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  1. #401
    Quote Originally Posted by Willson View Post
    and tbh atleast we could see a draenei even it is lost we heard the names of it and high elves to but NOT panda's.. they do not belong to the real history
    There are items in game referencing Pandaren though.


    "Chen's Empty Keg: Refers to the secret pandaren brewmaster hero Chen Stormstout who aided Rexxar in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne."

    "An NPC child, Justin, who walks around Stormwind and fishes with two other NPCs tells unbelievable stories, one of them includes him saying "It's true! People have seen them! Pandaren really do exist!""

    "A Pandaren companion called [Pandaren Monk] is available at Blizzard Store."

    "The Bag of Fishing Treasures (reward from Marcia Chase's fishing dailies) has a chance of dropping an item called [Fantasy Portrait]. The item's icon is a picture of a Pandaren's face."

  2. #402
    High Overlord
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daverid View Post
    Like even if you never saw a picture of Deathwing.. You knew he was a magic wielding, Dragon badass... I conjured up an image of Lord Prestor in my that's for sure when I read Day of the Dragon. Same applies for Illidan (Demon), Lich King/Arthas ('Humanoid-Undead') This is just a completely absurd concept and any conceivable Protagonist would be a JOKE.

    Edit : Unless Panderans had nothing to do with the Stories Main group of 'Baddies' and then WHY the FK would you call the expansion "Mists of Pandaria"
    Wait wait wait. In a world that includes cow-people, goat-people, centaurs, walrus-people and cyberpunk gnomes, you complain about panda-people? At least Blizzard doesn't have as many flavors of elves as in Pathfinder.

    Because they are describing the location, as opposed to antagonist. Blizzard did say that they were doing something with the Kvaldir in the future, and Azshara does need someplace interesting to wreak havoc.

    As for the person who said cows are docile, you haven't seen bulls much, have you. Their emotions range from raging to perturbed.

  3. #403
    I just pissed my pants.

  4. #404
    Hmmmm interesting...

  5. #405
    When I read this,.. and the speculation of it being an expansion,.. I simply thought "Oh fuck..." I really hope it's just something fun, not related to WoW. Like a flash game MMO or some crap.

  6. #406
    Red Herring!

  7. #407
    Stood in the Fire Huckfealing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Siam View Post
    Amusing how people don't know that Pandaran are super Switzerland. Why get involved if they don't want to nor have to? It'll be interesting to see what Blizzard comes up with to break the extremely neutral faction of Azeroth.
    But, Pandaran lore states there are different clans within the Race. Meaning, One clan could join alliance, the other join horde. and the city is neutral.

  8. #408
    I am Murloc! Kuja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Taen View Post
    People need to stop being stupid

    It said Draenor Set will be exp1

    It said Northrend Set will be exp2

    It said Maelstrom Set will be exp3

    It says Plane Set will be exp4. It includes Pandaria as city/starting zone and Wolfenhold for the other new race. Wolvar perhaps :P

    It says Legion Set will be exp5

    Is it just luck or how an old list can predict all that? :P

    Here's the link:

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  9. #409
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    Going by the sound of the name alone, it sounds a lot more... fantasy than the others have been,
    I'm hoping it'll be a bit more light hearted and joyful, as the expansions seem to have been getting progressively darker.

  10. #410
    Quote Originally Posted by Eilassaria View Post
    Wait wait wait. In a world that includes cow-people, goat-people, centaurs, walrus-people and cyberpunk gnomes, you complain about panda-people? At least Blizzard doesn't have as many flavors of elves as in Pathfinder.
    It's not about the "Ridiculous Types of animals and races that Blizz puts in the game" ... It's about the LORE.

    Regardless of whether or not you think WoW has followed a proper or cohesive Lore storyline over the last 6-7 years ... At least every X-pack has followed on from the last with some kind of decent Jump.

    I thought the Kal'uak were completely retarted as well. But at least WOTLK wasn't called "The mists of Kal'uak Shores".

    You know why it wasn't named that? BECAUSE THE KAL'UAK WERE NOT THE STORIES MAIN ANTAGONIST/PROTAGONIST/GROUP. They were a MINOR faction involved for the sake of Blizz being able to flesh out more Northrend zones so people actually had places to get to 80 in >.>

    I caps to make a point here, honestly... Whatever the expansion is named, That will be the direct link to the main Theme or Group involved in the Expansion. If it was truely to be called "The mists of Panderia" then the Panderians would HAVE to be the main Group involved in the expansion... And that, my friends, is why this is completely ridiculous.

  11. #411
    I, for one, welcome our new panda overlords!

  12. #412
    Stood in the Fire Huckfealing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Druzz View Post
    pandaren seem way more like a horde race than an alliance race
    Lore shows pandarans fighting with alliance against horde.

  13. #413
    Quote Originally Posted by Bombkirby View Post
    Count the posts again. Most people still are opposed to this. least on MMO champ. The average player would either be excited or nonchalant about this....they just go with the flow...having fun. Not stressing themselves out about things that cannot be changed.
    I can change this all by cancelling my WoW account.

    Just did it two months ago, and it's like ripping all the fat off your body and increasing your penis size tenfold! I've donated to maybe 72 orphanages, fed homeless people food i prepared on-the-spot, delivered speeches before Congress, worked my way up the corporate ladder only to take all of my life savings out of the bank and donate it to charity, and eventually settled in a monastery in Nepal where I can practice Buddhism and achieve inner salvation.

    You've been playing this game for seven years and paying fifteen dollars each month for higher numbers on virtual items. Get out while you can.

  14. #414
    Stood in the Fire Huckfealing's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swyft View Post
    Jesus christ, nothing quite makes you want to give up on the world after reading through MMO champion comments. "IT MUST BE THE NEW EXPANSION, IT'S THE ONLY THING IT CAN BE!" Oh wait, the Pandaren are an endangered race on an island that obviously isn't that vicious considering they're all still alive. SOUNDS LIKE A FUN XPAC GUYS.
    Emerald Dream

  15. #415
    Mechagnome Lakrin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowdream View Post
    Decoy, I'm calling it right now
    That would be beyond hilarious. If it really is a red herring, I'm giving you +1 internet.

  16. #416
    Herald of the Titans Feral Camel's Avatar
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    Maybe its a cross between a patch and and expac?
    Extra content (you have to pay for) that has no effect on the current expac.

  17. #417
    Damn, as if waiting for this years BlizzCon (the one that "should" be about the next expansion) wasn't hard enough...

  18. #418
    Dreadlord Rakeer's Avatar
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    not sure if this has been posted before, not gunna look. But this may be independent from WoW. No where does it say 'world of warcraft' , only blizzard.

  19. #419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Docter Feel Good View Post
    Lore shows pandarans fighting with alliance against horde.
    Chen Stormstout adventured with Rexxar.

  20. #420
    As much as i fucking love pandarens and want to see them in the next expansion (hopefully as a playable race), "mists of pandaria" sounds like a lame name for an expansion. Still exciting.

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