~Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.~
~Every damn thing you do in this life, you have to pay for.~
~Living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see.~
~Every damn thing you do in this life, you have to pay for.~
Not gonna win the originality price but enjoy running around in this set.
Prolly gonna change it to Orc once upright comes ingame.
DI looks great but I think VE is more flexible for all specs since the DI's red theme fits less with affliction and demo's spell effects.
is that a shot of your DI from the character creation screen? i'm guessing that's from the beta. i wish i'd gotten an invite.![]()
Classy Void Elf.
Here's my dude. Mostly pieces from a set, but I like the look.
Here is my current transmog.
Well here's the race update haha. Went with the discount, now all that needs to be done is that toggle upright model!
I love how big this Artifact model is compared to the other ones. Seethed it's still taller than the headpiece is.
That's awesome looking. Excuse my ignorance, but what is this? Is it a set or something?
The helm, shoulders and belt drop from Mythic Archimonde (Hellfire Citadel, WoD)
Chest is sold in Shattrath (TBC)
Gloves boots are whatever matches :-)
Mage Tower Affliction artifact skin with one of the unlocks (do all legion dungeons after obtaining the skin)
It'll look something like this with the upright model. No beta so cant show ingame version. Really love the size of that artifact skin (gloves arent showing right in the model viewer, shoulders should be a bit larger than Wowhead shows) :
Last edited by Nutri; 2018-06-28 at 02:06 PM. Reason: not just Mythic Archi
I cant make image posting to work so here is imgur link... (yea im technologically challenged :P )
affli: https://imgur.com/xU8yaUg
destro: https://imgur.com/y8J6xMt
demo: https://imgur.com/9qr68Kz
Last edited by mmocee1c747773; 2018-06-28 at 02:09 PM.
Correct! I was thinking of the Edict of Argus green version, as I was farming that as a package :P
Here is mine. I like it simple.
Destro tmog for BFA.
- - - Updated - - -
Demo tmog for BFA