1. #541

  2. #542
    Quote Originally Posted by Vainhafen View Post

    Here's two of my pieces, Don't have a Demo set yet but i guess i'll use one of these!
    Excuse me, I'm probably just being an idiot so feel free to rage at me for that, but which robe are you using for the affli set? I adore the sleeve pattern and colours.

  3. #543
    The Patient
    15+ Year Old Account
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    Jul 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Alynei View Post
    Excuse me, I'm probably just being an idiot so feel free to rage at me for that, but which robe are you using for the affli set? I adore the sleeve pattern and colours.
    The robe is the Nemesis Robe, from the Warlock Tier 2 Nemesis Set.

  4. #544

    (click on the little triangle on the left of the little gray bar above each set of items to view in 3d)

    Two mixed-tier sets (that I can do right now) I'm thinking of using. Also working on some ideas for the t5 pieces I have (which is the full set). Hrm ... also have some t10 (various 25 heroic and 25 reg / 10 heroic, none of the 10 reg but those are still obtainable just with jp), I think some other stuff but can't decide off the top of my head ...
    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

  5. #545
    Count Zero:

    nr 1: I like the shoulders with the robe, but the helmet is a really different purple, more pink like, than the blue-ish purple in the robe. I love the wings you get, like most people, but I don't think it goes together that well with this outfit.
    nr. 2: I like, the robe goes great with the head! Both the colours and the skull come back. maybe I'd go for different shoulders though, cause they dont really fit the theme imo except for the colour. how about Hateful Gladiator's Felweave Amice or Amice of the Convoker? I can't see how good the purples match.

    It's personal preference of course, but for me the fun is finding more things outside of tier sets to use and incorporate
    They're cool outfits though! I'm just nitpicking.

    Cedande: Maybe use a different tabard? This one looks so out of place and orange!

    Kamekazikoala: While I like what you've got going on, with the bits or orange coming back as detail colours in each items and in your braids, the head looks a bit awkward... like the teeth are poking in your eyes. I like it though!

  6. #546

  7. #547

  8. #548
    Quote Originally Posted by Faradin View Post
    I am also using that first set, though without the cape or helm. Here's the staff, dagger, sword, and off-hand I currently plan on using with it. The Firelands dagger that you have in the profile was also something I was thinking of maybe using.
    How could I have not remembered that staff?!?! It fits perfectly, thank you!

    As for the sword, I think I'm going to go with this one for now:


    Edit: Now all I need is a cape...

  9. #549
    Also, for those masses that are getting teir 5 and can't find a matching weapon, look no further!!!


  10. #550
    Quote Originally Posted by maaike View Post
    Count Zero:

    nr 1: I like the shoulders with the robe, but the helmet is a really different purple, more pink like, than the blue-ish purple in the robe. I love the wings you get, like most people, but I don't think it goes together that well with this outfit.
    nr. 2: I like, the robe goes great with the head! Both the colours and the skull come back. maybe I'd go for different shoulders though, cause they dont really fit the theme imo except for the colour. how about Hateful Gladiator's Felweave Amice or Amice of the Convoker? I can't see how good the purples match.

    It's personal preference of course, but for me the fun is finding more things outside of tier sets to use and incorporate
    They're cool outfits though! I'm just nitpicking.
    Nah it's cool, I like the tips / advice

    But I do think I did under-emphasize that these are just sets I can put together right now without any (further) farming.
    I am the one who knocks ... because I need your permission to enter.

  11. #551
    Well I Have Been Working on a Few Set's here is one tell me what you think!

    Last edited by Lockja; 2011-11-06 at 10:54 PM.

  12. #552
    Some nice sets on this page.

  13. #553
    Very nice sets, I will upload mine soon

  14. #554
    I know that complete Tier Transmog's are lame. But I loved my T5 from the day i completed it. So yeah... T5 for me

  15. #555

    Uploaded with ImageShack.us

    what about this?
    i LOVE it!

    But the staff, not so much. anyone have any ideas?

  16. #556

  17. #557
    Quote Originally Posted by Darkflame View Post
    I like the idea of not wearing a robe, are there many options?

  18. #558
    I found some chest in model viewer, let me link some of them:

    http://www.wowhead.com/item=10581/deaths-head-vestment - The one I'm wearing in model viewer.

    There's a lot more but I think you can get one of those easly .

  19. #559
    I've been probing tiers, and for worgen, if you got a nice tabard it will fit well anything.

    Last edited by mmocf28d0713c0; 2011-11-08 at 04:33 PM. Reason: Add a link with images

  20. #560
    It's Corruptor Raiment (The black/red themed BC set) for me all the way, at least until the next raiding tier comes out and I can get my hands on the Faceless Shroud pieces. Tentacles = awesome in my book.

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