copies on day 1 and im really excited to be playing an mmo with her again, she stopped playing wow, so yeah an even cooler reason for me to like it.