Gear Changes in Warlords of Draenor
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Now that BlizzCon is over and Warlords of Draenor has been unveiled, we’ve been getting some additional questions about the gear changes currently planned for the expansion. To help shed some more light on what you can expect, we thought we’d take a bit of time to clarify a few things.

Keep in mind that as with anything still in development, the information we share now will likely change as we progress, but this should help give you a good understanding of our goals and thinking.

Armor Pieces: Head, Shoulders, Chest, Legs, Gloves, Belt, Boots, and Bracers

Primary Stats

One of our main intents for primary stats is to make sure that higher Item Level (ilvl) pieces from new content are almost always superior to items from older content. Further, the changes we’re making to primary stats will help make pieces more universal, so groups will find gear drops more useful more often. This means you’ll be disenchanting less Intellect plate (only usable by Paladins today) or Agility mail (only usable by Hunters and Enhancement Shamans today). As we discussed at BlizzCon, we’re accomplishing this by making it so primary stats for a given piece of gear will change based on your current spec, though it’s likely that only new gear added in Warlords will work like this, as it might be impossible to implement this for all existing gear. Here are some additional points to know regarding the changes to primary stats:

  • Armor pieces will always have some amount of Stamina and Armor value.
  • Armor pieces always have Strength, Intellect, or Agility as a primary stat. Plate has either Strength or Intellect. Mail and Leather have either Agility or Intellect. Cloth has Intellect.
  • In the cases of Plate, Mail, and Leather, the primary stat will change depending on your current spec. Specifically, casters (including healers) will get Intellect, and melee or tank specs will get Strength or Agility.

Secondary Stats

Our intent for secondary stats is to differentiate pieces that occupy the same slot, allow for player customization, and to further differentiate specs within a class. Here are a few important points regarding the changes that are currently planned for secondary stats:
  • Secondary stats don’t change based on spec on armor pieces (or any piece).
  • Secondary stats on armor pieces can still include Haste, Crit, and/or Mastery.
  • Secondary stats on armor pieces will no longer include Hit, Expertise, Dodge, or Parry. These are being retired in Warlords, and will likely be removed even from existing gear.
  • Secondary stats on armor pieces will also no longer include Spirit, nor will they include Bonus Armor, which are reserved exclusively for non-armor pieces (which are explained below).
  • In addition, secondary stats on armor pieces may include several new stats we are exploring such as Readiness, Amplify, and Multi-strike. Technical Game Designer Chadd “Celestalon” Nervig has been sharing more details about these on his Twitter account.

Additional Properties

Armor pieces may have three other properties at random. First, items may be higher Item Level than normal. For sake of this discussion, we’ll call these items Warforged for now.

Second, items may have gem sockets. Unlike gem sockets today, gem sockets in Warlords of Draenor will be rarer but more powerful. There will be no socket bonuses, but we are strongly considering requiring the right color gem for the socket. All gems will grant secondary stats, including Spirit and Bonus Armor (see below).

Finally, items may have tertiary stats. These include things like a bonus to Movement Speed, Sturdiness, Life Steal, Avoidance (less AoE damage), and Cleave. Because of the rarity of tertiary starts, stacking them to produce (for example) a Movement Speed set will take enormous effort.

The design intent of these additional qualities on items is to make itemization more exciting and to give it more longevity. Rather than waiting weeks to get a breastplate, you might get one pretty quickly—but to get a true “best-in-slot” item will take much more effort and a bit of luck. Here are a few more points to consider for these properties:

  • We haven’t decided on exact numbers yet, but for the current discussion, assume something like a 10% chance for an item to have an additional property. It’s possible for one item to have all three of these properties, but the chance of that is very small.
  • The properties are determined at the time an item is looted (and possibly even includes crafted gear). For example, if an ogre boss drops two copies of the Bracers of Crithto, one might be a normal version, while another might have a tertiary stat.

Being Warforged, having a socket, or having a tertiary stat do not count against the stat budget of the item—they are strictly bonuses. The item will not have reduced primary or secondary stats in order to have these additional properties.

