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  1. #201
    Quote Originally Posted by ChildeRoland View Post
    I'd love to see a link to the source.
    Or you could have just read through the thread and seen some of us quoting directly from the magazine. (There's even a picture on this page of one of the pages in it.)

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  2. #202
    Quote Originally Posted by Elysia View Post
    Or you could have just read through the thread and seen some of us quoting directly from the magazine. (There's even a picture on this page of one of the pages in it.)
    Or I cba to read 200 replies when a source can just give me all the information at once.

  3. #203
    Tauren are just creations of a bull ancient?

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  4. #204
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jistu View Post
    Tauren are just creations of a bull ancient?

    That's Brann's thoughts on their origins. Not necessarily canon. But it would make sense - the quillboar people arose from the boar ancient, the worgen are linked to the wolf ancient, furbolg to the bear ancient... bull people to bull ancient, seems kind've obvious really. Maybe that's the true nature of the Earth Mother - a real sacred cow.

  5. #205
    Wow, they really seem to make this up as they go. Like somebody said before, they change their minds about lore so often. You could be sure of one thing one day, and it was probably true then, but then they changed their mind and it looks as if you were wrong.

    I'm okay with NE being descended from trolls, but I highly doubt that was true when they created the night elves back in WC3. Same goes for Elune if they make her a Naaru.

    It really seems like they woke up one day and decided "hey, let's make it look like all the lore is connected, even though it's gonna seem incredibly forced and we'll retcon half of our lore"

  6. #206
    Bloodsail Admiral Imhullu's Avatar
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    Pandaren have a society older than that of the night elves

    Red flags right there!

    also, "The titans created five types of giants: Fire, Ice, Sea, Storm and Stone. They've all been affected by the curse of flesh, but not to the same degree as the mortal races."

    There were fire giants in that one guys pandaren art works.

    Looks like all of this can be looked at as prep for Mists of Pandaria, so they are trying to get the lore out now.
    Last edited by Imhullu; 2011-08-16 at 04:18 AM.

  7. #207
    Weren't Panderens introduced in WC3 as a joke to begin with? Can't believe they will actually make it in WoW. Well i guess i can if think about the Draenei's...
    Last edited by GrieverXIII; 2011-08-16 at 04:21 AM.

  8. #208
    Over 9000! Golden Yak's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Imhullu View Post
    There were fire giants in that one guys pandaren art works.
    There are fire giants in Northrend already. All five of those have appeared in game, in fact. If anything, the several Pandaren related items are an indication of a Pandaren focused expansion.

  9. #209
    The Insane Thage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zergal View Post
    Weren't Panderens introduced in WC3 as a joke to begin with? Can't believe they will actually make it in WoW. Well i guess i can if think about the Draenei's...
    Well, Chen Stormstout had a canon appearance in Rexxar's campaign in The Frozen Throne, and if you did his quests, would stay with you until the end of the campaign when the Horde aids Jaina in taking Theramore back from her overzealous father, culminating in Daelan's death.
    Be seeing you guys on Bloodsail Buccaneers NA!

  10. #210
    Quote Originally Posted by ChildeRoland View Post
    I'd love to see a link to the source.
    Your post is #196. The Scans are post #186 did you miss the post not 10 posts prior?

    Let me guess... you read the first post and then just replied without even looking, right? :P

  11. #211
    Quote Originally Posted by sydazlir View Post
    Evulooshun is only a theery!!1!
    luv it!!!1!!

    Any chance that they will also say that the Naru (remember them) are actually the Titan's droppings, anything is possible!
    Last edited by mmoc215e1a8b07; 2011-08-16 at 06:15 AM.

  12. #212
    Brewmaster Voidgazer's Avatar
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    Don't understand why people argue about nelf origin so much. But I remember, that I read somewhere (in official source I think) that trolls who wandered to the center of the single continent and found the Well of Eternity, were ennobled by its magics and evolved into nelfs over time. And I remember that reading, like, years ago. I thought it was confirmed long time ago.
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  13. #213
    Queen of Cake Splenda's Avatar
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    Interesting! There's the end of THAT argument.

