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  1. #601
    You know... Furbolgs are BASICALLY intelligent bears so Pandarans aren't really much of a stretch to go off of. It could also tie into the underwater cities of Naga that haven't been given attention yet as well as the island nation of Kul Tiras! Which both could easily be entertaining for a while. Honestly I thought they were going to revamp Outland and have the lvl 90 stuff lead off into other realms from the reactivated gates but maybe thats for later?Regardless... I want Deathwing's raid to be outside with a place in the real world where you can permanantly see his corpse just rotting away.

  2. #602
    Im going to wager that the Panderan will be a new playable race but only as Brewmaster as the next Hero Class. I would actually be okay with this because I cant see there being a Gnome Brewmaster.I bet this will be one of Blizz's big reveals in Blizcon unless they intend to just spotlight Diablo 3... Hmmmm Its honesty hard to tell what they're going to do next. The suspense is killin me!

    OMG It just dawned on me. Who's to say this will be part of the expansion to WoW? How do we know this isn't the new Franchise Blizz has been working on? lol
    Last edited by Shinagami091; 2011-08-03 at 06:32 AM.

  3. #603
    Oh and I highly highly doubt we'll have them as a playable race since that was just this last expansion, maybe new class time or hero class attempt?

  4. #604
    Quote Originally Posted by cpillow View Post
    ok I stand corrected. it IS Pandaria. BUT the last expansion of WoW WAS trademarked WITH World of Warcraft in the title

    ---------- Post added 2011-08-03 at 01:50 AM ----------

    No. You are very wrong. Only the term "Your Mother" was copywritten, nothing else. Please refrain your father from not wearing a condom.
    Dude... seriously?

    The first result in google using the words "cataclysm trademark".

    Hell, I even remember in the speculation threads people thinking that it was a Diablo 3 expansion.
    Last edited by Silverware; 2011-08-03 at 06:39 AM.

  5. #605
    I hope it will not be next expansion.. I really do.. :/

  6. #606
    seems cool

  7. #607
    I'd be willing to guess that this is the "South Seas" expansion everyone has been asking for. The "Mists of Pandaria" basically states that out of all the South Seas islands, Pandaria will be the main focus. What probably happened is that the Cataclysm shook the world up causing previously hidden lands to become visible and other unexplored lands to shift/move in the sea and all the problems that have happened there since. I'm sure we'll be seeing Kul Tiras and Zandalar and Pandaria will just be the main Hub. Pandaren might be playable, might not. Not that there is a set pattern that Blizzard has to follow, but the pattern thus far has been new races, new class, new races...leading one to believe that a new class will be announced with this expansion. My guess, Monk. With this expansion being the "South Seas" as everyone has said, it still allows us to deal with N'Zoth (if we don't punk him down in Cata first), Azshara, and anyone other baddies associated. I'd be willing to bet that this is what will happen and I am perfectly fined with getting flamed and perfectly fine with getting told "You were WRONG" if I am. Just chucking another couple pennies out there.

  8. #608
    Seems rather obvious this means the new hero class is indeed going to be a monk, healer/caster.

    Would make sense.
    Karuzo | Drainlife, US-Arthas
    Mistweaver Monk - armory - twitter - - twitch

  9. #609

  10. #610
    I've seen some people saying Pandaren were an easter egg. Hardly just that. Pandaren already made it to WoW. There was (I'm saying was because I don't know if it made it to Cata) a quest that mentioned Chen the Brewmaster. Also Blizzard also released a goddamn figure!Also, having registered "mists of pandaria" is another proof that pandarens arent just an easter egg.

  11. #611
    pandaria could be in the southern seas somewhere, we might see some characters finally.

  12. #612
    Get to the damn Legion and/or Trolls already. Stop adding bullshit random story arcs that no one cares about in the grand scheme of things. Even worse, stop adding this random shit and tying it into the larger story arcs. We want Medivh, we want Sargeras, we want Xoroth, we want Azshara with Nagas and N'zoths WITHOUT PANDAS THROWN INTO THE MIX.
    Quote Originally Posted by High Overlord Saurfang
    "I am he who watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Dare you defy the Warchief? Dare you face my merciless judgement?"
    i7-6700 @2.8GHz | Nvidia GTX 960M | 16GB DDR4-2400MHz | 1 TB Toshiba SSD| Dell XPS 15

  13. #613
    Quote Originally Posted by archaenjil View Post
    You know... Furbolgs are BASICALLY intelligent bears so Pandarans aren't really much of a stretch to go off of.
    And taurens are intelligent cows

  14. #614
    Quote Originally Posted by Flaks View Post
    Get to the damn Legion and/or Trolls already. Stop adding bullshit random story arcs that no one cares about in the grand scheme of things. Even worse, stop adding this random shit and tying it into the larger story arcs. We want Medivh, we want Sargeras, we want Xoroth, we want Azshara with Nagas and N'zoths WITHOUT PANDAS THROWN INTO THE MIX.
    I don't know sir, judging by these forums I'd say "we" do in fact want Pandas.

  15. #615
    I can already tell some true fact... if this is our next expansion... it will be boring and all the people QQing about how great cata was compared to this new expansion, even if cata sucks now..


    It may be good if they add that real money buying system to that expa. like in diablo 3.. think about it.. would be so great to buy something extra stuff if you like to. Not just mounts and pets.
    And what keep them not to? I mean remember addons like Omen threatmeter and that Gear switching addon? Blizz get idea that those was needed for game and added their own versions from it.. ok they wasnt that good but good trying anyway.

    Ill buy expansion anyway.

  16. #616
    I'd rather expect it to be a move... That's a surprise.Maybe it is made for a separate, WoW related game which will be based on such movie?...Or actually subscriptions dropped again so much, they need to resort to catering to the dumbest part of playerbase and not actual WoW lore fans.

  17. #617
    Quote Originally Posted by vikus View Post
    I don't know sir, judging by these forums I'd say "we" do in fact want Pandas.
    Think about it for a second.

    So we're going around fixing up shit from the Cataclysm when all of a sudden there's a huge influx of Nagas. Coastlines are under attack at an unprecedented scale and in the background we see something sinister but familiar stir....Queen Azshara. BUT OH LOOK THERE'S THOSE PANDAS OVER THERE THAT NEED HELP WE NEED TO GO HELP THEM CAUSE THEY'RE SO CUTE.

    My beef with this expansion is that its not WoW: South Seas or WoW: Queen's Rising or WoW: Demon's Fall. Its WoW: Mists of Pandaria...
    Quote Originally Posted by High Overlord Saurfang
    "I am he who watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Dare you defy the Warchief? Dare you face my merciless judgement?"
    i7-6700 @2.8GHz | Nvidia GTX 960M | 16GB DDR4-2400MHz | 1 TB Toshiba SSD| Dell XPS 15

  18. #618
    It could be the speculated TCG game you know.

  19. #619
    Bloodsail Admiral Snakez's Avatar
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    Wait what the heck is this

  20. #620
    maybe "mists of Pandaria" is to Warcraft what Chocobo Dungeon is to Final Fantasy?
    Blizz needs something cute to expand their playerbase...

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