1. #15701
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeek Daniels View Post
    seems to me like TB is a little too thin skinned. Letting fans who are annoying you decide which content you put out. Just ignore them. He's already said it more than one time. Its hard to commentate a video when your watching something someone else was doing. You have no idea how the game feels because you weren't playing.

    Get over yourself TB.
    I agree with this, for the most part. He cares too much about what other people think, and it comes off as childish. I like his videos and all, but as a person he is just dreadful.

    And really, he should have expected this. Dangling "content that nobody else has" in front of his fans' noses and then not posting it? I don't really care, personally, as there are plenty of other places where I can watch videos about GW2, but his reaction is just silly because of the way he acted before. If he didn't think this kind of reaction would occur, then he's just naive.

  2. #15702
    Blademaster Donuts Van's Avatar
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    TB needs some cookies, his inner gremling is crawling out.
    I dont need revenge, I need redemption

  3. #15703
    Legendary! Wrathonia's Avatar
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    You people are heartless. He has had a breakdown from stress dealing with negative people before. He is currently seperated from his wife and child because of international travel BS and hasn't spent more than a week with them since 2008. All considering I am surprised how well composed the man is to deal with crap that people throw at him, including from you guys. If you don't like the mans work, fine. But considering the crap he is going through, personal attacks are really low. Stop it.

  4. #15704
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathonia View Post
    You people are heartless. He has had a breakdown from stress dealing with negative people before. He is currently seperated from his wife and child because of international travel BS and hasn't spent more than a week with them since 2008. All considering I am surprised how well composed the man is to deal with crap that people throw at him, including from you guys. If you don't like the mans work, fine. But considering the crap he is going through, personal attacks are really low. Stop it.
    Just because he might be experiencing life doesnt mean he should have posted that. He can ignore the fanboys all together and do w.e he wants with his channel. He doesnt need to spout venom towards them. And i do like the mans work, i do not however like that post as it looked as if he was whining and acting all high and mighty. If he no longer wants to do GW2 themed videos he should do so based on the fact that he no longer likes MMO's and not because a game has a few fans that send him alot of pestering messages. I mean come on he said he may no longer play GW2 because of how the fans were responding to his lack of videos.

  5. #15705
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeek Daniels View Post
    Just because he might be experiencing life doesnt mean he should have posted that. He can ignore the fanboys all together and do w.e he wants with his channel. He doesnt need to spout venom towards them. And i do like the mans work, i do not however like that post as it looked as if he was whining and acting all high and mighty. If he no longer wants to do GW2 themed videos he should do so based on the fact that he no longer likes MMO's and not because a game has a few fans that send him alot of pestering messages. I mean come on he said he may no longer play GW2 because of how the fans were responding to his lack of videos.
    I think he should've pulled a Bender, tbh: "Bite my shiny metal ass."

    Except, obviously, themed towards him being a cynical brit.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  6. #15706
    Quote Originally Posted by Wrathonia View Post
    You people are heartless. He has had a breakdown from stress dealing with negative people before. He is currently seperated from his wife and child because of international travel BS and hasn't spent more than a week with them since 2008. All considering I am surprised how well composed the man is to deal with crap that people throw at him, including from you guys. If you don't like the mans work, fine. But considering the crap he is going through, personal attacks are really low. Stop it.
    Having personal problems doesn't give you an excuse to act unprofessional. If that were the case, I'd bitch at people at my job all day long. But alas, I can't do that. If he is having personal problems that are interfering with his life that much to the point where he is having some kind of breakdown, then maybe he needs to step away from doing videos for a while and get some help.

    Granted, he can do what he wants since it's his life. If he wants to bitch and moan about every little thing that bothers him, then okay. But to expect no backlash is just foolish. Things like that don't just get shrugged off, personal problems or not. You can't blame his fans for being irritated with him.
    Last edited by Wynnyelle; 2012-03-21 at 04:13 AM.

  7. #15707
    Quote Originally Posted by Zeek Daniels View Post
    Just because he might be experiencing life doesnt mean he should have posted that. He can ignore the fanboys all together and do w.e he wants with his channel. He doesnt need to spout venom towards them. And i do like the mans work, i do not however like that post as it looked as if he was whining and acting all high and mighty. If he no longer wants to do GW2 themed videos he should do so based on the fact that he no longer likes MMO's and not because a game has a few fans that send him alot of pestering messages. I mean come on he said he may no longer play GW2 because of how the fans were responding to his lack of videos.
    I do agree his personal life should have no bearing. But I agree he was in the right in posting that and speaking down toward fans of games.

    There is a lot of tolerance allowed in the industry for fanaticism, poor thought and low opinion with not enough rigour in the response to that blank nonsense.

  8. #15708
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    I think the concept of acting professional should only be taken so far before you have to put your foot down. If he has to be respectful and polite, so do the fans. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and whatnot.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

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  9. #15709
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrakeWurrum View Post
    I think the concept of acting professional should only be taken so far before you have to put your foot down. If he has to be respectful and polite, so do the fans. Treat others the way you want to be treated, and whatnot.
    Exactly, but he deals with the worst type of the public, internet/forums/youtube. No wonder the man snaps on occasion, especially considering how many people harass him.

  10. #15710
    Interrupting the TB discussion for a second for a question about of the bleeding condition. On the wiki it says it stacks in intensity but in videos it doesn't seem to change in damage when players seem to be stacking more and more up.

