I put this in the guardian thread, but I think this deserves to be seen by all.
and this one is just kinda funny
I'm pretty sure you'll still be able to do the W^3, but you won't be able to get the bonus boons (coining the term "boonus") that the winning realm gets. When ANet brought it up last, they said they hadn't decided whether it would be just four one round or if it would extend to several.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w1mq6rAfMM will replace ALL of my in-game music.
Monk, I need a monk!!!
Well, it must be weird going from dynamic combat to WoW's combat, it's 2 very different styles, and i don't think 1 is better than the other, they're just different.
I think Lewis demonstrates how much he enjoys WoW's combat system by macroing his entire rotation to a single mouse / keyboard button. :P
Aha, thought that Yogcast is hired by some1. But if they are taking profits as addition, then Im sure they could stop making some videos if they dislike it so much.
Anyway about enthusiasm. At one side you have totaly new toy to play with with all new mechanics and world to discover. On other hand you have 4th expansion to game you know in and out where you a lot less to discover.
I wouldnt rly try reinforce good feeling about GW2 by videos of ppl who just might enjoy new stuff/being hypped.
I m not saying that Yogcast is like that, but TB imo is rly close to that. Stuff which in other games made TB ranting for 5 min, in GW2 he skip without saying word.
But I just might be too suspicious abotu ppl who have only good stuff to say about something. It almost always disconect with reality in long term.
Remembering how he criticized the "0/5" dynamic event objectives, I don't think it's fair to say he doesn't say anything.
Also, TB is probably aware that GW2 isn't released yet, so he might be cutting it some slack because of that.
If you look at "WTF Is Deus Ex: Human Revolution", you'll find that the more "hyped" he is about a game, the more he criticizes it. :P Which is a good thing.