Update: A hotfix is going out next week for the Arthas costume to make it cost 500 x
Tricky Treats, have 50 charges, 20 minute duration, and usable outside of Hallow's End.
Diablofan's "Diablo Builds" Update
Deck Spotlight: Spark's Snake Bite, Versus Series: Jonpii vs Cookie, Pumpkin Carving Contest
Heroes Shop Bundle Changes, Hallow's End Skin Comics, Into the Nexus #25 - Azmodan
Hallow's End 2014
Hallow's End begins tomorrow morning and this year there are finally some updates! Our friends over at
Icy Veins have the full guide.
This year includes
Headless Horseman loot that has been upgraded to item level 540, new pets that cost 150 x
Tricky Treats, costumes for you and your pug, new wands, and more! The Lich King costume will cost
Tricky Treats from a vendor.
Patch 6.0.2 Hotfixes - October 17
Originally Posted by
Blue Tracker /
Official Forums)
Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Raid Loot Downgrading
1. This shouldn't happen any longer, so going forward, the items downgrading themselves should be fixed. If you see it happen in a fresh circumstance, please let us know immediately.
2. For those that have had mythic items downgrade themselves, please open a petition with the exact item name.
Our ticket volume is a bit larger than normal, so it may take a little while to get to all requests, but we will work through these as quickly as possible. (
Official Forums)
Thok Dropping Higher Quality Gear Than Intended
Thok is also bugged with this gear issue. Last night in normal, he dropped all mythic gear. The night before in normal, he dropped all heroic.
We're aware of that issue with Thok. Enjoy the upgrades in the meanwhile. (
Blue Tracker /
Official Forums)
Iron Starlette Noise
The cute little guy sure can project! We're aware and tracking a couple different bugs with the Iron Starlette's audio. (
Blue Tracker /
Official Forums)
Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Secondary Stat Attunements as a "Guideline not a rule" is not what I expected. Is the goal for the design not to make this work
For some specs, especially tanks and healers, different stats are situationally more or less valuable. (
Attunements being a guideline, not a rule, is the intended design. (
what about specs where the attuned stat is your worst in 90% of situations?
That's not ideal, and we hope to improve upon them in the future. (
Is there any way we can get DoT tooltips on targets to update dynamically to reflect the changes to snapshotting?
It's an issue that we're aware of, but is quite a big undertaking. Working on it for the future. (
Character / Items
If I pug Sha of Pride on personal loot, would all 30 people have to wait for their turn to open the box to see if they got loot?
Thankfully, no. It may have taken 10 years, but we solved the "chest already being used" issue, at least for personal loot. (
will the Dark Shaman set be able to drop still once warlords hits
Yes. (
Proving Grounds
The "You're really doing it wrong" was NOT retroactive like you said it would be. Any incoming fix?
Unfortunately, we were not able to make it retroactive. Only the level 100 Feat of Strength will be available. Apologies. (
why did the ordos cloak change get reverted? kinda disappointed
I believe it was a technical issue. We are sad about it, too. (
for below max-level characters, will skirmishes scale player numbers up to bracket maximum like bgs do?
yes it will (
Free Character Migrations (FCM) 17/10
Originally Posted by
Blue Tracker /
Official Forums)
The following Free Character Migrations are scheduled to be available until
23 October, 2014. They are all open for both factions:
PvE Realms
Draenor -> Emerald Dream, Shadowsong
Silvermoon -> Azjol-Nerub, Khadgar
PvP Realms
Kazzak / Stormscale / Ragnaros / Twisting Nether -> Darksorrow, Auchindoun
RP Realms
Argent Dawn -> Moonglade, Darkmoon Faire
If you wish to discuss an FCM for a specific realm, the dedicated discussion threads are linked above.
Please note that FCMs are opened based on realm population tracking and analysis, not by request. If you’re looking for a specific migration (from realm A to realm B), you should in most cases use the Character Transfer service. Although we will try to avoid doing so without giving notice in advance, these FCMs may be closed before the scheduled date.
Character Transfers (CT)
All realms follow the regular CT rules, found
Guild Transfers
Although Free Guild Master Realm Transfers are not possible at this time, the Free Character Migration will allow you to retain your guild membership and reputation, provided that the guild master completes a Guild Master Realm Transfer first and the faction remains the same as that of the source realm.
Nerf Now - Model Rework
It looks like not everyone is happy about the demise of the
smiling female gnomes!
Published on 2014-10-18 02:32 AM
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