Patch 7.2 PTR - Build 23478
A new build is on the way to the PTR!
- The Artifact Knowledge cap has been raised to 40
- A new Abomination model has been added
- The Warrior class mount received two new colors
- The Shaman class mount received one new color

New Models
New Icons
Calculators Updated
New Maps
New Items
You can see the full list of new items on the WoWDB PTR site.
New Achievements
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
HonorPlayer vs. Player
- Decade of Dominance (New) Reach Prestige Level 10. 10 points.
- Demonic Dozen (New) Reach Prestige Level 12. 10 points.
- Eighteen and Over (New) Reach Prestige Level 18. 10 points.
- Fourteen for the Team (New) Reach Prestige Level 14. 10 points.
- Going On Seventeen (New) Reach Prestige Level 17. 10 points.
- Hell, It's About Nineteen (New) Reach Prestige Level 19. 10 points.
- These Go To Eleven (New) Reach Prestige Level 11. 10 points.
- Thirsty for Thirteen (New) Reach Prestige Level 13. 10 points.
- When You're Fifteen (New) Reach Prestige Level 15. 10 points.
- You Are Sixteen (New) Reach Prestige Level 16. 10 points.
- Crate Expectations (New) Reach the final portal of the Dread Ex without losing your Wyrmtongue Transformation. 10 points.
Legion Raid
Dungeons & Raids
- Bingo! (New) Defeat the Fallen Avatar without breaking any floor segments in the following patterns in Tomb of Sargeras on Normal difficulty or higher. 10 points.
New Spells
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Mounts- Archmage's Prismatic Disc Name changed from "Archmage's Magical Disc" to "Archmage's Prismatic Disc". Summons and dismisses your Archmage's
MagicalPrismatic Disc. This is a flying mount. 1.5 sec cast. - High Priest's Lightsworn Seeker Name changed from "High Priest's Lightsworn Watcher" to "High Priest's Lightsworn Seeker". Summons and dismisses your High Priest's Lightsworn
WatcherSeeker. This is a flying mount. 1.5 sec cast.
- Ban-Fu, Cub of Ban-Lu (New) Right-Click to summon and dismiss the cute and cuddly version of Ban-lu. Battle Pet. Instant.

- Thrash Strikes all nearby enemies, dealing [ 1 + 48.1% of AP ] Bleed damage and an additional [ 5 + 12.1% of AP ] Bleed damage over 15 sec. When applied from Bear Form, this effect can stack up to 3 times. Generates 4 Rage. Requires Bear Form. Feral, Guardian.
150 Rage.8 yd range. Instant. 6 sec cooldown.

