1. #15301
    Quote Originally Posted by Guilegamesh View Post
    Just a random question, why is it that it is better to release games during the fall? I would assume, at least in our age, summer is when people (especially kids) have the least to do and most time to spend.
    They are also, outside in the summer months.

  2. #15302
    Quote Originally Posted by Guilegamesh View Post
    Just a random question, why is it that it is better to release games during the fall? I would assume, at least in our age, summer is when people (especially kids) have the least to do and most time to spend.
    As a college student I have more free time when in school actually. Many college students spend the summers working/ interning, that tends to take up a lot more time than school. Besides that reason, people also tend to spend more time outdoors in the summer as it is warm enough to enjoy being outside or inside is just too hot. I personally think winter would be the best time to release a new game, summer being the worst. Also kinds don't have the money to buy things like collectors editions that make the companies big bucks.

  3. #15303
    Scarab Lord Loaf Lord's Avatar
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    When I choose the Conqueror's Pauldrons, the Fanatic's Pauldrons, or the Visionary's Helm, what does that determine for me as a guardian?

  4. #15304
    Quote Originally Posted by Roggles View Post
    When I choose the Conqueror's Pauldrons, the Fanatic's Pauldrons, or the Visionary's Helm, what does that determine for me as a guardian?
    Part of your personal story. You don't need to wear it all game.

  5. #15305
    The Lightbringer Pud'n's Avatar
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    Behind you, what I'm not? Then who's this person I'm behind?
    Quote Originally Posted by masterpiece View Post
    Part of your personal story. You don't need to wear it all game.
    Wait those biography equipment choices actually give you real items? I never knew that.......

    I suppose mesmers, warriors, and engineers are likewise given items as part of their biography choices as well (since they have similar biography choices)?

  6. #15306
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    They are also, outside in the summer months.
    Plus summer jobs. Summer camps. etc etc.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  7. #15307
    People would buy this game regardless of the weather/season.. especially since its B2P.

  8. #15308
    for clarification:

    Quote Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
    We will update the FAQ on the official Guild Wars 2 website soon. Here are the questions and answers we will include:

    What do I get with a Pre-Purchase of the game?
    Customers who pre-purchase the game in full will enjoy guaranteed access to our Beta Weekend Events, three-day Headstart Access to the final game, and five digital items designed to enhance your gameplay experience.

    What if I don’t want to pay in full in advance?
    In addition to Pre-Purchase, a number of our retail partners are offering a Pre-Order program. Customers who pre-order will receive one-day Headstart Access to the final game.

    When do Beta Weekend Events (BWEs) start, and how many will there be?
    The first BWE is currently planned for late April, and we expect to have one every month or so. The schedule is subject to change and will be confirmed at a later date. Currently, we do not know how many of these events we will have.

    Is Pre-Purchase the only way to get into Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Events?
    Pre-Purchase is the only guaranteed way to get into all Beta Weekend Events. We will also be running promotions for access to individual Beta Weekend Events.

    I already signed up for the Guild Wars 2 Beta. Do I need to Pre-Purchase?
    If you want to get guaranteed access to all Beta Weekend Events, yes, you must Pre-Purchase. Simply signing up for the Beta does not guarantee access to the Beta Weekend Events.

    Which products are available for Pre-Purchase?
    Customers will be able to Pre-Purchase the Guild Wars 2 Digital Edition and the Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Edition directly from NCsoft. In addition to the digital products, certain retailers will also be offering physical Pre-Purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Standard Edition and the Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition.

    How does physical Pre-Purchase work?
    Physical Pre-Purchase for Guild Wars 2 is only available at select retailers. The details of how this will work will differ slightly depending on which edition customers purchase and where they purchase it.

    • Standard Edition (North America) — Customers will buy the Standard Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive a Pre-Purchase serial code. They will then go to https://register.guildwars2.com and follow the on-screen instructions to create a Guild Wars 2 account and apply the serial code, which will give them access to Beta Weekend Events and three-day Headstart access to the final game. When Guild Wars 2 launches, customers will need to return to the retailer with proof of purchase to receive the full Standard Edition box and retail serial code. They will need to apply this retail serial code to their Guild Wars 2 account within five days to continue playing without interruption.
    • Standard Edition (Europe) — Customers will buy the Standard Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive their serial code. This is the only serial code customers will receive and will grant access to the Beta Weekend Events, three-day Headstart Access, the Hero's Band digital item, and full access to the final live game. Customers will not need to return to retail to receive another serial code.
    • Collector's Edition (North America and Europe) — Customers will buy the Collector's Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive a Pre-Purchase serial code. They will then go to https://register.guildwars2.com and follow the on-screen instructions to create a Guild Wars account and apply the serial code, which will give them access to Beta Weekend Events and three-day Headstart Access to the final game. When Guild Wars 2 launches, customers will need to return to their retailer with proof of purchase to receive the full Collector's Edition box with physical items and retail serial code. They will need to apply this retail serial code to their Guild Wars 2 account within five days to continue playing without interruption.

    We will continue to monitor common questions and answers from all of our communities, and if appropriate, update the FAQ at a later date.
    Quote Originally Posted by Regina Buenaobra
    Only the digital editions will be purchasable directly from NCsoft. CORRECTION: Select retailers may also sell the digital editions. However, the bottom line is that NCsoft will not sell physical editions.

    Physical copies of the game will be purchasable from retailers.

