1. #1

    Shorten this Macro!

    Hey guys!

    So I have this macro format which I've been using for 3 of my keybinds. Here it is below:

    /cast [nomod, nostealth] Backstab
    /cast [@focus, mod:alt] Shadowstep
    /cast [mod:ctrl][mod:alt][mod:shift] Shadow Dance
    /cast [mod:shift] Premeditation
    /cast [nomod, stealth][@focus, mod:ctrl][mod:shift][@focus, mod:alt] Ambush
    /use [mod:ctrl, stance:3][mod:shift, stance:3][mod:alt, stance:3] 13
    /use [mod:ctrl, stance:3][mod:shift, stance:3][mod:alt, stance:3] 10

    Now, the problem is that it goes over the 255 character limit. This I bypassed by using the addon ncBiggerMacro's, which increased the macro character count to 1024. Only issue is, #showtooltip doesnt work as soon as you surpass the ordinary 255 character limit. So, what I'd like for someone smarter than me at this kind of thing to do, is shorten the macro to 255 characters if it is possible.

    What the macro does is allows me to ambush in stealth, and backstab out of it.
    When I hold down shift, it pops Dance, Premed, and allows me to Ambush my target.
    When I hold down control, it pops Dance and Ambushes my focus target.
    When I hold down alt, it pops Dance, Shadowsteps to my focus target, and ambushes my focus target.
    And whenever I pop Dance by holding down a modifier, it uses my On Use dps Trinket (13), and if that's on cooldown, it uses my Gloves (10)(synapse springs).

    This macro is the same format for Hemorrhage, which I've combined with Cheap Shot; and Kidney Shot which I've bound with Garrote.

    If anyone could help you would be legends, thanks in advance.

  2. #2
    You already posted.


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