2000% Bonus Legendary Find Now Active on PTR, PTR Going Offline for a Possible fix to "Terminated Games"

Champions: They Come in all Shapes and Sizes, Deck Spotlight: Budget Shockadin

Eternal Conflict Shop Additions, Leoric Hero Spotlight, Hero Rotation Update

Hellfire Citadel - Raid Finder Wing 2
The next wing of Raid Finder difficulty Hellfire Citadel opens this week, allowing access to Hellfire High Council, Kilrogg, and Gorefiend. Wing 3 opens July 28.

Patch 6.2 - Garrison Campaign
The last chapter of the Garrison Campaign ends this week if you have been keeping up with it.

Mythic Hellfire Citadel Progression
Five guilds are still at 12/13. You can keep up with the latest progress on WoWProgress, our forum thread, and Manaflask.

Patch 6.2 Hotfixes - July 14
Originally Posted by Blizzard (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Garrison Campaign
  • Oronok's Offer: Players should now be able to obtain Oronok Torn-Heart as a follower. Players who have already completed “Cipher of Damnation” should return to the Corrupt Refuge where the quest ended to acquire and complete this quest.

Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator)
  • Hand of Purity's Purity effect should no longer incorrectly cancel if the target is struck by melee attacks.

Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Fel Lord Zakuun 1 Shotting Tanks
An unrelated hotfix broke this - sorry, I know it sucks to run into a brick wall on a farm night due to a bug. We're working on it, but it's not likely to be fixed within the next 30-60 minutes or so, for anyone who has a raid stalled and is waiting on an immediate solution. It will be fixed by tomorrow, for sure. But hopefully sooner.

We just applied a hotfix for this issue, and phased/invisible Wakes should no longer be blowing up the raid. The hotfix may take a few minutes to take effect, but please let us know if you continue to see these issues.

Since the fix seems to not have worked, we'll be looking into a different solution, but I have no ETA to offer other than "as soon as possible." (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)

Blue Tweets
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
They're probably trying to hold flying off as long as possible, They didn't want to add it.
The next minor patch will be up for testing as soon as possible. We're actively working on it. (WarcraftDevs)

Character / Items
Just wondering if it is intentional that you can get 'The Consuming Void' rare mission multiple times - Reward is an herirloom
It's intended. The heirloom comes in a bag that is unbound and can be traded or sold. (WarcraftDevs)

Do you feel the melee trinket from Supreme Lord Kaz is to weak compared to the caster one?
It’s definitely not a competitive DPS trinket, nor is it trying to be. It’s more a potentially interesting utility option. (WarcraftDevs)

Soaring Skyterror engine sounds during flight intended? or simple oversight?
Not intended. A new sound set is required. This should be fixed in the minor patch that enables flight. (WarcraftDevs)

just stay calm.Remove EMFH and anyone tell bad things to you.Just remove it pls save the PvP
Mental experiment: What if Wild Gladiator's Medallion of Adaptation had +3000 Versatility. How good would EMFH be? (holinka)

any reason why demolishers from engy building had attack speed slowed in 6.2? they were only good for invasions/world boss :-(
The no-CD attack speed allowed for many, many, many attacks at once. This was not intended. (WarcraftDevs)

Do i need to wait the full expiration of an abrogator mission via ships to get the runes missions? I've had it since last week.
Timeout was added in a future update, but you should run the mission to get to the runes missions. (1/2) (WarcraftDevs)
The update, unfortunately, will only apply to missions not already in progress. (2/2) (WarcraftDevs)

Ghostcrawler Tweets
Ghostcrawler has recently provided longer answers to some questions than tweets would allow.
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
What would you say is the holy grail of a system designer?‎
Someone who can identify a potential design problem (often before players do) and suggest the perfect design change to solve that problem. "Perfect" means a lot here -- it has to resonate with players, it has to be easy to implement, it has to future-proof the problem, and so on.

The problem could be something like a bug fix or something like a game missing a major feature that will help keep players engaged for time to come.

What made you decide to leave WoW for League?
I had been working on WoW for six years and it was largely the same work for those six years. I realized I had started to get a little bored and I feared that boredom would lead me to making designs that entertained me as a designer, but weren't actually good for players. I looked around at other opportunities and none of them really spoke to me, though I strongly considered Diablo. I was a big Overwatch fan, but that team was pretty full on designers, and I didn't want them to have to create a space for me. I like solving problems and I get bored when there aren't a lot of problems dropped in my lap to solve.

