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  1. #241
    Something's not right with the whole Earth Giants -> Gronn -> Ogres -> Orcs things.

    How can the Orcs fear the Gronn and to a lesser extent the Ogres? But they can annihilate the creatures bigger than Gronn with ease?
    I mean, the story of the giant corpses that were used to build the Temple of the Damned? It doesn't add up.

    Having the Night Elves come from Dark Trolls that lived near the Well of Eternity makes at least some sense. They were changed due to the magical power.
    And Humans coming from mutated Vrykul that were affected with the Curse of Flesh? Well, that makes some sense too.
    What do these have in common? They were changed by magic.

    But having Orcs be descended from Ogres? yeah right. It does not add up. There is no major magical force at work here.
    Gronn were killing Black Dragons like it was nothing. The Orcs feared them. Yet the Orcs also killed beings bigger than them with ease. How?

    Maybe the people that said Garrosh looked like an Ogre are to blame, I guess Blizzard thought it was pretty nifty.

  2. #242
    Quote Originally Posted by Hardstyler01 View Post
    Yet the Orcs also killed beings bigger than them with ease. How?
    I never noticed any 'with ease' in the quoted texts. O_o

    My guess would be that many of the original giants (collossi?) got zapped with the Curse of Flesh, and further mutated into Gronn. Some of the less mutated ones were brought down in one way or another (perhaps even by the Gronn) and Orcs much later found the bones.

  3. #243
    Me likes this info a LOT

  4. #244
    Quote Originally Posted by adam86shadow View Post
    Me likes this info a LOT
    Me too. Now if it also turns out that wisps and Ancients are truly what the Trolls call Loa (lesser and primal respectively) I'll be beyond delighted. It would mean Trolls had been in contact with them waaaaaaay longer than Night Elves.

    *High-three to alla da Trolls*

  5. #245
    i enjoy reading these threads for some reason
    "Anger dwells only in the bosom of fools" Albert Einstein

  6. #246
    night-elves are derived from dark trolls???

    this explains EVERYTHING

  7. #247
    Now I haven't read the full 13 pages so apologies if I am simply repeating others:

    harpies from Aviana
    But harpies are mutated night elves...

    Dragonkin are mortal races turned into half dragons by the flights. The process isn't voluntary, dragons just seem to abduct people and forcibly transform them. This is how there are so many black dragonspawn.
    This certainly sheds a very dark side

  8. #248
    Quote Originally Posted by adam86shadow View Post
    But harpies are mutated night elves...
    Not neccessarily. There were certain hints to it (mostly in the RPG manuals), but never anything as substantial as the evidence suggesting the Troll - Night Elf relation.

  9. #249
    Quote Originally Posted by Lokann View Post
    Not neccessarily. There were certain hints to it (mostly in the RPG manuals), but never anything as substantial as the evidence suggesting the Troll - Night Elf relation.
    Night elf relatives?
    During the time before the War of the Ancients, certain night elves changed when they gave themselves over to Cenarius.[7] This is a possible explanation given for the dryads and keepers of the grove.

    It is possible that the harpies are night elves who gave themselves over to Aviana. The death of Aviana during the war would have left them without their matriarch, and could explain their now brutal nature (although Aviana herself was also hinted to having these streaks).

    Although it fits that the harpies would be connected to an ancient, much like the quilboar to Agamaggan and the furbolgs to Ursoc and Ursol, this is unconfirmed.
    Legends about harpies claim that they are descend from a group of female night elves who betrayed Queen Azshara,[2] and were cursed as punishment. No males have been reported, so (rumor has it) harpies breed with captive males of many species, though they prefer elves, orcs, and humans to either smaller or larger species.[3] The males of another species fills the role for a time, after which they become food for the nest. In lean times, harpies can lay unfertilized eggs that become female copies of the mother
    I guess you're right, it's just rumour and myth
    Last edited by mmoc1f234b9ee4; 2011-08-16 at 11:15 AM.

  10. #250
    Quote Originally Posted by Brohez View Post
    I know (at least I think I do) , but am I the only one who suspects the "curse" of the flesh is not what it seems to be?

    I ask because it reminds me of Tolkien and the "Doom of Man" that was included and how the elves assumed that Eru was mad at mankind and thus "Doomed" them to die, later of course realizing living forever isn't all that great.

    I personally am somewhat sure that at some point in the future, it will be explained not to be a curse at all.
    I like this idea, would be an awesome twist if the old gods rlly had best intentions at heart, flesh allowed us to have more imagination / creativity maybe ?

  11. #251

  12. #252
    That sounds really cool!
    Who woulda guessed!

  13. #253
    Quote Originally Posted by TheEaterofSouls View Post
    That sounds really cool!
    Who woulda guessed!
    Well to be fair the majority were already heavily speculated by fans, this simply confirms it

  14. #254
    Quote Originally Posted by Shadow-cleave View Post
    In Outlands, the Arrakoa (spelling; Too lazy to check it right now ) are summoning what appears to look like C'thun.

    Coincidence? I think not. It's more likely that every world has it's own "set" of Old Gods, just like there are many in Lovecraft's stories (He says they are "as numerous as the stars" I believe). Take that how you will (Oh gaawd, I'm starting to sound like Dark side ; I love Darkside).
    Remember that quote from the last boss in The Arcatraz? We span the universe, as countless as the stars!

    ps wtb that voice actor back, he was awesome.

  15. #255
    Stood in the Fire Derpdederp's Avatar
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    I knew I was a troll at heart.

  16. #256
    The Insane Thage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam86shadow View Post
    This certainly sheds a very dark side
    The OP on the Story Forum o-board reworded what was actually in the article needlessly. The actual words were that "they don't need to be willing" and it "explains all the black dragonkin". Nowhere was it insinuated that the non-black dragonflights forcibly transform mortals into dragonkin.
    Be seeing you guys on Bloodsail Buccaneers NA!

  17. #257
    Quote Originally Posted by Callei View Post
    The OP on the Story Forum o-board reworded what was actually in the article needlessly. The actual words were that "they don't need to be willing" and it "explains all the black dragonkin". Nowhere was it insinuated that the non-black dragonflights forcibly transform mortals into dragonkin.
    Ahh, won't have to watch my back around 'em then

  18. #258
    The Insane Thage's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam86shadow View Post
    Ahh, won't have to watch my back around 'em then
    Not sure if the Bronzes follow that MO, but you're definitely fine around the Reds, Greens, and Blues.
    Be seeing you guys on Bloodsail Buccaneers NA!

  19. #259
    trolls> all. We all know this.

    Warender - Orc Enhancement Shaman - Mal'Ganis US

  20. #260
    Quote Originally Posted by Callei View Post
    Not sure if the Bronzes follow that MO,
    Well they were quick to kill a little girl, thankfully they didn't otherwise the matron would have had my tauren balls

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