1. #11661
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Roudene View Post
    Axetor - old stealth was "op" but new one is ... well , it's like having no passive at all. All champions can go through map undedected. And what about dominion where map is so small? It will be even more useless passive. On dominion you don't buy wards. The only way it may be useful is going around central buffs without being dedected which is a bit lame for passive. As I said in my prev post - just make detect range shorter and she would be ok.(maybe ... I don't use PBE)

    Oh.. one more to you - Eve was easly countered by oracle .... but now you don't even have to get oracles to counter her... it's just stupid. People from PBE say that she didn't receive any upgrades on dmg... so with stealth nerf it makes her completly useless. Even more than now ... lol. It makes no sense.
    I've never played Eve in her current form so I don't know how damage compares, but it certainly isn't lacking. She isn't useless. That ulti hits everyone for percent health damage with no reduction per champ hit. Everyone takes the same damage before MR. It's also in a fairly large area so you should hit at least 3 people in a team fight. Her speed boost is one of the best on a jungler at just rank 1. Ravage's AS boost is fantastic for taking down structures since it procs off minions too. New hate spike hurts and it hits multiple targets in a line.

    Lastly, try walking through wards, CV, and minions on every other jungler in the game and tell me if you stay invisible and undetected by the enemy. Should go over well.

  2. #11662
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    I'm not really going to comment on eve's stealth until i've played it.

    I think it's a really strong passive, we'll have to wait and see though.

  3. #11663
    Quote Originally Posted by Isrozzis View Post
    I'm not really going to comment on eve's stealth until i've played it.

    I think it's a really strong passive, we'll have to wait and see though.
    It could also help you escape if you run fast(!) enough to get out of combat
    l'alurl gol zhah elghinyrr gol.

  4. #11664
    Dunkmaster Evelynn new meta.

  5. #11665
    I reckon Evelynn will have enough burst to get 1 lane fed and then be useless lategame as usual. It seems her strength really lies into running into someone with speed boost and smashing your head on the keyboard till it drops.

  6. #11666
    So, anyone else watch the Elites of Europe games? TSM vs M5, that was some funny games, I think TSM got stomped harder in the non troll games than M5 did in the troll game.


    Link, they should be showing all todays games tomorrow if you missed the semis+finals.

  7. #11667
    Don't think this is the right thread, but MAN am I chuffed after my last match!

    I played as Yi, and although I played poorly (and I mean REALLY poorly), I just won my team the match. I was 2/12/14. Shocking, I know. However, we were ~40 mins into the game, with the entire enemy team pushing our mid on the last turret. I decide I'mma start poking at their top and bottom lanes. I solo down turret 2 and 3 top lane, they come for me, I run. Recall back, they push mid again, I take out turret 3 and 4, plus the inhibitor at bot lane. They once again come after me, I run and take out inhibitor at top then nuke their first turret down, go hide and heal, and do the same to the third. At this point they gave up trying to stop me and went for full on nuke on our base. I get to the nexus, Wuju Style then Highlander. Nexus down in less than 6 secs.

    ne porvivajo nur mortigi tempo

  8. #11668
    The Lightbringer Isrozzis's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Farolok View Post
    Don't think this is the right thread, but MAN am I chuffed after my last match!

    I played as Yi, and although I played poorly (and I mean REALLY poorly), I just won my team the match. I was 2/12/14. Shocking, I know. However, we were ~40 mins into the game, with the entire enemy team pushing our mid on the last turret. I decide I'mma start poking at their top and bottom lanes. I solo down turret 2 and 3 top lane, they come for me, I run. Recall back, they push mid again, I take out turret 3 and 4, plus the inhibitor at bot lane. They once again come after me, I run and take out inhibitor at top then nuke their first turret down, go hide and heal, and do the same to the third. At this point they gave up trying to stop me and went for full on nuke on our base. I get to the nexus, Wuju Style then Highlander. Nexus down in less than 6 secs.
    And that's what master yi does best. You basically just backdoor/split push and run the hell away when they come for you. And it's doubtful that they will catch you too.

  9. #11669
    So does anyone know when the new patch comes out?

    I wanna be a man.

  10. #11670
    Legendary! Thallidomaniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swiftero View Post
    So does anyone know when the new patch comes out?

    I wanna be a man.
    This week from the looks of it. A new PBE build was deployed last night, so probably not tonight though.
    Enstraynomic - League of Legends
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  11. #11671
    A bit late, but have u guys tried Jayce? I've checked out his abilities, and he just looks so boring. Is he any fun to play?

  12. #11672
    Quote Originally Posted by Isrozzis View Post
    And that's what master yi does best. You basically just backdoor/split push and run the hell away when they come for you. And it's doubtful that they will catch you too.
    Yi is one of those annoying heroes, i just dislike him so much from his looks, to the sound effect of his ulti, and his alpha strike.

  13. #11673
    Well , if you say that she isn't lacking dmg than I'm less worried. But still - passive isn't good. If you change sides while minion wave is coming - you're doing something wrong. Good jungler will know how to avoid minions. And wards? Just buy purple one and she's screwed. Then she can has no passive at all. They really need to reduce detect range. Maybe with new patch on pbe... but I don't play there so you have to check it by yourselves.

    Twitch spotlight is up - I guess we will see Xin next and then Zyra (if she will come with this patch...). So thursday-saturday are possible patch dates.
    Twitch didn't get that much changes as I can see. Passive remain the same (+new icons for every skill .. while Eve didn't get new ones ) , stealth is the same but with much much lower duration , slow changed to +2 passive stacks in radius without any dmg , E received buff - no longer consume passive stacks , ulti is the same? didn't have sound up but in stealth rework details they said something about removing damage bonus on ult so dunno. Generally seems like he's in the same place but with less annoying stealth. Phreak didn't jungle him but shown smite in viable summoner spells , lol.

    EDIT: Some new icons for Eve on PBE - for passive and ult.
    +new particles for Cass : http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-HoPR8xxUpO...0/casapart.png
    +Zyra now has passive 4% cd reduction on her W(seeds) for every rank - so 20% at 5.
    Last edited by mmocf89c8b0f36; 2012-07-18 at 09:48 AM.

  14. #11674
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Patch was supposed to happen yesterday, but there's still some bugs to iron out. There won't be a Xin Zhao spotlight any time soon.

  15. #11675
    the new cass particles look amazing, they don't even look like they belong in the game when they show up against the sorta meh graphics of the map itself.

  16. #11676
    Over 9000! Duilliath's Avatar
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    Personally I don't like it much, same with the new Singed poison. It stands out way too much and should be toned down a bit.

  17. #11677
    Well , I just hope Zyra will be released in that patch. Really want to buy someone new.

  18. #11678

  19. #11679
    Hmm any ideas how to build jungle Kassadin ? xD To give him sustain.

  20. #11680
    The Lightbringer Axethor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForsakenFrodo View Post
    lol, that was awesome. I love Extra Credit's videos.

    Quote Originally Posted by Roudene View Post
    Hmm any ideas how to build jungle Kassadin ? xD To give him sustain.
    I think for jungle Kass you would need to build him AD, which isn't very viable.

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