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  1. #441
    Just some random information I decided to research;Burning Crusade Trademark was filed in May 2005, released January 2007Blizzcon Announcement Oct 2005Lich King was trademarked July 2007, released November 2008.Blizzcon Announcement August 2007Cataclysm was trademarked June 2009, Released 2010.Blizzcon Announcement August 2009A pattern, maybe maybe not. Just some info to enjoy.

  2. #442
    Quote Originally Posted by twelvedogs View Post
    Cataclysm wasn't called worgaclysm, nor was it called goblaria. Needless to say killing Pandaren NPCs or players is not gonna fly in china and blizz have enough problems with skeletons already.
    Luls, ignorance

  3. #443
    Wonder if blizzard keeps up their pattern with expansions. Exp. 1 was new races, Exp. 2 was a new class, Exp. 3 was new races again, so it's possible Exp. 4 will feature (GASP) a new class.

  4. #444
    Just some random information I decided to research;Burning Crusade Trademark was filed in May 2005, released January 2007Blizzcon Announcement Oct 2005Lich King was trademarked July 2007, released November 2008.Blizzcon Announcement August 2007Cataclysm was trademarked June 2009, Released 2010.Blizzcon Announcement August 2009A pattern, maybe maybe not. Just some info to enjoy. If I posted this twice, I apologize. First time poster ;-P

  5. #445
    Quote Originally Posted by Xythez View Post
    The name is Tuskarr not Kal'uak lol , that was simply a village or something and faction in borean. We are talking about races.
    Kal'uak is a TRIBE of Tuskarr... There was no other of their Tribes in WOTLK... Essentially it's one and the same. In the end, you know the point I was trying to get across.. And since you had no rebuttal you clearly can't fight anything that I've stated. Pointless Post is Pointless!

  6. #446
    Quote Originally Posted by Silverware View Post
    You might have a point of it was called 'Mists of the Pandaren'. Apparently they're a very gassy race.

    'PANDARIA' is a continent. If the expansion is set on Pandaria, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the name and nowhere does it imply that it MUST be solely focused around the Pandaren.

    ---------- Post added 2011-08-03 at 02:45 AM ----------

    This is WRONG. It has ALWAYS been wrong and WILL always be wrong. Please stop spreading this lie.
    ??? what's wrong about what? who's lying? what's going on I'm confused?

  7. #447
    Didnt Blizzard say that they may not introduce another Hero class because the difficulty to implement them in the game due to balancing issues?

  8. #448
    Quote Originally Posted by kage View Post
    ??? what's wrong about what? who's lying? what's going on I'm confused?
    He's addressing the people he quoted...

  9. #449
    The Panda thing in China was never a law, that's what he meant.

  10. #450
    Mists of pandaria,As in mist/fog that which prevents us of seeing pandaria?I'd so love to get this as an expansion or a book, I mean it's one of the things in lore that we hardly no anything about, and neither does blizzard in all fairness, they could do all kinds of shit with this.

  11. #451
    Ya, if they pull pandas out of their ass for the next expansion, I'm done with the game. Too much kiddy stuff.

  12. #452
    I'm glad I quit months ago. Shows how desperate Blizzard is to come up with new lore and things to do (If this is actually real). I think this potential expansion reminds me of this.....

  13. #453
    Quote Originally Posted by Daverid View Post
    Kal'uak is a TRIBE of Tuskarr... There was no other of their Tribes in WOTLK... Essentially it's one and the same. In the end, you know the point I was trying to get across.. And since you had no rebuttal you clearly can't fight anything that I've stated. Pointless Post is Pointless!
    So now we just call all the trolls Darkspear ? or Amani ? You were talking about a race and refered to it by just a tribe , which is incorrect. If u want ppl to see your point in your post , the least you can do is say the correct name of the thing you talk about.
    Last edited by Xythez; 2011-08-03 at 03:05 AM.

  14. #454
    Quote Originally Posted by Ban-roll-on View Post
    Ya, if they pull pandas out of their ass for the next expansion, I'm done with the game. Too much kiddy stuff.
    Ya, if they pull prissy elves out of their ass for the next expansion, I'm done with the game. Too much kiddy stuff.

    Ya, if they pull comic relief goblins out of their ass for the next expansion, I'm done with the game. Too much kiddy stuff.

  15. #455
    Legendary! The One Percent's Avatar
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    You know you've ran out of ideas when you use a race that was delegated to easter egg status when it first appeared.

  16. #456
    Mechagnome SilenceDHEU's Avatar
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    Wouldent it be nice if it was a Hero class, Drunken Monk, And you can choose to be ally or horde, Or even neither, just go arround, getting pissed everywhere possible, only way to level would be drinking, 1 mug = 10xp, so for 79-80 thats 13,370,000 mugs of booze.

    I'd take heirlooms off for one of these.
    Sergeant of the Master Sergeants, Most Important Person of Extreme Sergeants, To The MAX!

  17. #457
    Everyone complains that WoW's killing off all the major lore characters.
    And then everyone complains that WoW's adding new lore.

    All over a supposed new expansion that has a race of panda people. That's definitely more ridiculous and kiddy than walrus people, or bull people, or cat centaurs.

  18. #458
    Mind if I roll need? xskarma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SilenceDHEU View Post
    Wouldent it be nice if it was a Hero class, Drunken Monk, And you can choose to be ally or horde, Or even neither, just go arround, getting pissed everywhere possible, only way to level would be drinking, 1 mug = 10xp, so for 79-80 thats 13,370,000 mugs of booze.

    I'd take heirlooms off for one of these.
    Muahahahahaha that would seriously rock, I'd be drunken vomiting myself to a Server First then, just keep chugging.

  19. #459
    Quote Originally Posted by SourceOfInfection View Post
    You know you've ran out of ideas when you use a race that was delegated to easter egg status when it first appeared.
    In every "what race do want playable next?" poll, Pandaren are always #1 from what I've seen. So why not give the fans what they want? I'm thrilled about it.

  20. #460
    Meh, sounds like the B-team is out of ideas. And I'm not really a fan of asian themes. Would this mean Pandaren as a playable race? Wasn't it supposed to be class, race, class, race per expansion?

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