MLG/MG Tournament Winner Interviews, Deck Showcase: High Budget Midrange Druid

TCG Toys Giveaway - Day #1
What better way to start the new year than with some new toys and one month Curse Premium codes! WoWTCGLoot was nice enough to send us some things to give away again this year, so a big thanks to them.


  • Enter once by replying to this news post and telling us what changes to existing holidays or new holidays (if any) you would like to see in Warlords of Draenor.
  • Winners will receive a PM which they have 72 hours to reply to. After that, a new winner will be selected. Pets will be given out in the order the winners reply to the PM, so be sure to reply promptly. You can turn on email notifications for PMs in the Settings.
  • Entering more than once per contest thread is useless and will get you disqualified. There will be no 2nd chance for people posting more than one comment in this thread, you have been warned. (We will also of course check for double accounts, etc)
  • You have until Friday January 3rd @ 11:59 PM EST to enter the contest. After that time this thread will be closed and winners will be selected randomly.

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
GC said "if don't want to multi DoT, don't play Shadow Priest". Now I think - is there any ranged class that doesnt multidot?
Some are more multi-DoT heavy than others. Mages in WoD won't multi-DoT at all (Well, technically, Pyro's DoT could be multi-DoTed.) (Source)
Elemental is also fairly light on multi-DoTing. Not zero, but relatively little, compared to Shadow/Balance/Affliction. (Source)
How about Destruction and Demonology, are they hit with multi dotting options now you only mention Affliction?
Multi-DoTing is a core Warlock attribute; all specs will include it to some extent, Affliction most of all. Basically same as now (Source)

What is the reasoning behind having Rogues and other classes who dual wield have white attacks still be missable in WoD? 1/2
It keeps DW balanced with 2H. If we were to remove it, we'd have to reduce the damage of 1Hs or 1H attacks. (Source)
If OH white weapon damage was reduced instead of missing, would that solve the "bad feeling" of seeing misses?
OH hits currently hit for 50%. Would you rather they hit for 25%? That's what it'd take. (Source)

WoD Vengeance: Why not have abilities just go to the DK's % of damage over the last 5 seconds and do away with the wierd buff?
Mechanically, 5sec vs 20sec is one difference. Also smoothing. You don't think the hidden dmg-taken-last-5sec is weirder? (Source)
No. I think a stacking AP buff but only for certain spells, which is only caused by some attacks, just feels overcomplicated.
It won't be an AP buff anymore. We also MAY not need the Vengeance on Taunts anymore either, or the bump to 50% of expected. (Source)
But you're still keeping the +100% threat during Taunt's fixate period right?
200%, but yeah. That's what MAY make it OK to remove those two things. (Source)

hello, i wonder if all the healers will have their mana pool locked in WoD like in MoP. pls no.
What is it that you liked about variable mana pools, besides just seeing the number get bigger? (Source)
Compared to being able to cast 6 fireballs for example instead of 4 before running out of mana.
But that never actually played out in practice, right? Mana pools have never been small enough that they were the limiter. (Source)

Have you considered making catch-all icons for tier talents that reflect current choice? Macros for it are unwieldy.
Yes, going to try to make more talent rows work like Mage Bomb in terms of sharing a button. Can't do so in all cases, but most. (Source)
Great news, thanks!
Sure. It works for things like Priest 90 or Monk 30. Not so well for things like Rogue 90. (Source)

Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Deathblow to festerblight was deathblow to my dk. Shame, only melee class I had any interest in.
I wouldn't be so sure of Festerblight's death. (Source)
Oh come on, no fair teasing me like that!
Don't get your hopes TOO high, I'm just saying that there's a chance that something similar may develop with Necrotic Plague. (Source)

Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
any chance of druids not losing model change effects from toys when shifting forms? Already works ok in ragefire scenario
Current tech needs major rework for it to happen universally. Those scenarios took tons of ridiculous scripting and spells. T_T (Source)

