1. #15061
    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    damn u! yh, im getting there slowly but suurely.
    I had vekk set as a fire nuker....but u might replace one of the more dpsy heroes in my 7 support build with him. Missing my vekk
    I had him as a healer / mana conserver, I know it's more booring than a fire-nuker but he had some damage via that "Dragon Circle fire thingy" and an mana conservive damage ability but at the same team he healed us like a God from above
    Never had a better, nor smarter, party member than an Asura in GW, nuff' said!

    ---------- Post added 2012-03-11 at 11:13 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Mif View Post
    About 15e.
    Oh crap, well well... Not playing GW1 to much anymore, just PvPing a little since I feel like I'm "done" with my HoM :P Won't be arsed to farm that much, I'll get to play Asura in GW2 anyways <3

  2. #15062
    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    To my eternal shame I'm not using him in my setup ele isn't part of the 7 hero support build I might put him back in though...somehow.

    I find that setup so damn good, it breezes through everything. Even with my ranger.

  3. #15063
    Quote Originally Posted by azzer24 View Post

    I find that setup so damn good, it breezes through everything. Even with my ranger.
    Much love

  4. #15064
    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    Much love
    You are very much welcome.*

  5. #15065
    So I heard GW2 will be on consoles and I've just been wondering... How?
    By how can they put all the buttons on the controller, we need 10 buttons for our 10 skills, dodge button, interact button and up to 4 buttons for stances and other specific profession stuff (the F1-F4).
    I never had a console, so I'm not sure if you can have that many buttons. Isn't it 4 for walking, the 4 shapes and 4 at the far side of the controller?

  6. #15066
    Quote Originally Posted by Siron View Post
    So I heard GW2 will be on consoles and I've just been wondering... How?
    By how can they put all the buttons on the controller, we need 10 buttons for our 10 skills, dodge button, interact button and up to 4 buttons for stances and other specific profession stuff (the F1-F4).
    I never had a console, so I'm not sure if you can have that many buttons. Isn't it 4 for walking, the 4 shapes and 4 at the far side of the controller?
    Controllers have lots of buttons - lots. You can also use modifiers (like shift and ctrl and alt) on controllers.

    Alternatively, you could buy a USB keyboard+mouse for $15-20. This is more likely to be the solution

  7. #15067
    There are thread that discuss gw2 being on console, go there to discuss it further please

  8. #15068
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Borzo View Post
    Controllers have lots of buttons - lots. You can also use modifiers (like shift and ctrl and alt) on controllers.
    He has a point though. It'll be easy to have the joysticks for movement and camera, so that leaves 4 shape, the 4 D-pad buttons, and the 4 shoulder buttons. Although there should be enough buttons by, say, combining L1 and L2 together (for example), it's still going to make the controls a bit complicated, isn't it? As far as MMO gaming goes, I'm wondering if it will work out for GW2's combat style.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  9. #15069
    Combat controls are easy to translate to a console. It's the other stuff that requires of UI tweaks and so forth. Have to create tons of menus & sub-menus to allow something like browsing the AH or queuing for a dungeon.

  10. #15070
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    If only it were that easy in EQ. Also, getting the shards off a raid boss is an eventuality in a closed environment. Totally not the same as the open world of EQ or the risk of attempting some of these things- like dying in a lake of lava [had to swim through one] and wiping away levels & items months in the making if ill prepared. Clearing some zones in EQ could take days.

    EQ punished failure harshly and was unkind to those with less than ample time. I find that to be ideal MMO design.

    I don't know the specifics of the Rogue weapon- so fair enough. What I felt at the time of Ulduar was to be insulting. I never made mention of being particularly concerned with skill in obtaining these things either. So much as I am concerned with the capacity to obtain them at least. Which in Warcraft was a significantly lower barrier at the time of my play than EQ.
    I will admit - it can be seen as an eventuality, but I still see it as beneath tracking a rare spawn. It's not at all guaranteed that you will obtain it, because not every raid group is capable of moving forward at a decent rate of boss kills. If you were with a group that could only handle the first boss, you won't get the orange daggers before MoP is released.
    Dying in a lake of lava and potentially losing all your stuff doesn't really do it for me.
    Last edited by DrakeWurrum; 2012-03-11 at 05:42 PM.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  11. #15071
    I assure you, not every guild was capable of clearing zones in EQ1. Not by a long shot. Guilds were very secretive of what/how they cleared something. Sharing info on Estate of Unrest or Plane of Hate was just not given. EQ didn't exactly have quest markers or a quest log pointing out the steps for completion either. /Hail Friend

    Further, some of those rares were raid bosses or in zones so deep you needed support of the guild to even reach. Hotly contested zones too. Add to this difficult keying often through multi-tiered raid zones spanning [literally] the entire earthen world, the moon and abstract planes. Faction rep that was world changing to acquire too.