    My question is does bleed tick faster when it stacks (hard to tell just off videos) or is it not implemented properly yet?

    Minor question, I know, sorry
    "Haters give me balance, every Kyle's got a Cartman." -George Watsky

  11. #15711
    I fully support TB here.
    I think people are acting very childishly towards him, cowering mightily behind their computer screens as it were.
    He's a human being with his own issues, and simply shouldn't have to put up with the shit that he's been getting.
    Saying he should have a hard skin is besides the point. He shouldn't be receiving such comments in the first place.

    if I was in his place...I would have used much stronger language frankly.

  12. #15712
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PonyCannon View Post
    Interrupting the TB discussion for a second for a question about of the bleeding condition. On the wiki it says it stacks in intensity but in videos it doesn't seem to change in damage when players seem to be stacking more and more up.

    My question is does bleed tick faster when it stacks (hard to tell just off videos) or is it not implemented properly yet?

    Minor question, I know, sorry
    The wiki says: "Example: 10 seconds of bleeding are applied to a target. 1 second later, another 10 seconds of bleeding are applied to the target. For 9 seconds, the target will suffer twice the normal bleeding damage over time. After that, the first bleed effect will expire, and for 1 second the target will suffer normal bleeding from the second effect, which then expires."

    What's happening in the videos is anyone's guess.

  13. #15713
    Herald of the Titans Nirawen's Avatar
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    Does anyone know if guild names will be reserved globally similar to player names or will there be a different system in place? I can see the benefits but also drawbacks to only being able to have one guild of a certain name.
    Last edited by Nirawen; 2012-03-21 at 06:08 AM. Reason: Typo
    Her hall is called Eljudnir,
    her dish is Hunger,
    her knife is Famine,
    her slave is Lazy,
    and Slothful is her woman servant.

  14. #15714
    Whew, I'm really not comprehending what you are saying or I am just over looking something obvious. I'm just going to blame it on it being late at night. :P

    Well i guess what it says makes more sense if I don't count anything I've seen in videos. But whatever, I'm going to hold off thinking until a more reasonable hour. :P
    "Haters give me balance, every Kyle's got a Cartman." -George Watsky

  15. #15715
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PonyCannon View Post
    Whew, I'm really not comprehending what you are saying or I am just over looking something obvious. I'm just going to blame it on it being late at night. :P
    I think he's saying this:

    Second 0: first stack of bleeding is applied, it lasts 10 seconds
    Second 1: second stack of bleeding is applied, it lasts 10 seconds
    Seconds 2 through 9: they bleed for 2x damage
    Second 10: first stack of bleeding wears off
    Second 11: second stack of bleeding wears off

    The specific places they bleed for 1x damage will depend on how ticks work, I imagine. Try to picture it as, every time you apply a bleed to the target, a completely separate bleed duration is applied. Except they don't get a new icon for it, and all the bleeds combine.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  16. #15716
    I am Murloc! Mif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PonyCannon View Post
    Whew, I'm really not comprehending what you are saying or I am just over looking something obvious. I'm just going to blame it on it being late at night. :P

    Well i guess what it says makes more sense if I don't count anything I've seen in videos. But whatever, I'm going to hold off thinking until a more reasonable hour. :P
    I meant that I have no idea or info on why bleeds would not be increasing in damage in the videos.

    How old are the videos you've seen it happening in? If they're old it might of be a different version of the bleed condition that has since been changed.

  17. #15717
    Scarab Lord Kaelwryn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    I fully support TB here.
    I think people are acting very childishly towards him, cowering mightily behind their computer screens as it were.
    He's a human being with his own issues, and simply shouldn't have to put up with the shit that he's been getting.
    Saying he should have a hard skin is besides the point. He shouldn't be receiving such comments in the first place.

    if I was in his place...I would have used much stronger language frankly.
    Wholeheartedly agree with this. But lately it seems that a lot of people have been getting a very large guildwars 2 fanboi stick up their arse. :\ I dunno maybe its just me, but a lot of the places I go to for gw2 stuff seems unpleasant of late to read. *shrug* maybe its just me.

  18. #15718
    Quote Originally Posted by DrakeWurrum View Post
    Try to picture it as, every time you apply a bleed to the target, a completely separate bleed duration is applied. Except they don't get a new icon for it, and all the bleeds combine.
    Ah that was kind of what I was thinking thanks for spelling that out.

    @Mif pretty sure it was from the recent press beta. Though I may of only noticed/latched on to a old video. I'll probably have to check again.

    Here we are. Yogscast warrior overview from the press beta

    When hes using the dual swords I see the bleed condition on the mob stack up but the bleed damage seems to constantly be rolling 6's.
    Last edited by PonyCannon; 2012-03-21 at 06:28 AM.
    "Haters give me balance, every Kyle's got a Cartman." -George Watsky

  19. #15719
    Quote Originally Posted by PonyCannon View Post
    Ah that was kind of what I was thinking thanks for spelling that out.

    @Mif pretty sure it was from the recent press beta. Though I may of only noticed/latched on to a old video. I'll probably have to check again.

    Here we are. Yogscast warrior overview from the press beta

    When hes using the dual swords I see the bleed condition on the mob stack up but the bleed damage seems to constantly be rolling 6's.
    I've no time to check the video, but perhaps stacks decrease time between ticks, instead of increasing damage?

  20. #15720
    That was my original thought but I couldn't really be too sure off just videos.
    "Haters give me balance, every Kyle's got a Cartman." -George Watsky

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