Speaking of which, Blizzard was a mature company by that time. It still had (and probably has) some problems as an organization, as I'm sure any current employee would freely admit. And I don't want to give the impression that it's some deeply flawed company. It's not. It was a great place to work and I am still really close to a lot of my friends there. But the problems that remained to be solved were deep-seated, hard-to-solve problems, the kind that take radical culture shifts to address. They may not even be critical problems to solve, but they didn't feel like problems I was going to get a lot of traction on, and like I said, I get bored when I'm not doing just that.
I'll give you just one example. Blizzard has a lot of folks who have been there a long time. That makes it difficult to carve off leadership opportunities for the next generation of high performers. If you want to be a lead, and your team has a roster of stable leads, and every team has a roster of stable leads, where is your potential for upwards mobility? Many mature organizations with low turnover have this problem, but as I said, it's a hard one to solve!

But then we come to Riot. Here is a pretty young company with a lot of young developers and a whole lot of new company problems to solve. But I saw right away that many of them were the kinds of things I was good at solving. I knew how to fix that shit. I knew I'd be able to make a big difference at a young company and quickly.

Now solving problems is fulfilling and all, but it still wouldn't be a good fit if I wasn't aligned with the company values. But holy crap that ended up being such a good fit. Riot believes in teams that can act with a lot of autonomy. (I hate being constrained and I love being able to move fast without a lot of gatekeepers.) Riot believes in investing a lot of time in growing and mentorship. (Many of my most rewarding moments in this career have come from just that.) Riot believes in interacting with players. (Any of you who know me know how important it is for me to reach out to players. I'm doing that now!) It's not that I was misaligned with Blizzard values, it's just that the Riot values fit me perfectly.

I do think League is a great game, but there are a lot of great games out there that I could have worked on. I chose League because of Riot.

What has been your most frustrating moment during your time as a game developer?‎
I'm not sure I could come up with the *most* frustrating. It was probably a bug I couldn't fix or an editor crashing and losing hours of work.
Microsoft killed a lot of cool Ensemble game pitches for what seemed like bad reasons. That was frustrating. I wanted to be more bold with the design of WoW than was probably prudent for the game, but it was a little frustrating. Whenever players try to reverse-engineer why we make certain decisions and conclude its some internal political reason I get frustrated. When they claim we're out of touch or don't care, I get frustrated.

Heroes - Episode 2: Lord of Terror
Carbot has released the second episode of the Heroes series.

This article was originally published in forum thread: LFR HFC Wing 2, 6.2 Garrison Campaign, July 14 Hotfixes, Blue Tweets, Carbot Heroes started by chaud View original post
Comments 208 Comments
  1. Sesto's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Lemons View Post
    Fuck the "this is Avatar" guy...what did he expect? Honestly people have been asking for a CGI movie from Blizzard for years...every time they release a new cinematic people say "WOW! They should make an entire movie!", but when they actually go out and make a movie, with a ton CGI in it, people complain....there's just no pleasing some people.
    Or, maybe, just maybe, "this is avatar" guy was not one of those people who said "wow! they should make an entire movie!"

    It's almost as if the community is made up of thousands of different people with differing opinions

    Could've fooled me, I thought it was just a single guy who changes his opinion all the time. Thank heavens I saw the light and realized how fucking retarded I was to think that
  1. IIamaKing's Avatar
    Cool a cinematic for a new Warcraft game. Wait thats for a Live action movie?! LOL Exceptionally let down. The good thing is this leak may spur an early release of the actual trailer. I really need to see some non CG stuff, but so far I think the CG heavy will turn me off.
  1. Sharpdarts's Avatar
    To the people complaining about the cgi, really, REALLY?!? How would you display 350-500 lb orcs? Have only strong men in brown and green paint lol, you guys kill me. Da wow troll is real Maaan *in best Vol'Jin voice.
  1. IIamaKing's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Daara View Post
    You act as if that's a bad thing...Avatar pulled in 2.8 billion at the box office.
    Making a boat load of money is NOT the only metric of a good movie.....or a metric at all honestly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Spacewalrus2010 View Post
    I don't get this...is there something else they could've done that would have made it look better? And is avatar considered a bad movie? I thought it was pretty damn awesome...

