1. #14101
    Quote Originally Posted by Malthurius View Post
    I don't think you're far off. I don't see a reason for a stress test unless there isn't anything left to add to the game. Stress testing an unfinished product doesn't sound right in my head.
    Well, the stress test isn't necessarily just for the product, it's also for the servers themselves. In order to effectively test and balance WvWvW in the first place for example, they'll NEED to stress test those servers, as they're still figuring out what the exact maximum number of players per server will be.

  2. #14102
    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    Try Control+F5
    Still no luck Mif I am using Google Chrome. As soon as I get the skills page I click on english but then the only option i can do is choose the race, the professions drop-down doesn't work

  3. #14103
    Quote Originally Posted by DonCorleone View Post
    Still no luck Mif I am using Google Chrome. As soon as I get the skills page I click on english but then the only option i can do is choose the race, the professions drop-down doesn't work
    I tried with Chrome and it took 2 seconds extra or so.. But it worked :O
    Try use firefox? :P

  4. #14104
    Quote Originally Posted by DonCorleone View Post
    Still no luck Mif I am using Google Chrome. As soon as I get the skills page I click on english but then the only option i can do is choose the race, the professions drop-down doesn't work
    This might be stupid to say, but try and click the name not the arrow beside it

  5. #14105
    The Lightbringer Blufossa's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Herecius View Post
    Well, the stress test isn't necessarily just for the product, it's also for the servers themselves. In order to effectively test and balance WvWvW in the first place for example, they'll NEED to stress test those servers, as they're still figuring out what the exact maximum number of players per server will be.
    This. /\/\/\/\

    It's like when they stress test cars before releasing them to the general public (i.e. crash test, mileage test, etc).

  6. #14106
    E: Guardian Spotlight by Yogscast had some minor issues so they are going to reupload it. xPPP
    Last edited by Nest; 2012-02-27 at 05:07 PM.

  7. #14107
    Legendary! Wrathonia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nest View Post
    E: Guardian Spotlight by Yogscast had some minor issues so they are going to reupload it. xPPP
    Oh god, I don't even want them near Guardians. They are going to make me cry, aren't they?

  8. #14108
    They managed to make Guardians look very uninteresting and boring. They loved it though, but were a bit confused with it.

    The video was taken down cause the sound was broken.

  9. #14109
    Legendary! Wrathonia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borzo View Post
    They managed to make Guardians look very uninteresting and boring. They loved it though, but were a bit confused with it.

    The video was taken down cause the sound was broken.
    Well when you don't know how to dodge or even move, anything can seem boring. Did they even show how versatile greatsword or hammer can be?

  10. #14110
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathonia View Post
    Well when you don't know how to dodge or even move, anything can seem boring. Did they even show how versatile greatsword or hammer can be?
    Most likely not. They couldn't even make the Thief look interesting, and only talked about the abilities as if they could only be used in PvP. No offense, but they have to have some of the worst coverage on GW2 out right now.

  11. #14111
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathonia View Post
    Oh god, I don't even want them near Guardians. They are going to make me cry, aren't they?
    The videos they do doesn't really explain the professions that well. It's more of a video showing the '1' key being spammed and sometimes the '2' or '3' key. They will make Guardian look really boring probably.

    Like in the Mesmer video, he talked a lot about the portal skill, but he never walked into it, showing it off.

  12. #14112
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    To be fair, they only had two days to look over the eight professions, while also having to record and comment on videos about the professions.

    I don't really enjoy their style, but you have to admit it's a lot of work.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  13. #14113
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathonia View Post
    Well when you don't know how to dodge or even move, anything can seem boring. Did they even show how versatile greatsword or hammer can be?
    They liked the hammer and the knockback on it. But yeah... I agree with what you're saying: they can make any/every class look boring! I'm sure it'll be re-uploaded again soon.

  14. #14114
    Scarab Lord Loaf Lord's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Eiserne Drossel View Post
    The videos they do doesn't really explain the professions that well. It's more of a video showing the '1' key being spammed and sometimes the '2' or '3' key. They will make Guardian look really boring probably.

    Like in the Mesmer video, he talked a lot about the portal skill, but he never walked into it, showing it off.
    Really wish they would stop making videos. They're doing more harm than good by making the combat look sooooo boring.

  15. #14115
    Quote Originally Posted by Roggles View Post
    Really wish they would stop making videos. They're doing more harm than good by making the combat look sooooo boring.
    ? I felt Yogscast did a lot better job than most of the rest of the press.

  16. #14116
    Quote Originally Posted by BlairPhoenix View Post
    ? I felt Yogscast did a lot better job than most of the rest of the press.
    Sadly that's true.

    I'm really disappointed with Totalbiscuit, it's been like a week and he's released one or two videos. =\

  17. #14117
    Quote Originally Posted by Larynx View Post
    Sadly that's true.

    I'm really disappointed with Totalbiscuit, it's been like a week and he's released one or two videos. =\
    That's because he's not in the country right now to make the videos, his wife did one and he did one while away.

    He didn't even get to play in the beta, he had people (like his wife) play it and send him footage. He has easily 40-60 hours of it he has to edit and narrate.

  18. #14118
    Scarab Lord Loaf Lord's Avatar
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    Are there any notable human warriors in the GW lore?

  19. #14119
    Quote Originally Posted by Allanon the Mystic View Post
    That's because he's not in the country right now to make the videos, his wife did one and he did one while away.
    He has over 5 hours of WvWvW footage... does he really did to commentate over all of it?

  20. #14120
    Quote Originally Posted by Larynx View Post
    Sadly that's true.

    I'm really disappointed with Totalbiscuit, it's been like a week and he's released one or two videos. =\
    He was in Finland most of the week. He said he'll make more videos these days.

    ffs this damn thread goes so fast...

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