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    [WIP] Kelara Joelle Remington.

    This is currently only a draft of my thoughts for a new character. This is not yet revised by lore, written in any much detail or timestamps yadda yada.

    Name: Kelara Joelle Remington

    Age: 26 years old.

    Race: Forsaken. ( Human )

    Gender: Female

    Class: Ranger.

    Personality: In life Kelara was a bastion of strenght and a fountain of hope for her forces. The Ranger was loyal beyond what you could expect of any alliance soldier, and she lead her forces to the edge of their capabilities, and more often than not returned home with every one under her command in one piece. These capabilities made her an excellent lieutenant.
    When Kelara was slowly bleeding to death on the battlefield, there was an unwavering smile on her lips. The ranger knew she had done her duty, and that she had served the alliance with honor and bravery throughout her service. The only thing Kelara had expected was to be left alone, buried in her homeland of Elwynn Forests, to eternally rest in peace. This final honor however, was denied to her, as she was buried alongside their general just outside the alliance lines. The Forsaken claimed Kelara's corpse, and she was brought back with a newborn personality.
    The Alliance had in Kelara's eyes betrayed their finest soldiers by allowing the forsaken to claim their corpses and violate their eternal rest. While Kelara seeks to claim revenge on the alliance that betrayed her, the ranger has not pledged her alliegance to the horde either. In Kelara's eyes the entire world has gone as rotten as her decaying flesh, and should it all burn to ash that would be an acceptable outcome. Kelara hates what she has become and find it hard accepting her new fate.
    Kelara can easily come across as arrogant through the way she is rejecting others oppinions. In short, Kelara behaves like an emo bitch.

    Disliking things.
    Kelara more or less dislikes everything. Kelara is bitter, sour, frustrated and angry.

    Redridge Mountains, a lush zone with a wondrous alliance village. Kelara was born here, into a family of two siblings, their mom and their dad, and three living grand-parents. Out of the pack, Kelara was the only girl. So far Redridge had been mostly a quiet and peaceful place, and the only thing threatening the peace were different packs of Gnolls.
    The Remingtons had a sizeable farm to the north of Redridge itself, holding cattle, cabbage, apples and corn. While their income was decent, the expenses were also to be felt. As their farm were one of the outer placed properties, they were also more often than not the farm targetted by rampant Gnolls looking for an easy meal. Praising themselves lucky that they had gotten two strong and courageous sons to defend the farm.
    Kelara was sent to Redridge's public school, yet it quickly turned out the young lady would never become a great writer, spokesperson or member of the city council. Nor did Kelara have the strenght or brute nature to wield a sword. The lady didn't exactly seem too interested in spending her entire life as a farmer either.. However, her light and agile body proved perfect to wield a pair of daggers, and her aim capable of handling bow and arrows. At the consent of her parents, Kelara was sent as a pupil to a trainer in Stormwind; A former Marshal - Shaw Diggins. A trainer that drove his pupils hard and long, and had a reputation of creating the finest archers of the alliance. Kelara accepted the way of things, accepted having to be driven to her limits, accepting working day and night without looking back. Without giving up, the young lady quickly earned herself the commendation of Shaw. As one of the finer archers, Kelara was given an opportunity, and a choice.
    Recieving a runed letter, Kelara was made aware that the trouble in Redridge was rising, and that able bodied soldiers would be sent there to take care of a Gnoll and Orcish threat. The choice given to Kelara was then between joining the force that went to Redridge, or accepting training under a new master, with the intention of training Kelara to become a ranger. While Kelara wasn't certain at first, a conversation with Shaw convinced her to continue her training. Accepting the terms, Kelara was trained up under the SI:7, making her adept at using her surroundings, stealthing and an extremely competent killer. Over time, Kelara's body had become a weapon, and her understanding of terrain and moving forces had given her the title of Lieutenant.
    The bow was made of Elekk bones. Strong, sturdy, and capable of sending arrows flying from a remarkable distance. It was hanging over her back, and was almost as tall as she was herself. The arrows were self made, and she had them in three different quivers. Plate piercing, close distance and long distance, and she knew exactly how to use each different type. The daggers were crafted in Elementium, a metal that was barely available at the time they were crafted. The woman was wearing a dark green cowl, a earthcolored leather tunic with a belt strapped tight around her waist. The boots she was walking around in made almost no sound as she walked up a road she knew as her pockets. Kelara had finally joined the defence of Redridge.
    Redridge wasn't exactly as Kelara had remembered it though. The bridge had taken a hit and was being repaired with whatever materials were available to make crossing possible. The outer rims had been completely taken by the Gnolls, as the orcs had advanced on the opposite side. Evidently, Kelara discovered that everything she had left behind at Redridge, was now gone. The farm had been obliterated, and no survivors had been reported. On that day, Kelara swore that she would fight for the alliance in whichever distant land she would have to go to, in an attempt to make ammends for having failed her family...
    Years passed, wars were won and lost, and Kelara was participating wherever she could. Attaining leadership over the rangers in battle, Kelara quickly became a face the alliance soldiers were relieved to see. The rangers were known to fulfill their task with upmost excellence, and their precision strikes had changed the outcomes of battles that would have otherwise been considered lost..
    The Arathi Highlands became her last battle as a soldier of the alliance. The Alliance had managed to corner the horde. Kelara and the other rangers were tasked with disrupting any summoning of supplies and reinforcements, while attempting to hinder the functioning of the horde forces still fighting. They took out the enemy supply tent, their summoning circles and reagents, their centre of command and burned many tents of wounded horde. However, they did not make it out alive. Kelara was spotted, and executed...
    That is where her life as a forsaken, began..
    Last edited by mmoc510818b846; 2011-07-23 at 07:23 PM.

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