1. #1

    Help my dps! Need advice.

    Ok, so I run a 10m guild and a few of us have always felt since FL was released the guilds overall DPS was lackluster compared to the gear they had (all 370+ EQUIPPED as of now), needless to say I'm looking into seeing if it's purely a rotational issue or gem/reforge issues, or just flat out they can't physically do more as a person.

    This is all based on normal bale since that is the only real "tank/spank" you can say in FL.

    Log: http://worldoflogs.com/reports/nbjee...?s=6877&e=7050

    Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/characte...serjr/advanced

    Thanks for your time.

  2. #2
    From looking at your stats, i would personally say that you should lose 600 mastery and gain 600 haste, so your around 2600 haste as affliction, Int > Haste (to cap) > Crit > Mastery as affliction, will give your dots more ticks, basically aff rotation is, CoE > SB > Haunt > UA > BOD > COR > SB > SB > Refresh HAunt > Refresh UA > SB, Etc Etc, ALWAYS keep Haunt on the target as its a 20% Dps Increase, IF It drops off the target, reapply that then your dots for the 20% Increase., also, have you got a spriest/moonkin/Shaman in the group for the 5% haste? and Your Dark Intent, should be on a resto druid/Spriest/Moonkin <-- personal best choices

  3. #3
    Yes, we run with 5% haste (shaman), DI usually goes: SPriest(healer OS i.e. Rag), RDruid, Ele Shamn (based on our group comp). Thanks for your input though! I'll look into things and see what kind of improvements can be made.

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