"Got tired of Green fire, so I turned it off, switched Destro out for Demon and now I'm rocking this mog I slapped together. I really like it. ;D"
Nice set man, but what are those purple things coming out of your back (between your shoulders and headpiece)?
(btw sorry I can't quote, not enough posts -____-
That is a great transmog - the robe goes fantasically well with those recoloured head and shoulders - and very Warlock, especially on Undead.
I've been running this one the past few weeks. I really like it as it's one of the few transmogs that I have found that actually looks good on a female worgen:
Legion Destro Guide | Active Developer of EventHorizon Continued
Armory | Mythic Kill Videos! | Twitch Live Stream (mostly farm)
Join FDWH Gold Challenge Mode on OpenRaid and get your awesome transmogrification set. These events are for everyone, ranging from hardcore veterans to skilled casual players. No experience is required, only knowledge of tactics. Make sure to put MMO-Champion in your note!
Nice 'mog, I love that robe.
Lots of things has changed since my last visit here hehe!
Worgen. That's why I don't like the hood. It looks odd on a worgen
I was using Orb of the Sin'dorei at the time. Every thing looks better on a Belf.
Old Naxxramas, to be exact.
Necro-Knight's Garb
Used to wear that set for a loooong time, then switched to the CM set, but soon switched back to it, too. In my opinion, Sha-Skin is hands down one of the best looking Lock sets ever.
(Especially the heroic version).
Last edited by mmocc02219cc8b; 2014-04-09 at 08:02 AM.