1st Merry Xmas, 2nd how will dots work for balance druids with the change to snapshot? I'm referring to eclipse as a dmg mofier.
Eclipses' effects will snapshot on Moonfire/Sunfire. (Source)
How will the mechanic change to make up for that? One of the few snapshots left. Won't balance DPS be very swingy?
Perhaps a misunderstanding? I'm saying that it'll stay as it is today. (Source)
So Sunfire and Moonfire will still snapshot haste, crit and eclipse buffs?
No, Eclipse will. (Source)

- how do you feel the Glyph of Efflo is working? Are we going to see it kept in place for WoD, or should we expect changes?
We like the concept. It's probably too powerful for something so passive, so we may adjust tuning. That goes for all healers in general though; we want to time down passive healing and smart healing across the board. Most healing should come from actives. (Source)

Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Dear Santa: please give us tameable mantid tanks and pterodactyls in the near future. Wait, Christmas has already passed? Dang..
I was ALWAYS bummed that the OG Un'Goro dinos weren't tamable. I do wish the Tome of Dinomancy opened up more. Hrmmm... (Source)
I'm fairly sure many hunters would love it if you looked into it! How about mantid tanks? Any chance for those? /nervousface
I'd say it's unlikely for a few reasons, but who knows! (Source)
Addendum: Not that I'm unappreciative of your answer Just curious. Love silithids; would take mantid tanks over anything.
Hunter pets are an odd thing & a source of internal debate. I'll admit to not understanding/agreeing w/ some allowed & unallowed. (Source)

I'm a hunter player for 5 years now.I know you ain't heading for a revamp though i need to ask will MM/SV/BM feel different?
That is precisely our goal. We don't think that requires a "revamp" or "overhaul". (Source)

Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
But saying stuff like "Frost Mages do not scale well with gear because they experience many low % soft-caps." Is okay, right?
Almost. Softcaps reduce scaling rate, but that says nothing of whether the scaling rate was OP before, or if the difference is significant. In Frost's case, the next secondary is close in value, so its effect is minor, and their scaling prior to that was higher than normal, because we expect most high end Frost mages to hit that early soft cap. (Source)
even it comes with some sort of nerf to balance things out. these are frost "scaling" problems as i see them
Having only some of your spells scale with some stats isn't a problem though, as long as the stats stay... (Source)
...valuable. Also, several of those DO scale with haste; you get more ILs and FFBs with more haste. (Source)
as being worth the loss of dmg from continuing to stack haste beyond that point. I enjoy fast gameplay, the need to
Most of the issue you're talking about is caused by the Legendary Metagem. 20% haste was a mistake; caps GCDs. (Source)

Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Might I ask what the design concept for WW Monks was? Main curiosities, Touch of Karma, their healing, and mobility+raw damage
I wasn't here, but I think the fantasy of being a monk is using mystical martial arts to damage & dismantle your opponent. (Source)

Any closer to fixing WW monks hitbox? It's been our biggest problem since MOP release with hundreds of threads complaining.
We heard that early on, and investigated and found no evidence of it actually existing. It's how WoW handles latency for all melee (Source)

.Given the changes to Mistweaving/fistweaving you discussed before, will this also change based upon healing stances?
Mistweavers will count as melee, regardless of stance. Don't want them afraid to swap between stances. (Source)

how is chi explosion supposed to help brewmaster survivability?
What each chi level does isn't very useful in what you saw at BlizzCon. Changes are coming to it. (Source)

Hey guy, would you pray tell why Crackling Jade Lightning costs mana on cast but doesn't damage?
To encourage longer CJLs, over many shorter ones. (Source)

Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Will Sacred Shield ever be made more useful for Ret Paladins PvP? A simple 10% buff and allowing it be used on 2 targets would do.
We made a lot of effort to change that row in 5.2 and 5.4. It's tough to balance those spells for the 3 specs. (Source)

Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Started this account to ask this, is it intended for divine clarity to make mind spike spam an alternate rotation? Would rock!
It's more complex than just Mind Spike spam... I believe it's been tweaked since BlizzCon, but now the rotation includes... (Source)
...a few spells. It's DoT-less, except for Devouring Plague. (Source)

please either make mind flay or vt castable while moving!! Otherwise I think we are all balanced up! You rock.
Casting while moving isn't something we want to proliferate any further. (Source)

Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
said it before say it again if Mut wasn't locked to daggers I'd prob never play another char again. Poison swords? YES!
Swords don't really fit the kit of being an assassin nearly as much as daggers though. (Source)

Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
IMO, Deep Healing would be good as a situational/optional talent, but too situational for a mastery
Deep Healing is indeed situational. Strong for healing people that need healing. Weak for healing people that don't. (Source)

Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
Warrior haste: why not let it increase rage generated by rage gen abilities. MS = 10r* haste%. Works for all specs. Unbuff conv.
That's one option that we're considering to make haste valuable for Warriors. It 'feels' a little weird, but OK. Feedback welcome. (Source)

Why can warriors fear during bladestorm? Bug or intended?
They can do all of their shouts during bladestorm. Not a bug. (Source)

how do you feel current balance of Pvp is?
Pretty good. Certainly not perfect but not nearly as bad as it's made out to be. #flameaway (Source)
Holinka its embarrassing how you sit there and lie to people who pay for this game,Balance is a joke, Warriors teams ....
Hey you might disagree with me and that's certainly your right but sorry it doesn't mean I'm lying #truth (Source)
Just look at class representation, every roles fotm now, you took skill away and replaced it with re rolling
We've looked into it. Very few people re-roll fotm (for example, warriors/mages right now). (Source)

Symbiosis seems impossible to balance in PvP; Maybe it should be PvE only. What do you think?
I think impossible is a strong word here but I don't deny the inequity here. Reshuffling it in WoD to be mostly defensive CDs. (Source)

May be I have different psychology, but I really hate competition in game.
That's a totally valid mindset for gaming, and one we attempt to support, along with others. Hard to balance at times. (Source)

I really like WoW's audio, but I have two sound-related beefs that aren't really sound...1) When you fly over a zone, music changes so often you barely get to hear it. 2) Too many sounds at once in 25M raiding. Would be possible to intelligently pick the right sounds to play? I know that's a dangerous road but it's overwhelming atm
I completely agree. No promises yet for WoD, but currently working on is a system that will help bring more clarity to the game. (Source)

Is there a reason we've not seen a green dragonflight mount? Opening of Mount Hyjal was a tease.
This comes up a lot (Bronze Whelplings too). Need right time & place. Yes, opportunities have been missed. T_T (Source)

Heroes of the Storm Fan Art
Today we have a nice piece of Heroes of the Storm fan art!

This article was originally published in forum thread: TCG Toys Giveaway - Day 1, Blue Tweets, Heroes Fan Art started by chaud View original post
Comments 2445 Comments
  1. eldritchforeshadow's Avatar
    I would love to tame one of those snakes on Timeless isle or in Jade Forest.
  1. finndor's Avatar
    I would like to be able to transmorg some holiday gear, like the sumer helm and shoulders.
  1. thewcloner's Avatar
    i would love to see new holiday pets and mounts that are permanent. i have a huge collection of both and would love more holiday themed ones
  1. consumerboy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by ionizer View Post
    Add more holiday specific mounts into the game!
    I second this but would like to see more class specific mounts as well
  1. Ollie's Avatar
    Not really a fan of trying to find specific race/class combos. Maybe a Veteran's/Memorial Day event, honoring real life and in game war veteran's.
  1. fightfortheend's Avatar
    either more holiday themed mounts, i love the festive holly but id rather have a permanent reindeer mount, or holiday themed gear
  1. wlouden77's Avatar
    Update the items for the holiday events. Or make them account bound since the drop rate is not always great on some of them. Update Childrens week to offer different pets.

