Sounds like a $4.99 iphone app.
Umm, Now that i think about it, "Mist of Pandaria" couldn't be the the name for their online TCG game, since it probably is going to follow suit with the current card game who just caught to deathwing and cata. The TCG online game would probably be named, "Wow TCG" or something along those lines, as having a tittle like "Mist of Pandaria" i way to vague to be something like that.
Do you ever read anything of the threads you respond to, or are you just trolling? "The List" is confirmed FAKE about 1000000000 times. Then some fool comes posting it again and idiots like myself feed the troll with posts like this.
Is there any chance this could be something as lame as a facebook game? I realise they are using the same codes as with the previous expansions but I'm not 100% convinced.
Maybe it's just me but i don't think a TCG or Facebook game would be regestered with the additions "computer game discs, instruction manuals and guides, mousepads" etc.BC, WotLK and Cata all had mouse pads and accessories etc that went along with or shortly after their release. Plus like someone said the online TCG wouldn't start out with a set not based on whats going on in the game currently. Face it, it's the next expansion >.
I would agree and if people are skeptical of Blizz basing an xpack off pandas, then an entire new game is completely out of the question. Regardless of opinions, based off this trademark and past expansion trademarks this looks pretty good to be the 4th expansion pack (as has been said hundreds of times on this thread alone).
Well, that's interesting to say the least.I feel, though, that Pandaria doesn't hold enough of the nerdy goodness that would be required to make an entire expansion about: Blizzard knows that WoW players expect a sort of consistency in terms of storyline; a sort of buildup. I don't think Pandaria really does it. We've fought the Lich King and we /will/ fight Deathwing - what 'bad guy' could Pandaria possibly conceal that is more powerful than Deathwing? We'd be looking at N'zath in all possibility: I'd be a little disappointed with blizzard if it turns out he's been hanging out with Jack Black and the other Kung-Fu panda's. He needs something bigger than Pandaria.Also... every other expansion so far has had a name that had something to do with the main villain that that expansion would be offering: Mists of Pandaria doesn't seem to follow this trend. Anyway, honestly, this looks interesting... I don't believe it, and I can't see it being great, but I suppose only time will tell whether Blizzard really plans on releasing a WoW expansion by this name and with this possible lore background. All I can say is that I hope it's a troll ^^
Hmm "The Burning Crusade" had nothing to do with Illidan, and Illidan was the main bad guy that TBC was based off of. Illidan was not in control of the burning legion. There are many things that could be introduced in an expansion like this. Why do we have to kill some big bad guy in an expansion? Why cant we kill many "threats" or base an expansion off the introduction of new races and their struggle with an unknown force. etc etc.. Blizz can come up with anything, you never know..every other expansion so far has had a name that had something to do with the main villain that that expansion would be offering
Actually, it could also be a play on word using Chinese mandarin language. Ren or 人 (Sorry, can't find the accent because I fail) means people. or person. Or something like that. It's been awhile since I've studied...
But, basically, that would make it panda people. Which definitely makes more sense to me.
Me however? I would pronounce it Panda-Ren. For the sake of being awesome.
I may have done that wrong.
Last edited by Seasqwaa; 2011-08-04 at 01:03 AM.
Pandaria is an island that was unearth an made visible to the world through cataclysm ( in a way). it has been kept a secret but with the destruction or collapsing of the earth Pandaria might have seen some intense damage and the pandaren are( or could be) fighting a war (unseen by us) with a great power. Since they had a falling out with the Night Elves who sought Power through magic and based their live around consuming magic, those night elves could be the Naga, and the Naga could have found their protective island and are now on a full blunt attack on the pandaren. The Pandaren also have a connection with the War of The Ancients.Yes there is lore around the pandaren. but alot of it has yet to be told. and with Deathwing and his connection to the War of the Ancients. More lore is going to be discovered.