    I love the few people who are disgusted by the "horde fanboyism" and are threatening to quit WoW over an alliance race having come from a horde race....isn't that rampant alliance fanboyism?

    I think those few people need to go outside and eat some pie.

    Like this guy:

    Will to play fading.... Horde fanboyism stinks too much. Elves evolving from trolls... too retarded. I'm done.
    Last edited by Splenda; 2011-08-16 at 06:21 AM.
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  14. #214
    Banned GennGreymane's Avatar
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    i would like some links to more info from this magazine! since well.... im not subscribed

    ---------- Post added 2011-08-16 at 06:20 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Splenda View Post
    Interesting! There's the end of THAT argument.

    I love the few people who are disgusted by the "horde fanboyism" and are threatening to quit WoW over an alliance race having come from a horde race....isn't that rampant alliance fanboyism?

    I think those few people need to go outside and eat some pie.
    to those who are upset

    night elves-----> high/blood elves (A HORDE RACE)
    Humans /kill-------> undead (A HORDE RACE)

  15. #215
    Herald of the Titans Lemons's Avatar
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    So they're giving out lore secrets in the damn magazine now? Wow, they don't make things easy for lore hounds do they. You practically have to gobble up every single type of warcraft media available if you want the full scoop.

    Next they're going to release warcraft chewing gum...with new and never before seen lore on every wrapper!

  16. #216
    Herald of the Titans -Ethos-'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemons View Post
    You practically have to gobble up every single type of warcraft media available if you want the full scoop.
    Or you could just read threads like this.
    MMO-Champion once again foiling Blizzard!

  17. #217
    I'm not going to bother to quote the umpteen-billion replies to this thread, so just assume if you posted something in here and it sounds like I'm replying to you, that I am Here's a simple-stupid breakdown of current WoW lore as I understand it:

    The Universe as a whole:
    The Universe comes into existence (there is no God credited with started everything). The Universe is filled with an undetermined amount of planets, as well as rudimentary life (again, there is no God credited with this). Each of these planets have their own native races of sentient life. Somewhere, in the midst of all this, higher beings come into existance (I prolly wont keep saying this, but there is no God credited with this). These higher being include the Titans, the "Gods" of these sentient beings on these indeterminate amount of worlds, and Demons, powerful enough to corrupt a Titan and therefore give the Burning Legion a God of their own. A full break down of these "gods" as we know it so far seems to be "The Light" (possibly the Naru, as worshipped by beings on Azeroth), The Naru, Sargeras (formerly a Titan), The Titan Pantheon (collectively, excluding pseudo-Titan demi-gods present in WoW such as Mimiron, presumably an avatar of the Titan Mimir), The Lao (Troll Spirit-gods), The Earthmother (worshipped by Tauren, possibly Elune), Elune, The Old Gods (collective of parasitic beings), as well as various other "gods" of Azeroth spoken of in the magazine article (such as Agamaggan the Boar-god, Patron god of the Quilboar).

    The point of this section is to show that as we know it now, from information that has been released, these beings listed all came about at around the same time, and for purposes of discussion should be treated as equal. There is no difinitive information to say whether they are or aren't either way. The greater concern of the lore community should be who created all these beings listed? The Titans can not be credited with creating everyone listed but themselves. While it would fit in with Christian Mythology that they would create their own nemesis (being Satan in Christianity), it seems unlikely that they would make the same "mistake" twice in creating both the Demons of the Burning Legion and The Old Gods of Azeroth (while it is true good can not exist without evil, one good does not need 2 evils to exist). The Pantheon leader Aman'Thul (akin to Zeus and Odin) is the head Titan, however he is in direct relation to other Titans (Sargeras being his brother) and therefore can not be the Creator. Zeus was his mythological counterpart in Greek Mythos, but Zeus had a father. Who created the Titans?