- Arcane Explosion Causes an explosion of magic around the caster, dealing
[ 1 + 75%[ 75% of Spell Power ] Arcane damage to all enemies within 10 yards. Damage increased by 60% per Arcane Charge. Mana cost increased by 125% per Arcane Charge. Generates 1 Arcane Charge if any targets are hit. Mage - Arcane Spec. 2% of Base Mana. Instant.
- Glyph of Blood Grip Craft a Glyph of Blood Grip.
1.5 sec cast.Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. - Glyph of Frost Grip Craft a Glyph of Frost Grip.
1.5 sec cast.Inscription. 1.5 sec cast. - Glyph of the Shadow Succubus Craft a Glyph of the Shadow Succubus.
1.5 sec cast.Inscription. 1.5 sec cast.
Item Effects
- [PH] Chest of the Tomb (New) Create a soulbound Tier 20 item appropriate for your class. 5 sec cast.
- [PH] Cloak of the Tomb (New) Create a soulbound Tier 20 item appropriate for your class. 5 sec cast.
- [PH] Gloves of the Tomb (New) Create a soulbound Tier 20 item appropriate for your class. 5 sec cast.
- [PH] Helm of the Tomb (New) Create a soulbound Tier 20 item appropriate for your class. 5 sec cast.
- [PH] Leggings of the Tomb (New) Create a soulbound Tier 20 item appropriate for your class. 5 sec cast.
- [PH] Shoulders of the Tomb (New) Create a soulbound Tier 20 item appropriate for your class. 5 sec cast.
- Bloodstrike (New) Commands the Sentinar to fire a Bloodstrike at your current location, unearthing Blood of Sargeras. Deals 150% of maximum health as Chaos damage. 2 sec cast.
- Carved Wooden Helm (New) Replace your fishing bobber with a carved Vrykul helm, sure to attract any fish for 60 min. 1 sec cast.
- Cloak of the Foreseen Name changed from "Cloak of the Foreseen" to "Cloak of the Foreseen".
- Create Armor Enhancement (New) Create an uncommon, rare, or epic Champion armor enhancement. 1.5 sec cast.
- Demon Noggin (New) Replace your fishing bobber with a wooden demon hunter head, sure to attract any fish for 60 min. 1 sec cast.
- Empowering (New) Grants 2,500 Artifact Power to your currently equipped Artifact. 2 sec cast.
- Enchanted Bobber (New) Replace your fishing bobber with an enchanted elven statue, sure to attract any fish for 60 min. 1 sec cast.
- Face of the Forest (New) Replace your fishing bobber with a carved treant head, sure to attract any fish for 60 min. 1 sec cast.
- Fel Growth (New) Commands the Sentinar to fire a Fel Seed at your current location, causing starlight roses to rapidly grow. 2 sec cast.
- Flail Applicator (New)
- Flail Applicator (New)
- Floating Totem (New) Replace your fishing bobber with a totem, sure to attract any fish for 60 min. 1 sec cast.
- Helya's Horn Name changed from "Blowing Helya's Horn" to "Helya's Horn".
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Paladin legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Hunter legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Monk legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Druid legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Warlock legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Warrior legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Shaman legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Rogue legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Priest legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Mage legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Demon Hunter legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Identify Legendary (New) Identify a Death Knight legendary item appropriate for your loot specialization ($@lootspec). 3 sec cast.
- Increase Artifact Knowledge (New) Read to gain new knowledge about your artifact, increasing the rate at which you earn Artifact Power. These notes can only teach up to Artifact Knowledge level 25. 2 sec cast.
- Increase Artifact Knowledge Read to gain new knowledge about your artifact, increasing the rate at which you earn Artifact Power. These notes can
onlyteach up to Artifact Knowledge level25. 2 sec cast.40. 2 sec cast. - Increase Item Level (New) Increases a Champion's item level by 15 levels. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Increase Item Level (New) Increases a Champion's item level by 10 levels. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Increase Item Level (New) Increases a Champion's item level by 5 levels. Instant. 1.5 sec cooldown.
- Infernal Contract Reduce all damage taken by 50% for 20 sec, up to 1 damage prevented. When this effect expires, you suffer 20% increased damage as Fire for 30 sec, up to 0 extra damage. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Petrification (New) Commands the Sentinar to fire a Petrum beam at your current location, turning everything in the area to felslate. 2 sec cast.
- Replica Gondola (New) Replace your fishing bobber with a replica Nightborne gondola, sure to attract any fish for 60 min. 1 sec cast.
- Sacrolash's Dark Strike
CorruptionCorruption deals 15% increased damage and slows enemy movement speed by 60%. - Shoulders of the Foreseen Name changed from "Shoulders of the Foreseen" to "Shoulders of the Foreseen".
- Smelly's Luckydo (New) Luck -5. Instant.
Artifact Power Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion

- Souldrinker (Rank 1) Overhealing done by Death Strike and Consumption increases your maximum health,
up to a maximum of 0%.by 50% of the overheal amount, stacking up to a maximum of 30% of your health. - Vampiric Aura (Rank 1) Consumption also grants
0 Leech to you and your four nearest allies for until cancelled.20% Leech to you and four allies.
- Death's Harbinger (Rank 1)
Increases the damage of Apocalypse by 30% and causes it to grant 2 Runes upon use.Apocalypse grants 3 Runes upon use. - Festering Talons (Rank 1) Your Gargoyle's attacks have a
0%50% chance to apply Festering Wound.

- Circadian Invocation (Rank 1)
Moonfire applies a stacking vulnerability (1% per stack, maximum 6) to Arcane damage. Sunfire applies a stacking vulnerability (1% per stack, maximum 6) to Nature damage.Moonfire damage increases the Arcane damage you deal to the target by 0%, and Sunfire damage increases the Nature damage you deal to the target by 0%, each stacking up to 0 times.
- Bloodletter's Frailty (Rank 1) Ashamane's Frenzy also increases the damage
youyour Feral abilities deal to afflicted targets by0%.30%. - Fury of Ashamane (Rank 1) Tiger's Fury
also grants 0 Versatility to you and your four allies.grants 0 Versatility rating to you and four allies.
- Deep Rooted (Rank 1)
Your Heal over Time effects automatically refresh when their target goes below 35% maximum health.When one of your Restoration heal over time effects heals a target below 35% health, its duration is refreshed.

