1. #16841
    Quote Originally Posted by Delias View Post
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w1mq6rAfMM will replace ALL of my in-game music.
    Oh dear, the memories of HBK's theme, which somehow I now have in my head with images of the Duke Baradin fight.
    Is your character going for the 'charm' too?

  2. #16842
    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    I think that says everything about MoPs "innovations" that I need to know. Together with a pic Mif linked a while back with a panda saying "take that monkeybutts".
    Yes. Idd. How marvellous. I'll be over here...doing the stuff. Thanks though.
    You do realise that trying to single macro all abilites is just terrible gameplay (not mention it wont work for most of classes) ?

    I would compare it in GW2 to hmm, spaming only 1 button, or just every button to have them on cd.

    Nothing rly to be proud off. Especialy that on early levels of GW2 combat is basicly the same like in WoW , you stay in place looking at mob and using your abilites to kill him. You might even dodge now and then sometimes.

  3. #16843
    Quote Originally Posted by Kallanna View Post
    Oh dear, the memories of HBK's theme, which somehow I now have in my head with images of the Duke Baradin fight.
    Is your character going for the 'charm' too?
    I shall have the Undertaker's theme play whenever I enter pvp. I shall watche their faces pale at my coming as the lighting and thunder taunt them.

    I can't roll my eyes back into my head though...but well...he only started doing that after he got fat. Asura don't do fat!

  4. #16844
    oh I have another question

    If you're in europe, will you be able to join a US server?

  5. #16845
    Quote Originally Posted by Jigain View Post
    Remembering how he criticized the "0/5" dynamic event objectives, I don't think it's fair to say he doesn't say anything.

    Also, TB is probably aware that GW2 isn't released yet, so he might be cutting it some slack because of that.

    If you look at "WTF Is Deus Ex: Human Revolution", you'll find that the more "hyped" he is about a game, the more he criticizes it. :P Which is a good thing.
    Good example of what I meant you can find here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=Pugsvos4y5g (dont let title of video fool you)

    What Im saying is that Im personaly taking all that videos with grain of salt. They are mostly ovehyped, even longer gameplay. And stuff which will come up in normal game play when you can spend week with game, is skiped when you just play weekend and are rly excited about it.

  6. #16846
    Quote Originally Posted by Kanrei View Post
    You do realise that trying to single macro all abilites is just terrible gameplay (not mention it wont work for most of classes) ?
    I would compare it in GW2 to hmm, spaming only 1 button, or just every button to have them on cd.
    Nothing rly to be proud off. Especialy that on early levels of GW2 combat is basicly the same like in WoW , you stay in place looking at mob and using your abilites to kill him. You might even dodge now and then sometimes.
    I thought he meant marcoing a rotation. Which is conceivable, although ofc terrible. It just acts to exemplify the lack of robust and dynamic combat I've come to see in the game as it's.....I'll call it "developed"...over the years. It's an illustration of the 2 opposing styles of combat...rather than completely accurate, I guess.
    Tbh, I just find wow's combat boring now. Which is what they're saying too.

  7. #16847
    Quote Originally Posted by Daffkeeks View Post
    oh I have another question

    If you're in europe, will you be able to join a US server?
    Currently, all we know is that you can play with people from the US.
    This means that pretty much for sure you will be able to visit US servers, but they have not confirmed or denied if a US server can be your home server.

  8. #16848
    Quote Originally Posted by Kanrei View Post
    Good example of what I meant you can find here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature...&v=Pugsvos4y5g (dont let title of video fool you)

    What Im saying is that Im personaly taking all that videos with grain of salt. They are mostly ovehyped, even longer gameplay. And stuff which will come up in normal game play when you can spend week with game, is skiped when you just play weekend and are rly excited about it.
    Can't actually watch videos while at work, as it'd mess up the video editing.

    But yeah, you should always be critical, especially of critics.

    ---------- Post added 2012-04-02 at 11:40 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    I thought he meant marcoing a rotation.
    I did. Lewis macro'd the entire fury warrior rotation. And it works fairly well, I should add (having played a fury warrior myself to some extent). I'd imagine he's just 1-1.5k DPS short of someone who actually uses human judgment.

  9. #16849
    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelbanes View Post
    I shall have the Undertaker's theme play whenever I enter pvp. I shall watche their faces pale at my coming as the lighting and thunder taunt them.

    I can't roll my eyes back into my head though...but well...he only started doing that after he got fat. Asura don't do fat!
    No need to roll your eyes at all. Asura are kinda creepy enough, and can deliver death from...below I suppose!
    (I'm still going to try and play one but... *shudders*).