    As we messaged earlier, there will be a closed beta test at the end of this month. This is NOT the same thing as the Beta Weekend Event (BWE) mentioned in the pre-purchase FAQ.

    There are a bunch of other questions I see that I cannot answer and/or have no information on (or people have already answered them), so unfortunately I can't respond to those.

    from gw2guru

    When do Beta Weekend Events (BWEs) start, and how many will there be?
    The first BWE is currently planned for late April, and we expect to have one every month or so. The schedule is subject to change and will be confirmed at a later date. Currently, we do not know how many of these events we will have.
    so if there are 2 Beta Weekend Events and there is only 1 per month... then goodbye May-release. Even June would be unlikely if they are planning for more than 2 Weekend Events.
    Last edited by Maarius; 2012-03-14 at 06:17 AM.

  9. #15309

  10. #15310
    Scarab Lord Arkenaw's Avatar
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    I wish they would just cut with the beta hype, and just announce a release date.

    ^ That is what I want to say, but I know how it really works.

  11. #15311
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Honestly not surprised. I don't know why anybody was getting their hopes up for a summer release.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrakeWurrum View Post
    Considering GW2 has been in development longer than most other online games (if not all) took in development, even including WoW, I wouldn't put it past ANet to milk the beta for all it's worth to make GW2 the best game possible. They're taking their time to make sure it's a quality game. If they feel it's ready this summer, sure, then they'll release it, but I don't think that will happen at this point.
    Quote Originally Posted by DrakeWurrum View Post
    More successful games (read: WoW) had longer betas than 8 months, and still launched with numerous bugs.

    I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm just saying don't prepare yourself for a summer release, because it's still very possible to be disappointed.
    Last edited by DrakeWurrum; 2012-03-14 at 06:32 AM.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  12. #15312
    Quote Originally Posted by Roggles View Post
    SPOILER ALERT: I'm liking Ghosts of Ascalon so far. Killeen didn't deserve her fate though. Even if she is a necromancing salad.
    Ug, you should specify what type of spoiler you're doing. You can't just randomly say SPOILER ALERT! and then post something without stating what it is about. For example, say it's about the book Ghosts of Ascalon.

    Quote Originally Posted by DrakeWurrum View Post
    Honestly not surprised. I don't know why anybody was getting their hopes up for a summer release.
    Yeah, I don't know why people thought it could be April/May. I highly doubt June, and July seems pretty unlikely as well. I would guess August/September myself but I really don't want to wait that long so I hope I'm wrong.

  13. #15313
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    The more and more people that find out about this game, the more and more I want to avoid threads. It's tiring saying the same things over and over and I want to avoid Guru and threads like "Hero or Zero" like the plague. Just too frustrating...
    Quote Originally Posted by SW:TOR
    Jokerseven - Kinetic Combat Shadow - Praxeum - Canderous Ordo
    Ce'lia - Combat Sentinel - Praxeum - Canderous Ordo
    Sentinel PVE Basics for the two Specs that matter

  14. #15314
    Quote Originally Posted by Ogretron View Post
    Ug, you should specify what type of spoiler you're doing. You can't just randomly say SPOILER ALERT! and then post something without stating what it is about. For example, say it's about the book Ghosts of Ascalon.
    Actually I gave that spoiler alert, spoiler is spoiler and some people don't want spoilers

  15. #15315
    Quote Originally Posted by Blznsmri View Post
    The more and more people that find out about this game, the more and more I want to avoid threads. It's tiring saying the same things over and over and I want to avoid Guru and threads like "Hero or Zero" like the plague. Just too frustrating...
    I'm trying to avoid many that instantly want an opinion in the title, such as that one. It won't end well...
    As a forum vet, u must have ceased banging ur head against a wall a long time ago...

  16. #15316
    Legendary! Wrathonia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    I'm trying to avoid many that instantly want an opinion in the title, such as that one. It won't end well...
    As a forum vet, u must have ceased banging ur head against a wall a long time ago...
    Amusingly enough he still posted in that thread recently. /rolleyes

  17. #15317
    Scarab Lord Blznsmri's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathonia View Post
    Amusingly enough he still posted in that thread recently. /rolleyes
    I felt it was relevant.

    Also, I said "want" and not "will." As in implying that there's a possibility that I wouldn't be able to avoid it. Also, what I said in that thread is only very loosely correlated to what the thread was actually about.
    Last edited by Blznsmri; 2012-03-14 at 09:17 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by SW:TOR
    Jokerseven - Kinetic Combat Shadow - Praxeum - Canderous Ordo
    Ce'lia - Combat Sentinel - Praxeum - Canderous Ordo
    Sentinel PVE Basics for the two Specs that matter

  18. #15318
    Legendary! Wrathonia's Avatar
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    I just skimmed the last page, pretty much what I expected. Just amused I saw a post from you right after you said you wanted to avoid it.

  19. #15319
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathonia View Post
    Amusingly enough he still posted in that thread recently. /rolleyes
    Yh, so did I >.>
    Just above Blznsmri in fact. But we were both replying to wanton ignorance and misinformation on the part of other posters.
    My head, sore.

  20. #15320
    Quote Originally Posted by DrakeWurrum View Post
    Honestly not surprised. I don't know why anybody was getting their hopes up for a summer release.
    well I got my hopes up because they kinda said they will use beta events as a "hype thing" shortly before release :P Then ofc, it will all depend on how well these events are going

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