- Feet of Wind (Rank 1) Name changed from "Opportunist (Rank 1)" to "Feet of Wind (Rank 1)".
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!Your Aspect of the Cheetah also grants you 0% dodge chance and immunity to snares.

- Time and Space (Rank 1)
Arcane Explosion also casts at the last location where you cast Arcane Explosion within the last 6 sec.When you cast Arcane Explosion, Aluneth will echo the Arcane Explosion for 20% of its damage, at the location of your previous Arcane Explosion cast within 0.
- Warmth of the Phoenix (Rank 1) Name changed from "Phoenix's Warmth (Rank 1)" to "Warmth of the Phoenix (Rank 1)". Phoenix Flames has a chance to grant
0% critical strike chance to you and the four allies.0 critical strike rating to you and four allies.

- Quick Sip (Rank 1) Drinking Purifying Brew
applies a 0% additional Stagger. Drinking Ironskin Brew purifies 0% of your Staggered damage.grants Ironskin Brew for $@switch[1][1.0] sec. Drinking Ironskin Brew purifies 5% of your Staggered damage.
- Master of Combinations (Rank 1) Triggering Combo Strikes
grants 0 Mastery to you and your four nearest allies.has a chance to grant 0 Mastery Rating to you and four allies.

- Sacrificial Martyr (Rank 1) Light of the Martyr also applies
a 0% Blessing of Sacrifice.Sacrifice of the Silver Hand, transferring 0% of damage taken to you.

- Lash of Insanity (Rank 1)
Tentacles summoned by Call of the Void also generate 0 Insanity.Void Tendrils summoned by Call to the Void generate 0 Insanity for you when the deal damage with Mind Flay. - Mind Quickening (Rank 1)
While you are in Void form, you and your four nearest allies gain 0% Haste.When you enter Void Form, you and four allies gain 0 haste rating.

- Dense Concoction (Rank 1) Crimson Vial reduces the damage you take by 0%. This effect
reduces by 0% every 2 sec.increases by 0% every 0 sec. - Sinister Circulation (Rank 1)
SuccessfulSuccessful Lethal Poison applications reduce the cooldown of Kingsbane by0 sec.$@switch[1][0.5] sec.

