1. #381
    Stood in the Fire UR1L's Avatar
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    I'm going Japanese, tentacle tier all the way baby!

  2. #382
    The Patient Hephaestux's Avatar
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    Horns of the Left Hand Path mogging?

    any one know if the Horns of the Left Hand Path will be able to be mogged?


    Awsome sig made by :Eis
    Jayne Cobb: You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here.

  3. #383
    As it shares a model with a warlock tier set I would assume so
    Just get the whole Felheart regalia it is pretty much the best Warlock set

  4. #384
    The Patient Hephaestux's Avatar
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    ah didnt realize it did. thanks

    Awsome sig made by :Eis
    Jayne Cobb: You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here.

  5. #385
    It's not a "fun" item and it has stats on it. No reason it shouldn't be transmogrifiable. Also tier 1 etc.

  6. #386
    My plan is still base T10, cba to farm the tokens to upgrade it. Plus my server keeps wiping in ICC runs to this day... Still looking for offset pieces. Might or might not mog my branch/runestaff.

  7. #387
    I'll be using T8 with Drape of the Messenger and Origin of Nightmares.

    It looks sick with Power Torrent

  8. #388
    High Overlord Recyclops's Avatar
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    T4 with T6 shoulders.

  9. #389
    Tier 1, I fell in love with that set since the start of WoW

  10. #390
    Old God endersblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DesireKT View Post
    I just got another set idea together (one that's not the usual tier premades like most of my other sets)


    PS I hate the belt but it's one of the best ones I can find. This was also made for Worgen hence the monocle because most helms look bad on Worgen because they stretch.
    That looks freaking AWESOME. Think I'm gonna build around this a bit :-)

  11. #391
    Immortal mistuhbull's Avatar
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    I'm substantially more excited to mog the Staff of the Left Hand Path

    now if only locks could wear Priest S2 (that was the black t5 right?)
    Theron/Bloodwatcher 2013!

    Quote Originally Posted by Alsompr View Post
    Teasing, misdirection. It's the opposite of a spoiler. People expect one thing? BAM! Another thing happens.

    I'm like M. Night fucking Shamylan.

  12. #392

    I need a help with the belt cant find a decent one still.

  13. #393
    Dreadlord golds's Avatar
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    The helm fits flawlessly.

  14. #394
    Cool guild. ;P

  15. #395
    im thinking of farming T4, T7 or some TBC/Wrath pvp stuff. i think locks have a hard choice as we have so many awesome looking tiers (coming from a shammy main here).

  16. #396
    I had a great set based around the Vile Fumigator Mask, but then realized it wasn't legal because it didn't have any stats. So I decided to go off the deep-end (literally) and put together a diving suit. It's growing on me. Kindof an underwater mad scientist warlock...

  17. #397

    looking to mog the lvl 80 wrathful pvp set (Wrathful Gladiator's Felshroud)

    I've been buying the Wrathful Gladiator's Felshroud (http://www.wowhead.com/itemset=-281/...tors-felshroud) set for my warlock, but cannot find a matching belt for it. I'm not worried about the pants/bracers - as those will not be showing, but the three ilvl 264 wrathful belts match either the mage or priest sets. Has anyone found a matching belt - or another oddball belt that looks similar to the rest of the set?


  18. #398

    Mix of Tier 8.5, Tier 11 heroic and the Vengeful Gladiator's Dreadweave helm. Trying for a mix look.

  19. #399
    t6 with the Illidan staff.

  20. #400
    Quote Originally Posted by xskarma View Post
    Damn I wish, some of it probably can be solo'd but Lady Vash for the head token, you need near full raid for that cause of the pillar thingies you need to disable

    On the general topic though, I would love to get my grubby fingers on at least shoulders from tier 5 though I will try to get full set.

    Not changing my weapon though, I personaly feel that the weapons have actually gotten better as time has gone on, I don't care much for tbc/wotlk weapons
    one of the writers on wowinsider did all of ssc with 3 people..they wrote an article about it.

    ---------- Post added 2011-10-07 at 12:37 AM ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by Count Zero View Post
    Hope they make season stuff available again. So I can stop getting pissed everytime Illidan / Archimonde don't drop my chest / helm >:|
    they actually did add vendors for merciless gladiator (tier 5 models) on the ptr in the pvp vendor area so they might do it for the others.

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