I put together some footage of my thief in WvW. Some fun fights and fun builds to play if you like 1v2/3 or more. I mainly roam on my thief but the builds are viable for groups to. It's a P/D build and the builds are listed in the video description. Enjoy!
Some tricks we did on last WvW match. The dirty trick isn't really our way to do things, but we were against server that has some newly transferred huge guilds and we were losing. That server moved up on rank and now we can continue with our normal "cap points, avoid zergs" tactic.
Other video I made earlier this week, this one has some Finnish text comments but you can see what happens. Basically this is situation where we were doing out supply camp runs for points, but after [sIN] and [BOON] (boths huge guilds) arrived on map we could no longer separate into small 5-man parties. So we played hide and seek with them. At the end of the video I run out of the SSD space and missed some of the greatest zerg vs zerg fights.
Levelling my mesmer, my fist toon that I abandoned at lvl44 because I wanted to be "more melee" and then "more caster". I played thief and ele to 80 just to understand that all I wanted was to be stealthy-melee-caster... aka mesmer. -_-"
I have much to learn, that is why I record my gameplay. To see what I did't see when I was tunneling (like that guildie ele, who was clearly asking me to GS knockback npcs off). I also try to do these videos so that my non-gw2 friends understand what is going on, since we have common FB page where we post stuff from games we play.
Last edited by mmoce60d2079f6; 2013-01-27 at 08:24 PM.
So we've got a few more options when looking at a daily achievement. Sadly the 'pick and choose' option isn't here yet, but we can always look forward to it.
The combination kill achievement section that is mentioned in the video has been 'taken out of the hat', as it were, due to it being unreliable and not working as intended.