Set Bonuses

Similar to primary stats, set bonuses will also change depending on your current spec. This means a Paladin may only need one tier set rather than one for Holy and one for Retribution. It also means that set bonuses can be more tailored towards a spec. For instance, Marksman Hunter set bonuses can have different bonuses or different numbers than a Survival Hunter set. Like today, not every helmet, chest piece, or other piece of armor that drops will be part of a tier set.

Non-Armor Pieces: Weapons, Rings, Cloak, Necklace, and Trinkets

Primary Stats

In general, most of these pieces will not have Strength, Agility, or Intellect. Instead, they may have Attack Power or Spell Power to make sure they are more universal. However, our current thought it to keep primary stats on weapons so that they continue to feel iconic and special. Many of the items will have Stamina as well.

Secondary Stats

The information about secondary stats on armor above also applies here. In addition, Spirit and Bonus Armor can appear on these items. Spirit is only useful for healers. Bonus Armor is generally only useful for tanks. A Spell Power piece without Spirit may be attractive to healers or may be attractive to DPS casters instead.

The intent of including Spirit and Bonus Armor on these pieces is to make sure some items are still valuable only to healer and tank specs, helping to make sure they don’t have too much competition for gear against the more numerous DPS players in a given group. These are also stats we consider interesting, because how much of each of these stats a tank or healer might want is more subjective. For example, one tank in a group might prefer more Bonus Armor while another might prefer more Haste.

In the case of Spirit, imagine that stacking Spirit on every non-armor slot will give you more mana regeneration than you would reasonably need. That is to say, you likely won’t need Spirit on every single spot in order to function as a healer.

In the case of Bonus Armor, this stat fills the niche that Dodge and Parry fill today. We like tanks avoiding attacks as a mechanic, but it hasn’t proven to be a particularly interesting gearing strategy. However, we still want a dedicated damage-mitigation stat, and Bonus Armor will be it.

Additional Qualities

These items will also have a chance to have one of the additional qualities discussed above (Warforged, gems, and tertiary stats), and the information related to these qualities on armor still applies here.


A Holy Paladin has a raid tier set from the Blackrock Foundry. If she switches to her Retribution spec, the tier set is still functional, as the primary stats and set bonuses change. However, if she prefers Haste for her Retribution spec and Crit in her Holy spec (and is someone who enjoys the min-max game), then a single set of armor may not be optimal.

For her healing set, let’s assume this player also has one ring with Spirit, a shield with Spirit, and a trinket that procs on heals. The trinket is almost useless in her Retribution set. The shield is also useless, since Retribution is designed to wield a two-handed weapon. The ring will be sub-optimal because Spirit is useless to a Retribution Paladin, but if it has another valuable stat (e.g. Haste), it may still be worth using—again depending on how min-max-focused the player is.

A more casual player would probably be fine just using the trinket anyway and using a lower Item Level two-handed mace when she plays Retribution. A more min-max player would probably want separate rings, cloaks, trinkets, neck pieces, and weapons to use in the different specs. A very min-max player—such as someone competing in world-first Mythic raid progression—might even want different heads, shoulders, chests, and so on depending on the mix of secondary stats. This player might even swap out gems between the two specs.

This may seem like a lot to take in now, but we’ll continue to watch feedback and answer any additional questions where we can. And again, keep in mind that as with anything still in development, this information or some of the details will likely change as we progress.

As always, we welcome your constructive feedback, and we look forward to reading what you think.
This article was originally published in forum thread: Gear Changes in Warlords of Draenor started by chaud View original post
Comments 395 Comments
  1. Mormolyce's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by PityTheLoveFool View Post
    Anyone else see the sexism in the "examples" section? Why does the holy paladin have to be a female healer? NOT ALL GIRLS HEAL
    I thought they were trying to do the opposite, ie use she where usually people would just write he.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wildtree View Post
    This doesn't sound like a simplified system, rather an over complicated and more RNG dependent than ever before.
    I think there's good RNG and bad RNG, and Blizzard is trying to make it more of the former.

    Bad RNG: my shoulder hasn't dropped for 8 weeks straight.