  10. #16850
    Quote Originally Posted by Delias View Post
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7w1mq6rAfMM will replace ALL of my in-game music.
    hmm.... I am not sure which gives me the creeps more, the singer or the background singers.
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  11. #16851
    Brewmaster Newbryn's Avatar
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    you guys should watch this.

  12. #16852
    The Lightbringer jvbastel's Avatar
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    Apparently, most game mania shops in belgium(the only retailer who will sell the pre-purchases here) are already sold out of GW2 CE's, and the same is true for Bol.com and Game Mania in the Netherlands. At least that's what's going around on Guru.
    I was able to reserve a CE version, Happy face
    Monk, I need a monk!!!

  13. #16853
    Quote Originally Posted by jvbastel View Post
    Apparently, most game mania shops in belgium(the only retailer who will sell the pre-purchases here) are already sold out of GW2 CE's, and the same is true for Bol.com and Game Mania in the Netherlands. At least that's what's going around on Guru.
    I was able to reserve a CE version, Happy face
    Do they say it's sold out on the website, or... actually in the shop?
    The shops I've seen have indeed written sold out on their description, when what they mean is 'We won't sell it until the 10th'.
    As much as I want the CE I can't afford it since I'm buying my game and a couple of more as gifts.

  14. #16854
    The Lightbringer jvbastel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kallanna View Post
    Do they say it's sold out on the website, or... actually in the shop?
    The shops I've seen have indeed written sold out on their description, when what they mean is 'We won't sell it until the 10th'.
    As much as I want the CE I can't afford it since I'm buying my game and a couple of more as gifts.
    The website. When I went to the shop they said that the website says sold out for every edition of every game above 100 euros.
    Monk, I need a monk!!!

  15. #16855
    Quote Originally Posted by jvbastel View Post
    The website. When I went to the shop they said that the website says sold out for every edition of every game above 100 euros.
    That is a bit weird, but it seems like a lot of retailers have been quite confusing about the prepurchase (if you judge arenanet's twitter...).
    At least you've sorted yours out I suppose.

  16. #16856
    The Lightbringer jvbastel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kallanna View Post
    That is a bit weird, but it seems like a lot of retailers have been quite confusing about the prepurchase (if you judge arenanet's twitter...).
    At least you've sorted yours out I suppose.
    I hope so. I would have preferred if retailers didn't let you pre-order before the 10th, but I want my CE and if I don't do it, someone else will

    I'm still not 100% sure if I'll get it (the "2 copies per store in belgium" makes me a bit nervous) but I know the owner of the shop (he drove at my brother's wedding ) and I'm sure he wouldn't screw me over on purpose

    People will get disappointed about not getting the CE when they pre-ordered it, though.
    Monk, I need a monk!!!

  17. #16857
    Quote Originally Posted by jvbastel View Post
    I hope so. I would have preferred if retailers didn't let you pre-order before the 10th, but I want my CE and if I don't do it, someone else will

    I'm still not 100% sure if I'll get it (the "2 copies per store in belgium" makes me a bit nervous) but I know the owner of the shop (he drove at my brother's wedding ) and I'm sure he wouldn't screw me over on purpose

    People will get disappointed about not getting the CE when they pre-ordered it, though.
    Yeah it's completely understandable that you'd have to preorder since everyone else seems to be doing it.
    It's kinda unfair that retailers don't seem to respect the developers at all... but oh well, at the same time it's to be expected.
    I do hope you get your CE though =D

  18. #16858
    The Lightbringer jvbastel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kallanna View Post
    Yeah it's completely understandable that you'd have to preorder since everyone else seems to be doing it.
    It's kinda unfair that retailers don't seem to respect the developers at all... but oh well, at the same time it's to be expected.
    I do hope you get your CE though =D

    I just find it annoying that a lot of people will get the CE just to sell it for ridiculous prices on ebay, and people who actually want it will have to pay those ridiculous prices.

    I just know it'll look awesome next to my 3 GW1 campaign CE's
    Monk, I need a monk!!!

  19. #16859
    I'm so bored of waiting for gw2.... Any games worth playing while waiting? I can't stand LoL anymore... that community is terrible. I've tried Eredan itcg but itcgs aren't that entertaining to keep me long. I think about DCUO but it downloads soooooo long.

  20. #16860
    Quote Originally Posted by Roudene View Post
    I'm so bored of waiting for gw2.... Any games worth playing while waiting? I can't stand LoL anymore... that community is terrible. I've tried Eredan itcg but itcgs aren't that entertaining to keep me long. I think about DCUO but it downloads soooooo long.
    DCUO isnt very fun. Go for Tribes Ascend if you like fps that is.

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