1. #1

    Healer macro help plz!!

    Im curious to know if theres a way to write a macro that will cast spells on my friendly target by holding down the maro button, similar to the way the alt button works with self healing, or the attack focus target key works. For example i would like to be able to target an enemy, hold down this macro key, and have my healz landing on my arena partner. Been looking around and have had no luck finding anything like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    You can use [@party1, mod:ctrl] in your conditions or [@playerName, mod:ctrl] both should work similar. For example
    /cast [@player,mod:alt][@friendlyDps, mod:ctrl][@mouseover,help][] Greater Heal

    Quote Originally Posted by Lich King
    "You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave... and the true meaning of fear."

  3. #3
    see im trying to avoid writing a macro for every 1 of my healz i was looking for a macro that i could bind to for example a mouse button, everytime i hold down that mouse button my spell will just be targeted at a party memeber without me having to target them. Similar to for example me targeting an enemy player then holding down alt and hittin A for a pw:s cast on myself. I would like to be able to be targeting an enemy and hold down my mouse button then hit A and cast the pw:s on my teamate, or hold down the button and hit 1 to cast penance and so on. Im not sure if this type of macro exists but it would be very convenient for those of us who have multiple toons and dont wanna write a billion macros. thanks for the help

  4. #4
    Except "holding down the button" isn't a modifier as far as macros are concerned. Mouse buttons are also not modifiers. Only alt, ctrl, and shift on the keyboard.

    If you want you can make a keybind that just targets your arena partner or their name directly.
    /tar party1
    /tar Billybobmage
    Last edited by lawomous; 2011-10-11 at 03:56 PM. Reason: whoops

    Gershuun @ Borean Tundra US - Interface & Macros Moderator

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