    I don't give a shit if it's CGI personally. It looks fucking fantastic.
    Real sets, and some practical effects. Lord of the Rings did it 10 years ago, Im sure these guys could have done it today.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Raintola View Post
    Well no shit. I highly doubt they're expecting this to be the next record-breaking blockbuster. It's a movie produced for an incredibly small target audience, relatively speaking when compared to most of the other movies that have been in theaters within the past decade.
    No, it isnt. Time and again, its been said this is a movie for general audiences. Marketed to them. Its not some niche film. Its(in their minds) supposed to stand up with LotR.
  1. Sharpdarts's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IIamaKing View Post
    Making a boat load of money is NOT the only metric of a good movie.....or a metric at all honestly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Real sets, and some practical effects. Lord of the Rings did it 10 years ago, Im sure these guys could have done it today.
    And the orcs/goblins in LOTR looked like utter crap. Next point. LOTR was HEAVY in cgi

    If the orcs from wow looked like this their would be riots.
  1. Baracuda's Avatar
    Gollum is CGI and looks great, not sure why people are hating on these orcs. Warcraft orcs are bigger and more muscular than Middle-earth orcs.
  1. IIamaKing's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharpdarts View Post
    And the orcs/goblins in LOTR looked like utter crap. Next point. LOTR was HEAVY in cgi

    If the orcs from wow looked like this their would be riots.
    Considering they are a completely different representation of orc..... so grats on comparing apples and oranges as far as aesthetics go. I never said not use ANY CG, Im saying use SOME real shit. Nothing in that clip looks real. Looks to be 100% green screen and mo-cap. Looks like a video game cinematic.
  1. ThatsOurEric's Avatar
    So far, I'm seeing a lot of stupid complaints about "too much CGI", and its making me baffled. How else were they
    going to do a live-action Warcraft movie?

    For fuck's sake, they sound fine, they look fine. And FYI, we're seeing this footage from someone's cellphone, we're
    not actually seeing this in a clear and well-presented fashion.
  1. Sharpdarts's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by IIamaKing View Post
    Considering they are a completely different representation of orc..... so grats on comparing apples and oranges as far as aesthetics go. I never said not use ANY CG, Im saying use SOME real shit. Nothing in that clip looks real. Looks to be 100% green screen and mo-cap. Looks like a video game cinematic.
    No thats what you get when you use a human in make up, and the limitations it has in the design of your creatures. So congrats on missing the point. Its not comparing apples and oranges, its comparing CGI to people in makeup. You are also critiquing a films quality from a low res video of a computer screen, lol I mean really you can't tell what quality the ACTUAL video is. Also you are looking at clip of a CGI group, IE the Orcs, its going to be 100% green screen and Motion Capture. I mean really. The critiques are absurd.
  1. Doombringer's Avatar
    I wish they'd just release the trailers a few days after ComicCon. It would allow everybody to lighten up. I'm glad DC did this for BatsvSupes at least.

    Going to SDCC itself is a treat. Being there among fans, actors, directors, vendors and cosplayers is something otherworldly. Why take the one thing that is easily the most "portable" -- the trailers -- and make it exclusive? If anything, don't record/share the PANELS and use those to add value to the admission ticket. Share the sneak peaks with the fandom at large.
  1. Keile's Avatar
    Crappy cell-phone video aside:

    I like what I see, despite the idiot saying it's "another Avatar".

    1) There is no way to properly portray Warcrafts Orcs without using GCI. Using practical makeup just would not cut it.
    2) There would be no real way to portray Dreanor without heavy CGI either, though Azeroth may be another story.
    3) Who cares if it is CGI?! If the CGI is good (which this looks to be) what does it matter? Personally I would PREFER they use CGI for this particular movie as it would ensure things look right (personally, I would prefer a 100% CGI movie rather than putting actual actors in it, when it comes to WarCraft, and done in the Blizzard cinematic style).
  1. Gnarz's Avatar
    If its even half as good as Avatar it will be an amazing movie.
  1. Taiiger's Avatar
    It makes me laugh that you guys think you can properly judge the quality of the visuals, or anything for that matter, off a grainy cell phone video. This is a comment from another website from someone who attended Comic-Con. And I quote:
    "So from someone who actually got to see the footage live I can honestly say that grainy video and bad sound doesn't make it justice whatsoever.