    It was not uncommon to spend days/weeks traveling merely seeking a clue. EQ was goddamn gigantic. There was a crafting set I forgot the name of that took almost a year to gather materials. A year.

    Some spawns were simple enough to handle solo or in a small group [such as my Ancient Cyclops]. Others... well, hope you brought 60 guildies to clear this zone over 3 days as 4 other guilds race to trigger the spawn at the same time. Having consequences that can shatter months of work just added another layer.

    Slightly different logistically then waiting for Hogger to appear or seeing Yogg weekly.

  12. #15072
    Did someone see that Amazon has the 30th June as a release date?
    Has this been know? For me it was new. But maybe it's just an error like the D3 release date they posted and declined a few weeks ago?

  13. #15073
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crewe View Post
    Did someone see that Amazon has the 30th June as a release date?
    Has this been know? For me it was new. But maybe it's just an error like the D3 release date they posted and declined a few weeks ago?
    Retailers will always put out what they think the release date is in order to get more pre-release sales.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  14. #15074
    Amazon and other such sites never know before the rest of us, they are only there so people can pre order so they earn money, there's nothing official as of yet.

  15. #15075
    What's the dominate race in Tyria?

    of the playable races at least, I think it'd very easily be the Charr. The Sylvari and too young, the humans are almost wiped out, the Norn I'm not sure of, but they're basically just refugees, and same as the Norn for the Asura. The Charr are really the only race who has had any time to grow.

  16. #15076
    Time to start a conversation who else is gonna have some fun with racial elites my ranger might be human just to get hounds of balthazar and swarm people on wvwvw with beast

    ---------- Post added 2012-03-11 at 08:10 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Larynx View Post
    What's the dominate race in Tyria?

    of the playable races at least, I think it'd very easily be the Charr. The Sylvari and too young, the humans are almost wiped out, the Norn I'm not sure of, but they're basically just refugees, and same as the Norn for the Asura. The Charr are really the only race who has had any time to grow.
    Funny thing is there is no dominant race hence why all the races are banded together right now the Elder dragons are the dominant race atm
    Last edited by etubrutei; 2012-03-11 at 08:26 PM.

  17. #15077
    Quote Originally Posted by Larynx View Post
    What's the dominate race in Tyria?

    of the playable races at least, I think it'd very easily be the Charr. The Sylvari and too young, the humans are almost wiped out, the Norn I'm not sure of, but they're basically just refugees, and same as the Norn for the Asura. The Charr are really the only race who has had any time to grow.
    Norn is. 1 norn can take out 4-5 warbands alone. :P

  18. #15078
    Quote Originally Posted by azzer24 View Post
    Norn is. 1 norn can take out 4-5 warbands alone. :P
    i would have to disagree being big doesn't make you a better fighter

  19. #15079
    Quote Originally Posted by azzer24 View Post
    Norn is. 1 norn can take out 4-5 warbands alone. :P
    1) I doubt that, but I just know someone is going to quote some wiki.
    2) Even if 1 norn = 4-5 warbands, I'm talking overall. Which civilization is dominate? Not which individual of each race.

  20. #15080
    Quote Originally Posted by etubrutei View Post
    i would have to disagree being big doesn't make you a better fighter
    Well, they can take out a lot, not because they're big, but because they are very skilled fighters.

    Quote Originally Posted by Larynx View Post
    1) I doubt that, but I just know someone is going to quote some wiki.
    2) Even if 1 norn = 4-5 warbands, I'm talking overall. Which civilization is dominate? Not which individual of each race.
    No civilization is dominate really, human and charr are big, but they're at war, and keeping eachother down most of the time.

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