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  1. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by georgevonfranken View Post
    You should make the link the title, it would make it look alot better imo. Example TotalBiscuit Norn Elementalist PvP [Eurogamer 2011]
    I'll do that later tonight, once I have a free solid 30mins to do it.

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre Fierceshot View Post
    I'll do that later tonight, once I have a free solid 30mins to do it.
    Awesome if there wasnt so many videos i would suggest added date uploaded after the link but there is just way to many to do that lol

  3. #23
    Updated with ImperfectBlocks three PAX Prime videos, Warrior, Thief and Guardian.

    Will update all the links later.

  4. #24
    Nice thanks for the vids. Been trying to follow the GW2 thread for some footage but didn't have much time to sift through all the posts. Will look at them later in the week

  5. #25
    Updated with some more videos, and got rid of broken links.

    Sorted all links to make it clearer. (Took me over an hour!)

  6. #26
    Second part of Total Biscuit's Asura Guardian playthrough is up!

  7. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by Mothhive View Post
    Second part of Total Biscuit's Asura Guardian playthrough is up!
    I was just watching it!

  8. #28
    Hey look at that the thread is beautiful now! Now all i need is more Necro, Enginner, and Sylvari(only 1 video thats the same has a necro video! Curse you plants!!)

  9. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by georgevonfranken View Post
    Hey look at that the thread is beautiful now! Now all i need is more Necro, Enginner, and Sylvari(only 1 video thats the same has a necro video! Curse you plants!!)
    I hope I never ever have to redo that many URLs again!

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Pyre Fierceshot View Post
    I hope I never ever have to redo that many URLs again!
    I redid this thread a while back and it took about a hour and a half. It had no organization, broken links, and other fun things

  11. #31
    Herald of the Titans theredviola's Avatar
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    I got the biggest nerd bonner from this thread. So I guess it's fitting that I request it be sticky. o.o

    Thanks for the compilation!
    "Do not only practice your art, but force yourself into its secrets, for it and knowledge can raise men to the divine." -- Ludwig Van Beethoven

  12. #32
    Scarab Lord Arkenaw's Avatar
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    I <3 Pyre.

  13. #33

  14. #34
    Updated again with more videos, and fixed some broken links.

  15. #35
    This could really do with being a sticky. It's a hell of a good compilation of all the videos floating around.

    Good job Pyre!

  16. #36
    thread can haz sticky?

  17. #37
    Herald of the Titans Eorayn's Avatar
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    Amazin Thread Bro

  18. #38
    Very nice thread. Here's a vote for sticky from myself.

    I do have one request if possible. You don't have to do this, as what you've done is awesome. But from this point on, would it be possible to get a piece at the very top or bottom that is "Newest videos" say, the 5 or 8 or whatever number newest videos? I know it's a bit more work all things considered, but generally speaking with ow large some of the lists are, it might make it easier for some of us when we come the the original post. Just a suggestion. And again, Thank you for this wonderful thread.

  19. #39
    man I watched the latest clip with total bisquit and did he made me annoyed or what, yes I know the man was ill, but if you are going to be only source of good quality videos, then for love of god make a god damn effort and play the race, my 5 year old brother would probably press more buttons and move more around whilst in action than that fatso. He just played so bad ......jesus
    "Bill Nye: So Todd I got an offer for you. You and me. Any time. Any place. Debating science mano- a-mano. I'll bring the facts, and you bring the Vaseline. Because your ass is gonna fucking need it when I'm done whipping."

    Mr Eames: "You mustn't be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling"

  20. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by jtgizmo View Post
    man I watched the latest clip with total bisquit and did he made me annoyed or what, yes I know the man was ill, but if you are going to be only source of good quality videos, then for love of god make a god damn effort and play the race, my 5 year old brother would probably press more buttons and move more around whilst in action than that fatso. He just played so bad ......jesus
    Don't think you understand how hard it is to actually play GW2 for the first time after playing WoW for 6 years.

    It's nothing like playing WoW, it's very action based like an FPS. You have to constantly move, dodge and fire off attacks. Not stand still auto attacking, pressing 2-5 buttons like on WoW.

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