- Lashing Flames (Rank 1) Your Flametongue damage
increases the damage of your next Lava Lash by 0%. This effect stacks.causes the target to take 0% increased damage from your next Lava Lash. This effect stacks.
- Surging Winds (Rank 1)
Under Construction. Check Back Soon!Successful Wind Shear interrupts grant you an instant, free Healing Surge.
Misc Changes
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- Akule Riverhorn (New) - A master of the river and the fish within.
- Corbyn (New) - A raven with bright, intelligent eyes and a love of fish.
- Ilyssia of the Waters (New) - The ancient keeper of the Royal Pond in Azsuna.
- Impus (New) - Summoned from far away, Impus collects shells in hopes of creating a "magic gateway" to return home.
- Keeper Raynae (New) - The watcher of fish in Val'sharah.
- Sha'leth (New) - A mysterious withered who makes her home by the waterfalls.
Game Tips
- Tip #643 (New) - Tip: Struggling with a tough foe? Remember, just keep your Health above 0 while lowering your enemy's Health to 0. Works every time! Level 110-250.
Item Name Descriptions
- Legion Season 6 (New) - Legion Season 6
- Legion Season 7 (New) - Legion Season 7
Keystone Affixes
- Bursting - When slain, non-boss enemies explode, causing all players to suffer
20%10% of their max health in damage over 4 sec. This effect stacks. - Explosive Fel (New) - While in combat, enemies periodically summon an Explosive Orb that will explode if not destroyed.
- Grievous (New) - While below 90% health players are afflicted with Grievous Wound.
- Quaking (New) - Periodically players in the zone will explode and damage nearby allies.
- Relentless (New) - Non-boss enemies are granted temporary immunity to Loss of Control effects.
LFG Dungeons
- Chamber of the Avatar - Name changed from "Tomb LFR 3" to "Chamber of the Avatar". Deep within the the Tomb of Sargeras the Fallen Avatar has been awoken. Level 110. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-2 tank/4-5 healer/13-18 damage.
- Deceiver's Fall - Name changed from "Tomb LFR 4" to "Deceiver's Fall". The Deceiver awaits... Level 110. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-2 tank/4-5 healer/13-18 damage.
- The Tidestone's Rest - Name changed from "Tomb LFR 1" to "The Tidestone's Rest". At last we breach the Tomb of Sargeras, but the Legion will not be caught off guard. Level 110. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-2 tank/4-5 healer/13-18 damage.
- Turn Back the Tides: Azsuna - Name changed from "Turn back the Tides: Azsuna" to "Turn Back the Tides: Azsuna". Level 110. Roles:
1-3 damage.3 damage. - Turn back the Tides: Highmountain - Level 110. Roles:
1-3 damage.3 damage. - Turn back the Tides: Stormheim - Level 110. Roles:
1-3 damage.3 damage. - Turn back the Tides: Val'sharah - Level 110. Roles:
1-3 damage.3 damage. - Wailing Halls - Name changed from "Tomb LFR 2" to "Wailing Halls". A sealed portion Temple of Elune has been breached by the Legion and has created unthinkable horrors. Level 110. Suggested level: 110. Roles: 1-2 tank/4-5 healer/13-18 damage.
Map Areas
Broken Isles
- Broken Shore > Aalgen Point - Name changed from "Broken Shore > Aalgens Point" to "Broken Shore > Aalgen Point".
- Broken Shore > Bybeen Lair - Name changed from "Broken Shore > Bybeen Hollow" to "Broken Shore > Bybeen Lair".
- Broken Shore > Coast of Anguish - Name changed from "Broken Shore > South Beach East" to "Broken Shore > Coast of Anguish".
- Broken Shore > Darkspear's Might - Name changed from "Broken Shore > The Ravaged Airship" to "Broken Shore > Darkspear's Might".
- Broken Shore > Forlorn Depths - Name changed from "Broken Shore > Coast of Anguish" to "Broken Shore > Forlorn Depths".
- Broken Shore > Netherhollow - Name changed from "Broken Shore > Nether Hollow" to "Broken Shore > Netherhollow".
- Broken Shore > Soldier's Torment - Name changed from "Broken Shore > South Beach West" to "Broken Shore > Soldier's Torment".
- Ironforge > Cask 'n' Anvil (New)
Map Difficulties
- Throne of the Four Winds - Normal Scenario - Name changed from "Throne of the Four Winds - Shaman Class Mounts - Normal Scenario" to "Throne of the Four Winds - Normal Scenario".
The Burning Crusade
- Throne of the Four Winds - Name changed from "Throne of the Four Winds - Shaman Class Mounts" to "Throne of the Four Winds".
Unknown Types
- Even the dead need a lift every now and then. - Unknown Type. Spell #239363. "|cFFFFD200Legacy|r"
Cathedral of Eternal Night
- Step 01: Unknown (New) - Defeat Mephistroth and place the Aegis of Aggramar within the top of the tomb before you are overrun by the Legion.
- Step 01: Unknown (New) - Defeat Mephistroth and place the Aegis of Aggramar within the top of the tomb before you are overrun by the Legion.
The Assault on Broken Shore
- Step 07: Engine of Souls -
Sabotage Mephistoroth's command shipSabotage the Soul Engine. - Step 08: Pillar of Fire (New) - Destroy Mephistroth's command ship.
World Map Areas
Felwing Ledge - Demon Hunter Class Mount
- Mardum, the Shattered Abyss (New)
The Ruby Sanctum
- The Ruby Sanctum (New)
World Safe Locations
Broken Isles
- 7.2 Order Hall - DK - Daumyr Bombing Safe Location (JLW) (New)
Pit of Saron - Death Knight Campaign
- Death Knight Campaign - Pit of Saron GY (New)
The Assault on Broken Shore
- 7.2 Broken Shore Scenario - Graveyard 2 (New)
New Strings
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
- BLIZZARD_STORE_VAS_ERROR_INVALID_BNET_ACCOUNT (New) - Error: Invalid destination Blizzard Account.
- BRAWL_TOOLTIP_MAP (New) - Map: %s
|cFFFF0000Inactive +%d |4Rank:Ranks;:|r %s+%d |4Rank:Ranks;: %s - RELIC_TOOLTIP_RANK_INCREASE_RANDOM (New) - +%d |4Rank:Ranks;:|r |cFFFFFFFFRandom Minor Trait|r
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