We will update the FAQ on the official Guild Wars 2 website soon. Here are the questions and answers we will include:
What do I get with a Pre-Purchase of the game?
Customers who pre-purchase the game in full will enjoy guaranteed access to our Beta Weekend Events, three-day Headstart Access to the final game, and five digital items designed to enhance your gameplay experience.
What if I don’t want to pay in full in advance?
In addition to Pre-Purchase, a number of our retail partners are offering a Pre-Order program. Customers who pre-order will receive one-day Headstart Access to the final game.
When do Beta Weekend Events (BWEs) start, and how many will there be?
The first BWE is currently planned for late April, and we expect to have one every month or so. The schedule is subject to change and will be confirmed at a later date. Currently, we do not know how many of these events we will have.
Is Pre-Purchase the only way to get into Guild Wars 2 Beta Weekend Events?
Pre-Purchase is the only guaranteed way to get into all Beta Weekend Events. We will also be running promotions for access to individual Beta Weekend Events.
I already signed up for the Guild Wars 2 Beta. Do I need to Pre-Purchase?
If you want to get guaranteed access to all Beta Weekend Events, yes, you must Pre-Purchase. Simply signing up for the Beta does not guarantee access to the Beta Weekend Events.
Which products are available for Pre-Purchase?
Customers will be able to Pre-Purchase the Guild Wars 2 Digital Edition and the Guild Wars 2 Digital Deluxe Edition directly from NCsoft. In addition to the digital products, certain retailers will also be offering physical Pre-Purchase of the Guild Wars 2 Standard Edition and the Guild Wars 2 Collector's Edition.
How does physical Pre-Purchase work?
Physical Pre-Purchase for Guild Wars 2 is only available at select retailers. The details of how this will work will differ slightly depending on which edition customers purchase and where they purchase it.
- Standard Edition (North America) — Customers will buy the Standard Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive a Pre-Purchase serial code. They will then go to https://register.guildwars2.com and follow the on-screen instructions to create a Guild Wars 2 account and apply the serial code, which will give them access to Beta Weekend Events and three-day Headstart access to the final game. When Guild Wars 2 launches, customers will need to return to the retailer with proof of purchase to receive the full Standard Edition box and retail serial code. They will need to apply this retail serial code to their Guild Wars 2 account within five days to continue playing without interruption.
- Standard Edition (Europe) — Customers will buy the Standard Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive their serial code. This is the only serial code customers will receive and will grant access to the Beta Weekend Events, three-day Headstart Access, the Hero's Band digital item, and full access to the final live game. Customers will not need to return to retail to receive another serial code.
- Collector's Edition (North America and Europe) — Customers will buy the Collector's Edition Pre-Purchase box and receive a Pre-Purchase serial code. They will then go to https://register.guildwars2.com and follow the on-screen instructions to create a Guild Wars account and apply the serial code, which will give them access to Beta Weekend Events and three-day Headstart Access to the final game. When Guild Wars 2 launches, customers will need to return to their retailer with proof of purchase to receive the full Collector's Edition box with physical items and retail serial code. They will need to apply this retail serial code to their Guild Wars 2 account within five days to continue playing without interruption.
We will continue to monitor common questions and answers from all of our communities, and if appropriate, update the FAQ at a later date.