    Azeroth, Titans, and Old Gods:
    It should be noted that all planets and their respective native life began of their own accord. This is true of Azeroth as well. Azeroth began with several native species, to include (as we know it now) Trolls, Tauren, Quilboar, and Furblog. A primative tribe of trolls stumbled upon the Well of Eternity and evolved through magical infusion into the race known as Night Elves. This began the Elf line to include all Elves currently on Azeroth. Each of the native races had their own dieties, which we must assume are real (using deductive and pattern reasoning, if 1 is true they all must be true). The Titans, being akin to intergalactic scientists, came to Azeroth to put the planet in "order" and watch the experiment play out (it should be noted that no where does it say Azeroth was the only planet to have this done, nor is it intellegent to think that they would only do this on 1 planet). During this "ordering" they vanquished and imprissoned another sect of presumably equal beings known as the Old Gods.

    This is where people begin to go awry I think. They assume that the Old Gods were some kind of lesser entities confined to Azeroth, but this sort of thinking is flawwed. For starters, if they were lesser beings than Titans, it would have to be assumed that any damage they could have possibly done could be corrected by the Titans, but we know first hand from the curse of the flesh that this is not the case. So it stands to reason that they must be at least equal to the Titans in power. Second, the general folly is to assume that the Old Gods are isolated to Azeroth. It is extremely evident that the Old Gods are planet-killers. They feed on chaos and discord which ultimately leads to the destruction of the host world. No being in existance's biological drive is to kill themselves, therefore we must infer that they are not only not isolated to Azeroth, but that they are capable of traveling to a new host to begin the process again. Finally, it is often infered with little implication that the Old Gods are distinct and seperate beings. It is far more likely to assume that the Old Gods are actually either Avatars of a single entity, or part of a collective hive mind. Parasites in general always belong to a collective, and are not a single isolated entity.

    The Twisting Nether and the Great Dark:
    There are at least 2 distinct plains of existance in the Warcraft Universe. The Great Dark for all intent and purposes is the outer space of WoW. The Titans, when traveling between planets, travel through the Great Dark, as well as other spacefaring races such as the Draenei. The Twisting Nether is the theological opposite of the Great Dark, instead of being seated in matter and form, the Twisting Nether is founded in magic and illusion. Not even the Titans were aware of the Twisting Nether when it formed, lending creedance once again to the argument that the Titans can not be the origin-gods of the universe. Notably, demons are from the Twisting Nether. It stands to deductive reasoning then (if you read the previous block), that if the Old Gods travel to new host planets as the Titans do, that the Old Gods would use the Twisting Nether to do so, thus explaining why the Titans had never encountered the Old Gods before traveling to Azeroth. It can also be infered then that the Old Gods - if they are Avatars of a single being, or simply off-shoots of a single being - that the True Old God resides within the Twisting Nether itself (explaining how an Old God could infect the Emerald Dream, since the Emerald Dream is likely within the Twisting Nether, the dimension of magic, and not within the dimension of matter).

    Sorry for the wall of text.

  18. #218
    "It is a small matter to control the mind of the weak... for I bear allegiance to powers untouched by time, unmoved by fate. No force on this world or beyond harbors the strength to bend our knee... not even the mighty Legion!" - Harbinger Skyriss in Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz

    Thought it was pretty openly accepted that Old Gods are some sort of parasites drifting through the cosmos engulfing planets.

  19. #219
    Quote Originally Posted by Arnorei View Post
    "Earth Giants apparently were turned into Gronn (perhaps via the curse of flesh) who then turned into ogres and ettin." Draenor didn't have Old Gods and all ogres were from Draenor, or do they retcon that now saying there were ogres here? This is bullshit.

    It's been confirmed as a Draenor Old God in the Ask the Devs sessions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Splenda View Post
    Interesting! There's the end of THAT argument.

    I love the few people who are disgusted by the "horde fanboyism" and are threatening to quit WoW over an alliance race having come from a horde race....isn't that rampant alliance fanboyism?

    I think those few people need to go outside and eat some pie.
    Natural selection of players. If you can't take a theory that's been going around since forever being confirmed, get out.

    It's not even like Dark Trolls are in the Horde... -.-
    Last edited by mmoc8b3023a1c1; 2011-08-16 at 07:44 AM.

  20. #220
    Sadly, the whole Drakkari exctinction is not portrayed in-game. Zul'Drak was supposed to have a raid( and the story had still a long way to go), so we can finally find out what happened to the imprisoned gods, but they cut it

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