Ya, I'm starting to feel like I'm in the Green Lantern Corp.
Ya, I'm starting to feel like I'm in the Green Lantern Corp.
Having in mind that one of your main things is that you can get green fire, and we all know that people will make many sets around that (and the green orbs), so get used to it, also... imagine that these is a really long firelands patch (instead of red fire mogs all around, green fire mogs)
Been wearing the Nemesis set since forever, decided to switch it up when I got the Archi shoulders.
Tbh I've went through a few changes but I've been using set three of these for awhile mainly as while I love the shoulders in Set 1 they've not been right since MoP ended due to shoulders now sitting much father back on Human Female models. That being said I still need to find myself a better belt I think.
Last edited by Tyrealius; 2015-08-18 at 11:54 PM.
Waiting for a decent tabard for a whole damn eternity, i think.
So here's something I threw together:
I really like how it turned out, and it even works without the tabard since the tunic is a pretty solid match. I would like some better boots though, ones that aren't just slippers...
i guess http://www.wowhead.com/item=85997/sa...e-severed-soul would work very well with this
For my Dorf.
item List: http://www.wowhead.com/compare?items...569:4039;11839
My current setup.
Last edited by Teroch; 2015-08-19 at 08:16 PM.
slutmog wip this week
I'm not a big fan of those, but I think I found a decent match:
All together:
Last edited by Xorn; 2015-08-20 at 06:43 AM.