Heh, after whole MoP I gave up... purerly due to lack of 4 others to do CM's with. Server is dead (at least Horde side), guild/friends unsubbed or not intreasted in CM's, OpenRaid peeps only take ones that already have 9/9 Gold and so on... So far I've got 1 Silver done, again not cause I suck and fail them but because unability to find 4 other willing to give it a try.
Fully aware that I'm whining here, just had to vent.
Back on topic of transmoging, not most unique look :P but what MH are you using? can't really see at this angle.
Well its not one full set, so orginal enough
It looks good, only thing not quite fitting in my opinion is staff.
Mabye check out
Cataclysmic Gladiator's Battle Staff, I think it will be better fit, and it's quite easy to get.