1. #16101

  2. #16102
    The Insane DrakeWurrum's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandpab View Post
    Let's add some hope to this thread... http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/c...ed_about_what/
    I seem him calling those games "MOBOs" and want to post "It's MOBA you moron! Multiplayer Online Battle Arena!"

    The best comment there linked this image.

    Edit: Best way to respond to anybody who complains about not having enough buttons to push:
    I haven't played the beta, but I logged on to my SWToR account after reading the post and thought to myself "man. even if I'm not button mashing 100% of the time, it's still got to be better than this 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 mindless sequence business."
    And this is an interesting perspective to take on having an NDA on this beta:
    This is why the NDA was a terrible idea from arenanet. The primary people who are going to break a NDA are those who aren't happy with the game and don't care about their accounts. This leads to a negative outlook regardless of the overall opinions.
    Last edited by DrakeWurrum; 2012-03-24 at 11:50 PM.
    I hope you haven't forgotten my role in this little story. I'm the leading man. You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.

    If you give in to your impulses in this world, the price is that it changes your personality in the real world. The player and character are one and the same.

  3. #16103
    Quote Originally Posted by grandpab View Post
    Let's add some hope to this thread... http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/c...ed_about_what/
    Feel a little better. Thanks

    Imo, GW2 should come with a user agreement when you install that differs from the normal tldr "I agree" format. It should force you to read concepts. Actually aloud. And register that you have read them. Or have to retype it out.
    Ok ok...stupid idea I know...but hearing ppl still talk about rotations etc...it's saddening. For example, this:
    Problem is, from what I gathered, that debuff/buff spells do pathetic damage meaning you have virtually no choices in your desired rotation.
    They really need to understand the concepts before making themselves look very silly.

  4. #16104
    The Lightbringer Malthurius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grandpab View Post
    Let's add some hope to this thread... http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/c...ed_about_what/
    I feel like he praises it a bit too much (I know, I know, nit pick, nit pick), but he does say exactly what I said earlier... it's much more like a fast paced MOBA than a Hot Key MMO like WoW or Rift.
    "Questions are for those seeking answers. Those who have answers are those who have asked questions." -Mike R. (Malthurius)

  5. #16105
    haha I think its even more funny when they try sound "smartass" using "formal/fluffy/fine) language when they really just say.. stupid stuff, fluffy language or not xP Like, about rotations and debuffs and all that, thinking they have it aaall figured out before having played the higher level stuff... just my opinion tho

    also can it be that when people try out the game and trying to play like they are used to play other games (rotations and such) and then later fails, they get frustrated because they do not understand it and therefore it is a "bad game" ? And then tell everyone that is sucks because if you can't beat the game then noone should be aloud to? Just a thought.. I like playing "psychologist" (if thats the right word for it ? ^^')

  6. #16106
    I feel like he praises it a bit too much (I know, I know, nit pick, nit pick), but he does say exactly what I said earlier... it's much more like a fast paced MOBA than a Hot Key MMO like WoW or Rift.
    People also said that coming out of the press beta the first time. Mike B in particular said it live on air.

  7. #16107
    Quote Originally Posted by Fencers View Post
    People also said that coming out of the press beta the first time. Mike B in particular said it live on air.
    I vote we classify GW2 as a MMORTSRPG.

    Massive Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy Role-Playing Game. It just flows off the tongue. I'm sure someone could put Action into there somewhere as well.

  8. #16108
    The Lightbringer Malthurius's Avatar
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    Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy Action Role Playing Battle Arena Game.

    "Questions are for those seeking answers. Those who have answers are those who have asked questions." -Mike R. (Malthurius)

  9. #16109
    Quote Originally Posted by Malthurius View Post

    Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy Action Role Playing Battle Arena Game.

    You do me proud, sir.

  10. #16110
    Quote Originally Posted by yoomi View Post
    also can it be that when people try out the game and trying to play like they are used to play other games (rotations and such) and then later fails, they get frustrated because they do not understand it and therefore it is a "bad game" ? And then tell everyone that is sucks because if you can't beat the game then noone should be aloud to? Just a thought.. I like playing "psychologist" (if thats the right word for it ? ^^')
    It does feel like many of the negative comments can be seen in that light.
    OMG! This doesn't do x,y,z like it should it's so fail. Most people prefer to critique the game rather than their performace.
    "a bad workman blames his tools" yadda yadda.
    To an extent it's true.
    But there are clearly some concerns with how things are working too. But....beta. Until Release proves/disproves those concerns.

  11. #16111
    Quote Originally Posted by Malthurius View Post

    Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy Action Role Playing Battle Arena Game.

    Sounds hilarious when spoken IRL. xD

  12. #16112
    Or we could just say, Action RPG set in a persistent world.

  13. #16113
    Anyone know how long the pre-purchase offer will last?

    Wondering as my paycheck ain't coming until the end of the month, and the pre-purchase starts the 10th. Will i still be able to pre-purchase at the end of april?

  14. #16114
    Quote Originally Posted by fencers View Post
    or we could just say, action rpg set in a persistent world.

    I like it!

  15. #16115
    Here's someone who's at least being reasonable and explains the whys, http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/c..._state_of_gw2/

  16. #16116
    The Lightbringer Malthurius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanni View Post
    Anyone know how long the pre-purchase offer will last?

    Wondering as my paycheck ain't coming until the end of the month, and the pre-purchase starts the 10th. Will i still be able to pre-purchase at the end of april?
    I don't think they've said a deadline, but I would assume you can pre-purchase as long as it's done before the game's launch and pre-purchase head start.

    ---------- Post added 2012-03-24 at 09:30 PM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by grandpab View Post
    Here's someone who's at least being reasonable and explains the whys, http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/c..._state_of_gw2/
    He still fails to mention how far he got into the game... which irks me so...
    "Questions are for those seeking answers. Those who have answers are those who have asked questions." -Mike R. (Malthurius)

  17. #16117
    Quote Originally Posted by Malthurius View Post
    He still fails to mention how far he got into the game... which irks me so...
    That's true, I didn't think about that. It'd be nice to hear what people have to say about the content that's lvl 30+, or how/if the difficulty increases as you get higher.

  18. #16118
    Quote Originally Posted by grandpab View Post
    Here's someone who's at least being reasonable and explains the whys, http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/c..._state_of_gw2/
    I just wish they would say what level they're basing the pve on. So far, what I've heard from press (ones with at least a little sense) is that it's an engaging faceroll in the early stages but gets more challenging, which would make you think that it forces skills to be more effectively used.
    Damn...but I really need to see a high level review.
    I'm literally holding my breath for some good press releases now. But thankfully the initial ZOMG rage posts are dying down...and the more considered ones are coming out. That will come out more with the press.

  19. #16119
    The Lightbringer Pud'n's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Malthurius View Post

    Massively Multiplayer Online Real Time Strategy Action Role Playing Battle Arena Game.

    My nerds points have just increased by +10 after reading that aloud.

  20. #16120
    Quote Originally Posted by grandpab View Post
    Here's someone who's at least being reasonable and explains the whys, http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/c..._state_of_gw2/
    Fairly nice. I still would like to hear how high a level he went to. While the combat being mind numbing in pve is a valid point, I'd like to find out if that is still the case at level 60 for example (obviously we won't know unless ArenaNet setup some premade higher level characters).

    I suppose the developers will have to find a right balance. Make it too easy at the start and you will see these types of complaints. Make it too difficult and you'll have the opposite occur (although the ultimate result would be the same, people not playing). Here's hoping that the beta folks gave some good feedback to ArenaNet and not just to the public.

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