i know, but look at it, it has nothing of the typical sin'dorei design elements beside the stumped falcon and looks a lot more like a pilfered blade in the icecrown campaign.
greyish texture, dark/ spikey elements on the blade, if it wasn't used by lorthemar it would fit the bloodqueen quite well
Last edited by derpkitteh; 2018-05-28 at 04:19 PM.
Just started my 24/7 LoFi stream. Come listen!
Having mostly mained a warrior for a good chunk of my WoW career, i really do love this transmog which brings me back to my favorite expansion, TBC
OMG 13:37 - Then Jesus said to His disciples, "Cleave unto me, and I shall grant to thee the blessing of eternal salvation."
And His disciples said unto Him, "Can we get Kings instead?"
Where the Tauren transmogs? Convince me that Taurens rule!
Good news with that horrible transmog is...
I got a nice ass.
Last edited by mmoc2e63c0190a; 2018-05-30 at 09:29 PM.
My paladin tmog on my RP server. Any tips for a helmet/hood? Does not have to be plate!
https: //gyazo.com/7b1ec6423e63fc649bbfdb032e2131c1
Current xmog. Nothing too fancy.
Trying to find a good weapon mog for the Heroic Tier 21 set for paladins.
Any suggestions?
I have the 3 purple tinted challnge appearences, all go pretty well with my new transmog.
Ret won't get to use The Silver Hand for transmog, per the "final" word on it from Ion Hazzikostas re: artifact transmogs in today's Q&A. Sigh.
Last edited by Gloriandus; 2018-06-14 at 06:42 PM.