    Good RNG: my shoulder dropped in week 3, but in week 8 it dropped again with a bonus gem slot, so I was still able to get an upgrade.
  1. Poysonivy's Avatar
    I wonder how it will work for haste caps for dots and hots? Since you can't reforge into them anymore..
  1. mmocf7a456daa4's Avatar
    Apart from the new character models and stat squish, every new idea I've read about WoD has been awful. Includig this. They nerf leveling and mechanics to please the lazy dipshit retards and fuck up everything else. They should just fire the entire dev team, scrap everything they've come up with so far and replace them with people who actually have brains.

    Usually people follow the principle "if it's not broken, don't try to fix it." But not Blizzard devs. It would be too mainstream. These worthless imbecils prefer to smash the stuff that, after years of polishing, finally works somehow - and then introduce stupid, useless shit that everyone hates.
  1. Zakkimatsu's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Orkwuzhere View Post
    A Restro Druid with more haste than Mastery at 5.4 is kinda lulzy. No one likes a lulzy healer during intense fights. Just saying from experience, yo.
    don't forget since the new raid teir is flexible and gear drop % will increase with each player, it's still going to be roughly the same loot competition as now. the only difference is that you wont be DE'ing any pieces until way longer in the teir which means your group can get geared form each boss as opposed to watching that same damn piece drop every week that no one needs because they arent a bow wielding hunter.
  1. Darkguyver2020's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Gahmuret View Post
    These worthless imbecils prefer to smash the stuff that, after years of polishing, finally works somehow - and then introduce stupid, useless shit that everyone hates.
    Well, hello there Everyone! How are you doing? I've never met someone called Everyone before!
    By the way, just because you hate it doesn't mean everybody else does. Stop speaking for others.
  1. Urza29's Avatar
    I don't like this new gear system i liked some of it prior to reading this post though...and no.

    I like how it is now, but i agree with some of the earlier reply s, it seems to me they are going backwards and opposite of what they are intending, so many issues that they are so short-sighted to see, how much it will change things, mostly for worse, with just a few tiny positives, and for no real good reason.

    I've always thought loot in wow should have gone to a token/point system, like how LOTRO did it, loot doesn't drop, it drops tokens and you take those tokens to choose the gear you want, simple.

    So instead of adding RNG to every drop, making every drop different every time, with the best rolls being so low you most likely wont ever see it, then just make all gear on a system where you get your base item, and then can enhance or upgrade said item, through professions or points, maybe valor, or a use for the useless justice points atm, something NEW not going backwards, or clunky RNG for every single drop like this, this is not the right solution at all.

    A mail agility item drops for my hunter, it has crit/mastery and i want haste. no problem go to vendor or some kind of ui panel, swap out 1 for the other (not reforge, a complete swap) or a gem socket, maybe have it so you get a new currency, when you get enough currency can use some of it to add gem slots, new stats or secondary stats to existing gear, that have more customization and choice, rather than pure RNG hope for the best like they are wanting to do, makes no sense.

    I think the right way to go would be to drop base items, and then allow us to further customize gear through a few different means, knowing your class/spec/stats is what separates the average/casual from the pros and the good players, and those that do min/max and raid, its not to show off, but because they simply like to have the best gear possible, with this new system they are wanting to do, its going more torwards out of 10 players only 2 of them have perfect setup, vs 10 today, the gear will be so rare, but you will get so sick of running same boss hoping for same item but with a gem slot, and not getting it, getting same gear with speed instead of gem, that why bother?

    this wont make us play more, eventually we will play less cuz we wont even care to run it 100x to get each item perfect, so why even gate us like this? why take the effort to implement this if its going to not really improve anything?

    The only part i like is the gear switching on spec switch, but if the secondary stats don't change, then that's pretty much pointless too, cuz still have to have a 2nd set, to be optimal? its seriously not hard to force stats onto people, if that stat is determined to be the best, generally the stat don't change for entire expansion, like mastery for warlocks, pretty much has been best stat since mop launch right? why cant they say OK guys locks will use mastery?

    do they WANT us to pick wrong stat or think that by choosing the right stat it somehow makes people be/feel more pro? i think if they forced it on us, would be an improvement to everyone no more guessing game, or people not knowing what their best stat is.

