I went to the warlock part and they said to post here so here i go.

#showtooltip [stance:2, mod:shift] Demon Leap; [stance:2] Immolation Aura; [nostance] Metamorphosis
/castsequence [stance:2, mod:shift] Demon Leap; [stance:2] Immolation Aura; [nostance] reset=20/combat 14, Metamorphosis
/cast Demon Soul

I have used that a week or 2 now and i noticed that when i use that it doesnt pick up immo aura for some odd reason and now when i got moonwell chalice i cant have it in the same type of macro bc of it bugging with the server lagg so you doesnt benefit from the mastery..

I want a simmilar macro so i can use it like this: i enter meta, demonleap, demon soul and immo aura at once since i need to use the trinket before this macro.It doesnt matter if i need to press it 3-4 times. I am used to that.