    Make most, if not all, faction reps account wide. It can be tedious to have to level them all up for each toon. If you have the jp/vp to buy items and at least one toon has gotten the rep level, then you can buy it.

    Same with farms (and garrisons if the mechanic will be similar). If you have at least one toon that has the max 16 plots, make it optional for the rest of your toons, even if its paying a reasonable gold amount.
  1. montross50's Avatar
    Adding some slightly new achievements every year ( I have been done with most since '09 ) and/or adding some cool multi-year achievements. Kind of like the veteran nanny one.
  1. Zumwanu's Avatar
    I would like to see a complete revamp of all the holidays in-game. For those of us who have played the game faithfully since the beginning, the events as they are and have been have grown very old and uninteresting. We have seen very little change over the years, which makes even the thought of attempting the achievements seem boring as the holiday content is old and stale.
  1. Madworldz's Avatar
    In general, I'm fairly content with all the Holiday events and what they entail. If I had any real request or suggestion for an idea per-say. I would have to request some sort of random world events. For example Easter. Just sitting in org, and a few goblins come walking by carrying a big barrel of toxic run-off from one of their mechines when all of a sudden... one of them trips and falls. The barrel spills on a rabbit critter thats walking around and then BAM! Giant hostile super boss mutation rabbit, just chillin in org messing shit up. It will auto fight some guards and anyone who joins in by hitting it gets involved in the fight. Lazys/AFK's dont get hit. It would essentually become another Gamon like event, a nice funny mini boss in the middle of the city that they players can agro to give some life and excitement to the city. This can be done for every holiday event in SOME way. I know they have the miniboss randoms you can Q up for, but just a gag boss is good for the moral even with its 12c & 1 linen cloth drops.
  1. Drknife's Avatar
    Add a mini brewfest style event for saint patricks day. MORE BEER IN THE GAME = MORE FUN
  1. Nether Angel's Avatar
    Ive actually never been one to go for achievement points until recently. I did the occasional holiday fun once in a while but never wanted to get all cheevo points for the mount. After deciding to do this and getting the last few events complete I realized I had to do the brew of the month club (if im not mistaken) which means I have at least a year and a half left before I can complete the "its been a long journey" or whatever achievement. Id like to see a way for people to catch up on this should it be the last one left.
  1. Pacster's Avatar
    I'm happy that you don't have to do them over and over again. Especially those where you had to travel to 100 locations really suck. I'd trim those down and rather add another daily bossfight there. Pirates day and the event where you have to bring some book to a statue in Ashenvale(I think) could use some love by designers...same counts for New Years. You always read some "That's already it? Oh well..." messages in chat on those days....
  1. mmoca8c114d731's Avatar
    a garrosh grinch version!!
  1. fenrirjay's Avatar
    More transmog items! Or heirlooms unique to the theme of the holiday
  1. Warue's Avatar
    Azeroth day. Go around cleaning up some of the goblin waste with the holiday boss being a huge toxic mob trying to make its way to one of the Horde/Alliance cities. They could also have some dailies where were repairing some of Deathwings destruction and jump start some life in the zones that got decimated.
  1. Boofapoop's Avatar
    I would like to see more "holiday specific" drops, as well as them scaling better to current content. An example is Direbrew gear from Brewfest, most people run it for the mount, but a nice lvl 100 trinket would be nice.
  1. venomblade77's Avatar
    I would love a quest line to save great father winter. I would also like to see a Giant Turkey World boss that attacks the main cities!
  1. rocksauce's Avatar
    moar gift during chrismast. !
  1. talerion's Avatar
    I think there is already a good amount of holidays, not sure if any more are needed.

    I would like to see a longer quest chain in each holiday... something that should take some time, possibly give a background on it. Make it for max level chars? Dunno --- just, some form of epic-y feeling long quest for each holiday that you can do once.

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