    If they are going to do this, then why not just change up secondary stats, every class has a different secondary they focus on, and every spec within the same class even, survival hunters prefer crit, BM hunters like haste for example. Why is it so hard to just tie in a secondary stat based on a primary? agility will always rise as you get better gear right? make baseline haste rise as your gear improves, or make 1 new stat, that basically gives you your class/spec stat and put that 1 stat on gear, solved. Then when u switch specs, bam you have your main stat + correct secondary stat

    How many people stack another stat if they even have a clue which one to stack? If you know best is haste, its not like you can/will stack crit, just to be different, be gimping yourself? the illusion of choice is all it is. There is truly only 1 choice, the "other" stat atm (like crit vs haste) is just there to be different and change things up between drops for class/specs. Example i got 559 chest from ordos tonight, it has crit/mastery, i am a BM hunter, i focus on haste, ok so now that 559 chest is nice, i wouldn't end up using it, even if my chest is 548 (which also breaks my 4 piece...another story all together) because crit/mastery are not very optimal for BM. Sure its higher ilvl, but breaking my 4 piece and not optimal stats means lose more than gain.

    So basically have items with 1 main stat and 1 "master" secondary stat, that 2nd stat just changes depending on class/spec, haste/crit/mastery...why cant we all be optimal? the separation of good/bad players shouldn't be by the choices they make in gear, sure choices are good, but some choices are just illusions, in the end you will choose 1, and stack it, so why give us gear we don't want or need, its always been a waste, other than for disenchant/vendor fodder.

    At some point they may even try making gear that lasts several tiers, imangine getting a base item in tier 1, but through upgrades (ilvl/stats/sockets) you carry it with you, rather than swapping out every piece every tier, its something to ponder about.
  1. Celista's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Gahmuret View Post
    Usually people follow the principle "if it's not broken, don't try to fix it." But not Blizzard devs. It would be too mainstream. These worthless imbecils prefer to smash the stuff that, after years of polishing, finally works somehow - and then introduce stupid, useless shit that everyone hates.
    There's some things they could do to make switching between specs for hybrids easier, having multiple sets of gear in your bag for both pvp and pve gets annoying. Never mind the constant reforging if, for example, you're switching from a high mastery healing set to a high haste dps caster set...

    They somewhat address these issues, but are creating more problems in the process.
  1. ihyln's Avatar
    LOL Diablo 3 style RNG loot. This game is done. What a shame.. it's been fun!
  1. acg137's Avatar
    I understand what they're trying to do and pretty much I know what they intend to do at least but I have to admit... It sounds like freaking Diablo-based gearing :|

    Honestly I'm not in favor of it - quite frankly I already find it silly in Diablo to have "Legendary" class-exclusive weapons that are entirely useless to the said class.
  1. ihyln's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Celista View Post
    There's some things they could do to make switching between specs for hybrids easier, having multiple sets of gear in your bag for both pvp and pve gets annoying. Never mind the constant reforging if, for example, you're switching from a high mastery healing set to a high haste dps caster set...

    They somewhat address these issues, but are creating more problems in the process.
    The problem is the tertiary stats won't change so you'll still need a second set of gear in your bags. This changes nothing since reforging is gone now.
  1. Damax's Avatar
    The spirit thing is leaving me suspicious of a mana management overhaul. active mana management like tanks.... not sure its the right thing to do. I'd rather they go back to triage instead of spam aoe heals during heavy damage conserve mana otherwise.

    I'm looking forward to see how this work. I think there will be major drama in guilds of people rolling/getting items twice before someone else gets it once due to tertiary stats. They should have made it one step deeper, a chest piece drops with haste + crit everyone who needs that king of chest roll. if a warrior wins it becomes plate(and str), if a mage won it became cloth (and intel)
  1. mmocee9d117667's Avatar
    I'm alright with this if they balance the crafting cost of crafted items (i.e not limiting them by raid drops) - And make weapons craftable.

    I think that people who are currently worried, do not grasp some of the upcoming changes. They are doing this to give you more customization.
    If you are a min maxer - and you want tri-fecta etc. Think of it like this.