    Also it wasn't a trailer, they just showed a couple scenes to show us where they're at. Half the footage here is missing, including a few live action alliance scenes. What this leaked footage also doesn't show is that the image spanned 3 screens and this leaked footage only shows the center one, so you're not getting the full picture.

    I thought it looked fantastic when I saw it live, in my opinion. I'll definitely be going to see it."

    Grainy cell phone video vs what it will actually look like:

  1. IIamaKing's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharpdarts View Post
    No thats what you get when you use a human in make up, and the limitations it has in the design of your creatures. So congrats on missing the point. Its not comparing apples and oranges, its comparing CGI to people in makeup. You are also critiquing a films quality from a low res video of a computer screen, lol I mean really you can't tell what quality the ACTUAL video is. Also you are looking at clip of a CGI group, IE the Orcs, its going to be 100% green screen and Motion Capture. I mean really. The critiques are absurd.
    I can tell very easily that it looks like a video game cinematic, not a live action movie. Hellboy is all practical. SFX teams could very easily make a REAL WoW orc. Instead they went the cheap easy way and made it all CG. It will look fake, we will be riding in the uncanny valley for most of the movie. It will have a lot of detractors for this.

    I could be wrong, I am about 15-20% of the time when it comes to movies. Feel free to bookmark and toss it in my face.

    its going to be 100% green screen and Motion Capture.
    It doesnt have to be and LotR proves that, so does Hellboy.
  1. Scottyjscizzle's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sesto View Post
    Or, maybe, just maybe, "this is avatar" guy was not one of those people who said "wow! they should make an entire movie!"

    It's almost as if the community is made up of thousands of different people with differing opinions

    Could've fooled me, I thought it was just a single guy who changes his opinion all the time. Thank heavens I saw the light and realized how fucking retarded I was to think that
    Still doesn't make him any less annoying, and judging by his silence after I am guessing he realized it. having an opinion is amazing and everyone is welcome to it, doesn't mean anyone around you wants to hear it four seconds after a trailer for a movie (that he had no reason to go to if he didn't want a full movie to be made) starts.
  1. Reek's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Sharpdarts View Post
    And the orcs/goblins in LOTR looked like utter crap.

    lolwut? I hope you're joking.
  1. A dot Ham's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Murlocbait View Post
    It's not Blizzard, it's Legendary. At least know who you should be so pissed off at.
    Its a partnership... and legendary hasn't operated this way with any other movie they have produced.

    But this is 100% typical behavior for blizzard... its blizzard...
  1. Reek's Avatar
    Movie studios are so goddamn stupid, release a trailer to a select amount of people and then make everyone else wait 4 f*cking months to see it. This is a great way to make fans happy isn't it?
  1. Xenyatta's Avatar
    What I don't get... people are complaining (what else is new) about the CGI and how it's another Avatar. Warcraft is about orcs, magic, dark portals, Stormwind, mages, warlocks, elves and walking cows who turn into animals... how does one accomplish a movie with factors like this without CGI while keeping it close enough to the orcs that you've seen up until now? If they deviate and make the orcs different, more humanlike and less hulking like they are in the warcraft world, people would incessantly bitch about how shitty they look, how they deviated from lore etc... if they make the orcs look like the orcs we know in the games, it's cgi and it's shit.
  1. Taiiger's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Varakai View Post
    What I don't get... people are complaining (what else is new) about the CGI and how it's another Avatar. Warcraft is about orcs, magic, dark portals, Stormwind, mages, warlocks, elves and walking cows who turn into animals... how does one accomplish a movie with factors like this without CGI while keeping it close enough to the orcs that you've seen up until now? If they deviate and make the orcs different, more humanlike and less hulking like they are in the warcraft world, people would incessantly bitch about how shitty they look, how they deviated from lore etc... if they make the orcs look like the orcs we know in the games, it's cgi and it's shit.
    tl;dr People love to complain without thinking it through.

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