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  1. #1

    Tier 12 Video Preview - Mage and Death Knight, Reagents Price Changes, MMO Report

    Tier 12 Video Preview - Mage and Death Knight
    Two more video previews of Tier 12 sets today! Mage and Death Knights!

    Patch 4.2 - Crafting Materials Base Price Changes
    Patch 4.1 already nerfed the NPC sell price of cut uncommon gems in Cataclysm but it seems that Blizzard is taking things one step further in 4.2. I'm pretty sure some of those changes will have repercussions on all the friendly Auction House farmers out there.
    Originally Posted by MMO-Champion



    The MMO Report
    It looks like it's monday, and time for another MMO Report!

  2. #2
    Wow, nice! Just hide the helm and it'll really be fitting a fire mage ;D

  3. #3
    Bloodsail Admiral Msi's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Feb 2010
    The Netherlands
    Nice...? how can this be nice :P

  4. #4
    Wow, I actually like the DK set, but the mage hat is still just silly...

  5. #5
    Brewmaster Neotokyo's Avatar
    10+ Year Old Account
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    Mar 2010
    in Limbo... damn the Wi-fi is expensive here...
    i can see a lot of DKs hiding their helms >.< either that or look like they have butterfly wings coming out of their head

  6. #6
    Worgen DK looks like the Soldiers from the Halo Elite. Totally FRIGGEN badass!

  7. #7
    Pandaren Monk Yosef1015's Avatar
    15+ Year Old Account
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    The Freljord
    Mage looks amazing to me and DK makes me wonder WTF is that garbage

  8. #8
    Sup I am a mage, got a feather on my head. Watcha gonna do?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Caylis View Post
    i can see a lot of DKs hiding their helms >.< either that or look like they have butterfly wings coming out of their head
    or they realize that those arent butterfly wings but dragon wings

  10. #10
    RIP Elementium/Obsidium Shuffle

  11. #11
    im not so sure about the wings on the dk helm but the rest looks really good as for the mage set Tier 11 should have been the firelands set...mage T11 fits firelands more then T12,quite a bit of irony in that really

  12. #12
    Lol @ the price change of items that no one in their right mind would vendor to begin with, well except maybe green gems from skill leveling but even then.. duh Jebus.

  13. #13
    The white/bluish/greyish DK set looks like an alien space suit or something... Something that i LOVE, cant wait to get it on my DK ;3

  14. #14
    At first I didnt like the Death Knight T12 set at all, from an earlier post showing images of it, and I think it was only the red one shown - now I've seen the other colours I've really warmed to it - I always love blue versions of anything, I just think they suit DKs the best

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Calamari View Post
    Lol @ the price change of items that no one in their right mind would vendor to begin with, well except maybe green gems from skill leveling but even then.. duh Jebus.
    Actually, you can make a ton of gold off of this. You used to be able to buy uncuts for less than the cut vendor price and make 10-20k a week.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Calamari View Post
    Lol @ the price change of items that no one in their right mind would vendor to begin with, well except maybe green gems from skill leveling but even then.. duh Jebus.
    There was a lot of profit in prospecting Obsidium, cutting them, then selling them.
    Then there was a little bit of profit in just prospecting and selling.

    Now its dead, and id guess they will flood the AH and drop the price a lot

  17. #17
    Wow are you serious with that music? A little dramatic for death knight armor set.

  18. #18
    Hahaha that death knight helm makes them look like insects :P

  19. #19
    Look... Mage T12... The Chocobo Handler set...

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by toychristopher View Post
    Wow are you serious with that music? A little dramatic for death knight armor set.
    I swear it sounded like the song from Titanic.

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