    Each fight has certian aspects that value some stats more so then others. Movement speed, avoidance etc.
    It will be unimagineable that you will get the truly "BiS". Given that it would require you to have several different sets and all these different kinds of things.

    If anything, you are now given more options THEN EVER. Min max to your hearts content - keep hunting loot till your hearts content.
    And if the hunt doesn't thrill you - why the bloody hell do you play a gear progress based game?

    You might say "To have the loot of course!". But you already will get loot. More so then before. You will be able to just keep hunting loot.
    Then you might say "But i want the BEST loot!" - even better, you can hunt that shit for all eternity.

    You can thank me when it dawns upon you lot that this gives longevity in the form of constant gearing.
  1. SodiumChloride's Avatar
    Avoidance is worrying. It's fine for PVE, but in PVP ... we seriously don't need anymore RNG in combat.
  1. Moradim's Avatar
    getting a piece of gear for a particular slot is challenging enough as it is.

    this is RNG on top of RNG (getting the item to drop), now you need it to have the stats you like, and hopefully...the extra stats.
  1. Redmage's Avatar
    I think the design intent here is: Make loot easier to maintain, makes casuals happy. But harder to min/max which will make (some) hardcore people happy.

    Not sure how I feel about it honestly, trying not to jump to conclusions.

    One thing i definitely don't like: Run speed. This better not work in PvP or I will never step foot in an arena again.
  1. blackhammer99's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Moradim View Post
    getting a piece of gear for a particular slot is challenging enough as it is.

    this is RNG on top of RNG (getting the item to drop), now you need it to have the stats you like, and hopefully...the extra stats.
    Common misconception I see through out this thread.
    Understand this guys, things are only being added to the current gear model.
    Just like Thunderforged and Warforged, getting that gear is a perk.

    The normal model with "Intellect, haste, and mastery" Cloth shoulders still exists, just now on top of Orcforged being an option, you can also get some tertiary stats that can be fun, as well as gems. These are bonuses, so no reason any of you guys should be upset.

    You have either misread or fear change.
    This will be an awesome addition to make some gear that much better when it drops and will keep guilds that are clearing normals weeks interested in what drops.
  1. Durandro's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Moradim View Post
    getting a piece of gear for a particular slot is challenging enough as it is.

    this is RNG on top of RNG (getting the item to drop), now you need it to have the stats you like, and hopefully...the extra stats.
    The only RNG involved is whether the item drops, whether its 'Warforged', and whether its got bonus stats.

    Primary and secondary stats aren't RNG. Primary is based on your spec, and secondary are pre-assigned to the item.

    Its not hard to understand.
  1. Mormolyce's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Moradim View Post
    getting a piece of gear for a particular slot is challenging enough as it is.

    this is RNG on top of RNG (getting the item to drop), now you need it to have the stats you like, and hopefully...the extra stats.
    But now you have a higher chance to get an item, getting gems and bonus tertiary stats are just cream on top. Makes much less of a difference than the gear itself.

    Also, secondary stats are fixed. You won't get haste one week and crit the next on one piece of loot.
  1. Azrile's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by voidspark View Post
    It really is, especially as someone excellently pointed out (I don't remember who), unlike Diablo, we don't get unlimited boss kills for loot a week anyway. I'm not against some RNG for gearing, but this just sounds like a LOT. Can't my Bracers of Broken Doubt just be... Bracers of Broken Doubt?

    (Also I mentioned trifecta but in reality there's EVEN MORE rng because you have desirable versus crap tertiary stats too...)
    Forgetting about tertiary stats for now.

    I really don´t like this new system because there is going to be too much loot drama with upgrades and you are going to have to now deal with loot whores wanting every item that has ´better secondary stats´... and every time Blizzard makes a change to a spell, those people will now change their BIS gear. I like it where you get your ilvl item, and then maybe have one ´upgrade´ that is of the same ilvl. But under this new system, it seems like I could get a poorly itemized item, and then have many other items for that slot that are upgrades....

    I get that they are trying to prolong the BIS race.. but I just don´t think having 4 upgrades with the same ilvl is the way to do it.
  1. taheen74's Avatar
    Even more confused now than I was in the first place. Seriously, this just seems to be more overcomplicated than it needs to be.

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