Name: Lord Edmund Melrose

Age: 23

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Class: Warrior

Personality: A young arrogant man who was born into his money and his position as a noble. He has a disdain for the lower classes and anyone who doesn't have the good sense to go out and earn some money. Due to his relation to his father getting his military rank as opposed to his professional skill he is insanely jealous of anyone that has achieved success by their own merit.

Likes: Money, finery, military command.

Dislikes: The poor, people richer than him, anyone who is better at anything than him.

Appearance: Has long blonde hair cut to a specific length that is longer than traditional hair lengths for nobles but shorter than the uncouth working class that cannot afford to have their hair cut often or by a professional. Is clean shaven to the point of obsession. His military dress uniform consists of a red coat with gold trim along with a brown belt with a gold buckle and a ceremonial ruby encrusted sword stored in its leather hilt. His more casual clothes are simply a fine white ruffled shirt and dark straight trousers. His armour is old but well made and has served him in several campaigns including Northrend and Outland.

Strengths: Due to his experience in the noble houses of Stormwind Edmund has become quite adept at the art of political backstabbing and negotiation and is capable of bringing almost any situation back into his control. He has also had a very expensive education where he has been taught fencing and studied the military stratagem of the great generals of the past.

Weaknesses: Is arrogant to believe that any and every decision he ever makes is the correct one and that anyone who disagrees with him is at best a fool and at worst a horde sympathising traitor that hanging would be too good for. He also tends to be quick to anger if things pan out against his wishes.

History: To be written when one can be arsed to.